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In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
I don't really want to cause any drama, but is it really a good idea to accept more mods? I'm sure that people on here just want better mods than a few more roaming the site. Also, what are going to do about the mods that haven't been active on here for more than two months?
In Site Mod Selection 4 yrs ago Forum: News
(Original post was deleted and moved to a different thread by me)

Actually, are the news mod going to be divided by sections of which site or are they just going to be roaming around?
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>

There are contingencies in place for that...but ultimately up to him

...Are you going to explain some of them? Give us an idea? Surely, we at least deserve to know something.
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>

Me personally over a week.

I can't answer what is or is not in his heart.

oof. That doesn't sound good. Are you and the staff ready if Mahz decides to retire? Can you guys really do anything on this site (besides making PWs)? Or will you just make a new one?
In Ask an Admin, v2. 4 yrs ago Forum: News
I know a lot of people want to talk about the way Ruby's behavior as Co-Admin, but I want to ask something about the state of the site. It has been seven months since Mahz lasted posted about updating the site. I am worried that the site will just break one day or become outdated and nobody will be able to fix/upgrade it. So my question is: Have the staff been in contact with Mahz? And if so, does he care about this site anymore?

Bates took a moment to scan Badger as a way to make sure that he was the one command sent. The smartwatch was a safe bet that he was indeed a Division agent. While the civilian clothing was a questionable choice, there weren't many options that SHD had given the world is still on fire. Bates got up from the desk and responded, "Nice to see you, Badger. I am Firefly."

After the introductions, Bates got into contact with command to confirm the meetup and started heading outside. There were a few seconds of silence before Overload told both him and Badger their new objective. "Head for the Post Office and search for any remaining JTF survivors. If there are none, attempt to find out what happened. Over."

"Over." Bates answered before asking a question. "What about the checkpoint? Over."

"Another team is on route to get it back online. Focus on the new objectives. Over." Overload went dark shortly after giving the answer, leaving the pair on their own. Once outside, Bates pulled up the map to check out their current position. It was going to take them fifteen minutes of walking to get there, but there weren't any other alternatives. He noticed that the nearby bus terminal was safe to enter, while several adjacent buildings were marked as contamination zones (meaning they were infected with Green Flu). Bates took a moment to calibrate a route in his head and turned towards Badger.

"The best option is if we went on Forty Street and walked straight down Eighth Avenue to the post office. If we need to rest, the ideal places are either the bus terminal nearby or one of the buildings along the avenue. Just tell me whenever and we can visit there." Bates said to his new partner while the map disappeared and then started walking towards their destination. But, they were in for a wakeup call once they finally exited out of Interstate 495. Hundreds of vehicles were left abandoned by their owners as several dozen nearby buildings, including a church, were marked as contaminated with Dollar Flu.

However, the Port Authority Bus Terminal became one of many quarantine zones. Even then, it seemed like the truth was hidden from everyone, including the Division agents. Bates was horrified to see the city that he often visited in such disrepair. It was difficult to react to his first time seeing New York City in person other than video. He was about to say something when gunshots rang out and forced Bates to find cover behind a taxi. Several citizens were fleeing from the terminal as the gunshots kept ongoing for ten seconds. Two more (both men) ran out of the building, but they were gunned down.

One of them was dying on top of a car hood while the other tried to crawl towards him. But, two NYPD officers came outside and approached him. The man on the hood attempted to get up but was swiftly executed by one of the officers. The other cried out and desperately tried to escape for them; however, the officer placed his foot on his back. "We are going to ask the last time. Where are your friends hiding?"

"I won't want to upset Officer Mckinney, dude." the other officer said while searching the citizen's body for something. "She's a bitch if you go against her."

"Go.. to hell." the civilian mumbled and then spat on the officer. He received the boot to the face, breaking some of his teeth and nose.

"Well, it seems like you earned a spot in my to-kill list." Bates was still surprised to see the brutality of those officers. Even if they were in the right (which appeared to not be the case), they were breaking the oath made to protect and serve the city. He wasn't going to stand around and let them kill an incident. So, he came out of hiding and called out the NYPD officers. Both of them were quick to aim their pistols towards him.


Bates paused and slowly put his hands up as a sign of trust. "Listen, I am Agent Nathan Bates of the Strategic Homeland Division. I want to talk to you, but you have to leave the citizen alone."

