Avatar of Lurking Krog


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Is it just me or has the number of ads increased rather dramatically? I'm seeing them in the middle of people's posts now.
1 yr ago
Did not expect to see a new mobile layout today. Definitely different and it'll probably take some getting used to.
2 yrs ago
Hello vampiretwilight.
2 yrs ago
They don't dark. That dignity left awhile ago with the earlier secret lairs. Though I do still enjoy MtG and D&D personally.
2 yrs ago
I don't think I'd be able to drink only one cup of coffee in the morning or a day. Then again I've started measuring my consumption in ounces most recently.


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Most Recent Posts

@Dark Cloud@Lurking Krog
Do you want to add anything for the Hut before I write the next DM post?

I do not at this moment, this weekend has been a bit busy and it looks like this week and next weekend are going to be equally busy. I also feel that Fading Memory's post covered what needed to be said.
I think I'm going I need to pass on this. I do hope it goes well for you over there.

"Such deals always seem great at first. In the end are you not still just a dancing puppet whose strings are pulled by greed no? Who do you think gathered the cultists and provoked them to attack travelers? How long before you are killed for the hag so she can collect and sell your soul? You got the work we didn't want part of, and I'm pretty sure we were not the first nor will you be the last." As the earth genasi finished his statement, he grabbed his mug and quaffed the beverage. He realized that the others had their attention drawn to the child who was approaching. The glimpse he saw of the blade and armor was enough for Jørmund. The scimitar was finely crafted, far more than what a child would be trusted to carry or posses. There was something about it that seemed supernatural, the armor, javelins, and shield had the same hint in it. The coin embedded in the cross guard caught his attention. He couldn't make out the design but some pieces started to fall into place.

"This should be amusing. Mind you all that it appears this child has dealings with something not of this plane. Do with that what you will." Jørmund gestured to the scimitar and the coin embedded in it.
@rush99999 when the kid gets closer can Jørmund make a history of religion check on the iron coin if it has any iconography on it?
I'll look into it some more when I have a bit more time. I can let you know by tomorrow if that's OK.
@Randomguy I'm not familiar with that forum, too be honest I've pretty much limited myself to the side of RPG after awhile.
Gonna try to get a post up later today. Had one started but let the time lapse without noticing how much time had gone by.
Cool, I've got an idea for a character just got to work out the details aside from class and race. Character would be a male Colovian Imperial ranger, formerly a member of the Imperial Legion.
@rush99999 Could Jørmund see the blade well enough to guess the quality of it, or tell if it is more for show than practical use?
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