Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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12 days ago
Current The outdoors be like: "This mf forgot his Zyrtec, get his ass!"
17 days ago
At last, the correct amount of garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄
2 mos ago
I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
2 mos ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
3 mos ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
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"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

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The Prince of Heston needs your help! A handful of adventurers are needed to help solve the mystery of the Saltaire disappearances! Enlist today!

The story goes something like this:

This is the City of Heston. The City of Heston is divided into several wards, or districts. These Districts hold certain facilities, social classes, that Kind of stuff. One holds most of the Schooling, another holds most of the Fishing and dock stuff, while another is responsible for central government. Each District is "Governed" by a noble or other such person with considerable political power. These people would handle petitions, small time court hearings, and if need be, would talk directly to the King or Prince in the Central Ward.

As of now, the King of Heston is currently away on a diplomatic mission and the Prince is left to run the city for a short while.

For this story, we are going to be focusing on the Saltaire District, as the title says. This district is home to many small businesses, commoners, and artisans. About a day after the King left people started disappearing en masse from the district, and within just a couple of days, nearly the entire district had disappeared, and was sectioned off. Nobody was allowed in, and those that came out were frothing madmen.

This is where you come in. You, a moderately experienced adventurer are wanted by the Prince to investigate the district, as well as a few others that had been sent in before you. A select few will be chosen to go in the district, and report any and all findings back to the Prince.

Welcome to my RP. This will be based off of a Pathfinder and 5e adventure that I created a year or so prior. Now, you don't need to necessarily know anything about Pathfinder or D&D, just have a basic understanding of fantasy elements, which isn't really a whole lot. Elves, magic, gods, the usual.

I myself will not be playing a specific character, but rather, several throughout the story, like the guys sent in before you, the prince, the antagonist, etc.

You can play multiple characters if you just can't decide on a concept, or if you like playing multiple characters.

As for guns, there will be early guns. Flintlock pistols, muskets, that sort of thing. Most are expensive and hard to acquire, and will take a while to reload, however, they can be quite powerful is used correctly. They can tear through leather, seriously injure those is chainmail, and can put a dent in Platemail. Just know that most people aren't going to have a firearm.

You may play as any non-monster race. I don't mean Centaurs or Minotaurs, but races like Bog Creepers, Beholders, or Chuuls. No, you can't play as a Sandworm either.
There won't be levels per se, but on the 1-20 scale you'd be the equivalent of about level 8.

I'll go more into detail on game mechanics once we get into the official thing going.
Well, that's five now. I'll see if I can't drum up a little more interest, but I'll do my best to get up the OOC tomorrow.

The Prince of Heston needs your help! A handful of adventurers are needed to help solve the mystery of the Saltaire disappearances! Enlist today!

The story goes something like this:

This is the City of Heston. The City of Heston is divided into several wards, or districts. These Districts hold certain facilities, social classes, that Kind of stuff. One holds most of the Schooling, another holds most of the Fishing and dock stuff, while another is responsible for central government. Each District is "Governed" by a noble or other such person with considerable political power. These people would handle petitions, small time court hearings, and if need be, would talk directly to the King or Prince in the Central Ward.

As of now, the King of Heston is currently away on a diplomatic mission and the Prince is left to run the city for a short while.

For this story, we are going to be focusing on the Saltaire District, as the title says. This district is home to many small businesses, commoners, and artisans. About a day after the King left people started disappearing en masse from the district, and within just a couple of days, nearly the entire district had disappeared, and was sectioned off. Nobody was allowed in, and those that came out were frothing madmen.

This is where you come in. You, a moderately experienced adventurer are wanted by the Prince to investigate the district, as well as a few others that had been sent in before you. A select few will be chosen to go in the district, and report any and all findings back to the Prince.

Welcome to my RP. This will be based off of a Pathfinder and 5e adventure that I created a year or so prior. Now, you don't need to necessarily know anything about Pathfinder or D&D, just have a basic understanding of fantasy elements, which isn't really a whole lot. Elves, magic, gods, the usual.