The officers looked at each other and then started laughing. Mckinney avoided the offer and started arresting the citizen. She took a quick glance at Bates and said in a dismissive tone, "Pal, I have heard dozens of people calming to be in the military. You aren't the first. Now, leave us be, or you'll regret it."

Bates took a moment to scan Badger as a way to make sure that he was the one command sent. The smartwatch was a safe bet that he was indeed a Division agent. While the civilian clothing was a questionable choice, there weren't many options that SHD had given the world is still on fire. Bates got up from the desk and responded, "Nice to see you, Badger. I am Firefly."

After the introductions, Bates got into contact with command to confirm the meetup and started heading outside. There were a few seconds of silence before Overload told both him and Badger their new objective. "Head for the Post Office and search for any remaining JTF survivors. If there are none, attempt to find out what happened. Over."

"Over." Bates answered before asking a question. "What about the checkpoint? Over."

"Another team is on route to get it back online. Focus on the new objectives. Over." Overload went dark shortly after giving the answer, leaving the pair on their own. Once outside, Bates pulled up the map to check out their current position. It was going to take them fifteen minutes of walking to get there, but there weren't any other alternatives. He noticed that the nearby bus terminal was safe to enter, while several adjacent buildings were marked as contamination zones (meaning they were infected with Green Flu). Bates took a moment to calibrate a route in his head and turned towards Badger.

"The best option is if we went on Forty Street and walked straight down Eighth Avenue to the post office. If we need to rest, the ideal places are either the bus terminal nearby or one of the buildings along the avenue. Just tell me whenever and we can visit there." Bates said to his new partner while the map disappeared and then started walking towards their destination. But, they were in for a wakeup call once they finally exited out of Interstate 495. Hundreds of vehicles were left abandoned by their owners as several dozen nearby buildings, including a church, were marked as contaminated with Dollar Flu.

However, the Port Authority Bus Terminal became one of many quarantine zones. Even then, it seemed like the truth was hidden from everyone, including the Division agents. Bates was horrified to see the city that he often visited in such disrepair. It was difficult to react to his first time seeing New York City in person other than video. He was about to say something when gunshots rang out and forced Bates to find cover behind a taxi. Several citizens were fleeing from the terminal as the gunshots kept ongoing for ten seconds. Two more (both men) ran out of the building, but they were gunned down.

One of them was dying on top of a car hood while the other tried to crawl towards him. But, two NYPD officers came outside and approached him. The man on the hood attempted to get up but was swiftly executed by one of the officers. The other cried out and desperately tried to escape for them; however, the officer placed his foot on his back. "We are going to ask the last time. Where are your friends hiding?"

"I won't want to upset Officer Mckinney, dude." the other officer said while searching the citizen's body for something. "She's a bitch if you go against her."

"Go.. to hell." the civilian mumbled and then spat on the officer. He received the boot to the face, breaking some of his teeth and nose.

"Well, it seems like you earned a spot in my to-kill list." Bates was still surprised to see the brutality of those officers. Even if they were in the right (which appeared to not be the case), they were breaking the oath made to protect and serve the city. He wasn't going to stand around and let them kill an incident. So, he came out of hiding and called out the NYPD officers. Both of them were quick to aim their pistols towards him.


Bates paused and slowly put his hands up as a sign of trust. "Listen, I am Agent Nathan Bates of the Strategic Homeland Division. I want to talk to you, but you have to leave the citizen alone."

The officers looked at each other and then started laughing. Mckinney avoided the offer and started arresting the citizen. She took a quick glance at Bates and said in a dismissive tone, "Pal, you realize I have heard dozens calming to be in the military. You aren't the first. Now, leave us be, or you'll regret it."
What are y'all planning in terms of skills and abilities?


"𝖲𝗉𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗌, 𝗀𝗎𝗂𝖽𝖾 𝗆𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗌𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗈𝗍𝗂𝖼 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗌."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E

One, if not the only, thing that people will immediately notice is the armor set. Gil was gifted it by the elders before he was forced to leave Eerum. According to them, it once belonged to protectors of Khemrin before giving them up to join the Wardens. This one was placed inside of a cave by the Elders to safeguard it for the next generation. Sadly, it had been waiting for decades, and most of its original color was lost except for the blue. It was given a cleanup and new material shortly before Gil's exile. The helmet was inspired by desert birds that were once worshipped.

