Avatar of Malevocholy


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6 mos ago
Current "Weird hill to die on, but at least you're dead."
1 like
8 mos ago
@Vampiretwilight - Condolences.


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<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

*Goes back to analyzing the fight*

*Watches the fight as well*
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>


<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Oooooookay then.

*Stares at you with an unimpressed look*
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

*Sticks my tongue out at you*
Fine, be like that.

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

You’re not very talkative, huh?

I'm surprised you noticed. You must be quite perceptive.
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

“Regular’s” a stretch.

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Okay, so what’s their deal?

They're regular musicians.
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Are you their lookout or something?

You're so intuitive.
<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

Where’d you come from? You with those guys?

<Snipped quote by Malevocholy>

What, you mean over here? Sure, there’s sort of a “two sides” thing going on.

*I give a questioning look*
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