I myself will not be playing a specific character, but rather, several throughout the story, like the guys sent in before you, the prince, the antagonist, etc.

You can play multiple characters if you just can't decide on a concept, or if you like playing multiple characters.

As for guns, there will be early guns. Flintlock pistols, muskets, that sort of thing. Most are expensive and hard to acquire, and will take a while to reload, however, they can be quite powerful is used correctly. They can tear through leather, seriously injure those is chainmail, and can put a dent in Platemail. Just know that most people aren't going to have a firearm.

You may play as any non-monster race. I don't mean Centaurs or Minotaurs, but races like Bog Creepers, Beholders, or Chuuls. No, you can't play as a Sandworm either.

Interacting with @knifeman and @Aviaire

The line moved surprisingly fast, leaving little time for Daniel to admire his previous purchase. Almost his turn, he looked up at the menu above the cashier. He fell in love with the first thing he saw. Beer cheese filled pretzel bites. Two customers and a debit card swipe later, Daniel had a fairly large plastic cup filled with the Pretzel bites.

The first thing he did upon leaving the shop was throw one into his mouth. A little heavy on the salt, but the ratio of beer cheese to pretzel was pretty good, considering how fast they had to make them.

He popped in one after another as he wandered around the room, looking for more things to do. He also needed to remember what he was here for. It was something about meeting an Uncle or something. Apparently he had something for the museum. He was supposed to meet him tomorrow, so tonight he could just do whatever. His dad had given him $800 to cover hotel expenses and anything else he might need. And he paid for the airline tickets.

Eventually running out of pretzel bites, Daniel looked down disappointingly at the empty cup. Throwing it into a nearby trash can, he looked around for an exit of sorts.

Rather than finding an exit however, Daniel found a woman tending to someone who seemed to be bleeding. Daniel walked over to the pair and saw that the person had a bleeding eye.

"You hit your head or something, man? You want me to get you some ice? I'm sure I can get some from one of the shops."

Daniel knelt down to get a closer look, whe he noticed a look of almost shock on the victim's face. Turning to look at what he was looking at. The person previously tending to him had some sort of glass figure floating around her.

"Oh that's cool. Is that like a drone on something? Where'd you get that?"
Aaaaand it's dead.

Daniel had just gotten off of the plane and arrived in the waiting room. Why was he here again? He couldn't remember, but he was here now, and taking another eight hour flight back home wasn't exactly on the top of his to-do list.

Aside from the peanuts and water on board the plane, he was starting to get pretty hungry. Looking around, many shops were closed, and the few that weren't seemed pretty packed. A pretzel shop was open, but the line looked pretty long, maybe he should try somewhere else first. Upon looking further one shop, seemed less densely packed than the rest: a Knick-Knack shop selling various souvenirs.

Heading inside, Daniel wandered looking for anything that caught his eye. He ended up landing on a model of an old WWII airplane. It was a rusty red color, and fit in the palm of his hand. Well, it would, if it weren't for the thick plastic packaging containing it.

Waiting a surprisingly short amount of time in line, Daniel had purchased his new toy. Deciding to try and get a closer look, Daniel attempted to free the plane from the plastic. This was the kind of stuff you'd need scissors to open. Either that or a Sword or something... Wait.

Daniel held out his hand, and Dragon Slayer appeared. With a swift, dragging motion, the plastic was cut open. Daniel put his hand back to his side, and the sword disappeared. He had to admit, having Dragon Slayer was quite useful for stuff like this. And apparently nobody could see it. Well, there was 9ne person who commented on it, but he was a passing stranger and never seen again by Daniel.

Looking back to the Pretzel shop, the line was slightly shorter, and Daniel headed to the back of it, admiring his new plane.
I'd certainly hope so, but right now it's up to the other two
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