Gil had tribal paintings all over their body as a plead for the spirits to be watching over them. Loose clothing was essential to perform excellently in battle and to withstand the harsh heat of the Sychan.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y

Gil Totoun was born an orphan when his parents sacrificed parenthood for the life of a Warden and raised by the elders. It wasn't ideal for children to be raised within the watchtowers and forts scattered throughout the Sychan Desert. But for the Khemrin, it was their only chance to survive. According to the elders, Khemrin remained undetected to the outside world for centuries. That was until Vassidia arrived with plans of their own for the natives. And soon enough, nearly all of the tribes within Eerum were successfully assimilated except for Khemrin.

That was when the killings began.

Because of their devotion towards life in Sychan, Khemrin revered specifically desert birds as sacred, and their worship included the modeling of armor and clothes and tribal paint to emulate the birds. It resulted in outsiders mistaking them as bird/human hybrids and started murdering them. Men, women, and children had their lives taken without reason and cause. In a last-ditch effort, Khemrin's leaders sought out the Wardens to offer their services.

Given their knowledge of Sychan and its harsh conditions, as well as being centuries old, the Wardens agreed. But only if they renounced Khemrin. It was the ultimate sacrifice. The tribe survived the slaughter by letting their culture die instead. By doing so, they became the first generation of Wardens in the region and soon expanded across the desert, protecting the people that once feared them. When the Elders finished the story of Khemrin, they found Gil to be the only child genuinely interested.

As the years went, Gil started to adopt customs from the Khemrin with help from the Elders. Of course, it angered the Wardens. They didn't do anything beyond the usual punishments that teenagers got. That was until Gil found himself to be exiled for his homeland. With only a bag of coin and bread, they made the most of it and tried to live life in the place that he despised the most. Then, they heard rumors of an unusual illness that turned the ill into stone spreading at an alarming rate. It got bad enough that the High Lord sought out anyone capable of finding the cure.

Gil understood that such illness could spread beyond its borders and into Eerum, infecting their friends and loved ones. So, they signed up and revealed themselves to the High Lord.

▼ C H A R A C T E R G O A L S:

Gil doesn't care what happens to Vassidia and its people, but they aren't stupid either. Sooner or later, the Stone Blight will reach Eerum and infect everything it touches. That was why they answered the call. Even if their friends and loved ones hate them, Gil will do whatever to protect the Khemrin for a painful end.

▼ S K I L L S:

◼ Khemrini Warden | As a Warden, Gil developed their swordplay and shield stances over the years with patience and practice. Also, they were heavily taught about the core values of the Wardens from impartiality to solitary. In addition, the Elders incorporated Khemrini knowledge in secret, which included how to handle a bow and spear. And, more importantly, how to blend with their surroundings no matter their location. With these lessons in hand, Gil was prepared for almost anything shown to them.

◼ Naturalist | Being a Warden meant training in naturalism, which meant someone that examines nature. But living in the Sychan Desert made the profession a requirement from all Wardens. Furthermore, the elders also taught Gil forgotten knowledge of the wildlife from the tribe. It wasn't entirely useless beyond Eerum, but the lessons taught them to operate in desert and warmer climates.

◼ Perception | As a former Warden, Gil was already perceptive compared to everyone else. It wasn't improved until they were forced to live in Vassidia. Being mindful of their surroundings and the types of individuals in the area was necessary for them since he was an outsider. It was key to surviving at this stage of their life.

◼ Failure | Out of all the fears, there was one that got to Gil the most: failure. Failure to his tribe, friends, and himself. He would rather die than fail again.

◼ Obtruder | Besides being a foreigner in Vassidia, Gil was utterly different to everyone else. There were moments where people were clearly disgusted or distraught whenever they went out. Other moments involved being mistaken as a hybrid creature (which happened often) and openly insulted because he was from Eerum. As a result, Gil kept to themselves and only came out during the night to get the basics.

◼ Awkward | As a result, Gil became awkward around people due to a lack of social skills. And the fact that people avoided them because of their appearance. It made them anxious to be around folks since Gil couldn't anticipate their response to see someone wearing a helmet shaped like a bird. It also didn't help that they never took it off because it would have violated his beliefs and values from the Khemrin.

▼ N O T E S:

◼ Cooking | Out of everything that someone like Gil was talented at, nobody expected cooking to be one of them. If someone were to give them basic ingredients, they could turn it into a masterpiece worth taking time to eat. It was something that naturally came to them without any outside help other than advice here and there.
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