Avatar of Lurking Krog


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3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
1 yr ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
2 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
2 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
2 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.


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So err...

I got a 3.

Which, given Flicker has a +2 for initiative, make that a Nat 1.

By the way yall, happy one year. I probably missed the exact date but we've made it past one year.
@XxFellsingxX Well you've been playing for nearly a year on here as Witchlight has been up for that long already. Honestly I didn't think it's been running that long already. By the way you've been playing I've figured you were not really all the new to DnD.

Heck this one is nearly a year old now that I look at the dates.

Edit: I forgot to add the not to the details.
Oh well guess I guessed better than I had thought.
By having Zavakri force the long rest by boring Brutrumukk it kinda takes away your decision as the player to carry on. Least that is how I think Haruki is interpreting it.

Ignore this as I was wrong.
Aurora would be impartial to it as well.
Hey they left the big red button out for him to push. It would be disrespectful for him to ignore their curiosity lol.

That's a 7. Guess there is gonna be some retribution for the button pushing lol.

The trudge through the swampy terrain was an inconvenience but more progress would be made this way than by the raft with the water levels this low. Before she even looked towards the sound that was approaching, the smell of the stew caught her nose. The legged structure did cause her own suspicion to rise but the fact that both Gabe and Brut walked into the inn with no caution didn't leave Rory many options. She quietly walked in behind Gabe and attempted to stay slightly hidden behind Brutrumukk and Jub.

As the two went on asking their questions, and finding out Bavlorna Blightstraw had her minions take the drink from the inn. Aurora looked up towards where Jub was perched on Brutrumukk's shoulder. "You ok Jub?"
Well that's not entirely what I had expected. I suppose that make sense with this being the Feywild.
In regards to the clip you shared, I think that's reasonable depending on the situation. It keeps the boss from getting blasted in two rounds of combat due to bad rolls and let's the players all do their thing. I would probably use it for more narrative play.
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