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Somebody owes me a new cinnamon roll!
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@Lord Wraith Yes I beleive the words I used were "Thank you, I don't want it right now but I will eat it later." That was yesterday at around 4pm, he ate it sometime between 11am and 8pm...
1 yr ago
If your roommate bought you food and you decided to save it for later, what is the acceptable time frame for it to be in the fridge before at is fair game? Discuss.
1 yr ago
Spring break! Means lots of time to write. ^-^


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Princess Annalise
Interaction with @Vampiretwilight

Annalise and Prince Alexander made it to the dance floor with little to no interruption. She could feel the glare from the Prince’s sister. She smiled at the Prince and glanced at his sister when they made a turn that allowed them to lock eyes. She only briefly returned the glare, almost daring the other female to make a move, and then her attention went back to the Prince she was dancing with. “Siblings can be such a royal pain, it's always best to remove oneself from the situation when things get heated, I have found.” Her gentle smile persisted as they danced. The nobles who were previously staring at the forign siblings arguing and either gone back to what they were doing, or were now gawking at the two of them dancing, the situation seemed to have cooled off for the most part. Besides the angry foreign Princess who was likely still glaring daggers at them.


Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan
Interaction with @Wolvena

Gil smiled at Marabella’s reaction to his statement. He was glad he had managed to get her to actually smile and even laugh. He nodded when she said he was thinking too hard about it. “I have been known to overthink simple things. My mother told me the same thing when she was teaching me these dances. I suppose I am too focused on not making a fool of myself and bringing my partner down with me.” He managed to get into a rhythm as he spoke, not thinking as hard as he was about the dance itself. It still wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. “In my country, dances are far less...structured, all about feeling the music. Not at all about following certain steps. The only form of structured dances we have are sword dances, if you mess up with those you risk getting stabbed.” He shrugged as if getting stabbed was no big deal. For the thick skinned Orcs it really wasn’t but Gil didn’t realize that wasn’t the case for other races. He forgot his kind was generally heartier than humans.

Princess Annalise
Interaction with @Vampiretwilight

Watching her sisters interact with the Prince’s in question she stood with a sigh and decided to head to the last available one. Figuring whatever frustration he had with his sister had at least lessened she decided to attempt to remove the Prince from the situation. She approached him with her usual soft smile. “Excuse me, would you mind joining me on the dance floor?” She had expertly positioned herself between the Prince and his sister with her back to the female in question. She offered her hand to him in hopes he would accept the invitation to dance, if for no other reason than to get away from his sibling.


Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan
Interaction with @Wolvena

Gil gave Marabella a gentle smile glad she had accepted his request to dance. He led her to the floor to join the rest who had already been dancing. “You will have to forgive my clumsiness, this country’s dances are very forign to me. I will do my best not to step on your feet during this, I make no promises.” He chuckled a little as they started dancing, hoping joking about his short falling would make a genuine smile fall upon her lips. He could tell the sisters had been sporting generally fake smiles during this whole event. The same smile he had seen his mother sport when dealing with the more difficult chieftains of his country. He was indeed clumsy during the dance but he would indeed avoid stepping on her feet in the process.
Okay I will get a post up in a bit for both Annalise and Gil when I am done eating. ^-^
Well seeing as 2/3 Princesses are/probably will be on the dance floor with 2/3 Princes you could have your prince ask Annalise to Dance, or if you would like we can move the story along.

It's really up to you though, Your Prince seems to shy to maybe make the first move so I could always have Annalise go to him.
I would like to agree with the "He's adorable" statement. ^-^
Aw poor Mai. She will realize that Ana said that stuff, not because she thought Mai was weak, but because Ana plays Mama Bear to pretty much the entire gang. ^-^

Princess Annalise

Annalise finally got a break from dancing when one of the Princes had a rather loud outburst. He had been the quiet one out of the bunch so she hadn’t exactly shown much interest toward him. He hadn’t shown much interest in her to be fair so it was a fair trade. She furrowed her eyebrows at the rather mean things he said to his sister. Sure she and her siblings had fought but it was usually in private. She remembered sitting through a dinner with a few of the Lords of the land absolutely furious at one of her sisters for something she couldn’t even remember anymore, but still, none of the Lords had any clue because she remained silent about it.

Deciding to take the shock of the nearby onlookers as a chance to take a break, Annalise found a seat to the side to rest her feet and legs. A servant came by and offered her a drink which she happily took, and gracefully waved away anyone that came to her looking to dance. At least for now, she needed a break.


Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan
Interaction with @Wolvena

Gil looked up from a conversation he was having, to the Prince who had the outburst. It didn’t really bother him. It was common in his country for him and his siblings to suddenly start brawling, weaponless of course, for little to no reason. So a dispute among siblings was common ground for him. His eyes landed on one of the Princesses who had just entered. Deciding it was time to ask one of them to dance, he handed the glass he had in his hand to Aldan and walked toward Bella. Out of the Princesses he had an interest in, he had not been able to speak with her due to the circumstances.

He walked up to her, the sea of nobles around her parting for the larger green skinned male. “Excuse me Princess, would you care to dance?” He asked her in a way that felt way too formal, even for him. Still he offered his hand in case she chose to accept. If he was being honest this country’s dances confused him but he had learned them nonetheless, although he was a little clumsy. There would be no fancy spins at least, just the basic movements. “After all, I haven’t had the pleasure of truly meeting you.” He added, waiting for her response, avoiding the subject of her previous situation as best he could.
@Wolvena Its all good.

I have post incoming. Had one waiting for when everyone else entered the ball that I am editing accordingly . ^-^






Behold Marco and Maria in all there ginger twin glory (formatting went a little wonky but it still works.)



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