Avatar of Maxx
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 978 (0.27 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Maxx 10 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I'm bringing Dragon Cave back and no one can stop me.
4 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
I am back into this shit, I guess. Say hello if you'd like.
7 yrs ago
I am one with the force and the force is with me.
1 like
8 yrs ago
I have suddenly become deeply troubled.


"That's why we must eat the old people first. They can't have that kind of power."

I've been roleplaying for six years, and if I do say so myself I've gotten pretty good. I've been to many roleplay sites around the internet, and for right now I'm happy calling this one home. I write fantasy, high science fiction, and poetry. I'm involved in the Nerdfighteria community as well, making the world suck a little bit less one day at a time. Though sometimes it's rough and incredibly time-consuming, roleplaying has brought me some of my closest friends, some of the most genuinely awesome people I've ever met. This train is still going, and there's no stop in sight! DFTBA.

The Disappointment Club:

"What the fuck did I just read"

We're special-ed special forces, the most exclusive internet club that no one wants to join, and the most thoroughly disappointing group of individuals the world has ever seen (we even disappoint when it comes to disappointing). Together, we're quite possibly the best six friends the internet has know.

- @Junkmail : Living Proof That God is Dead.
- @He Who Walks Behind : I still won't forgive him for what he did to that starfish.
- @Dragonbud : Her Gregory Cosplay is fire.
- @Surtr : I think he's still trying to pimp me... Help.
- @Spoopy Scary : He's Greg.

List of Super-Power Pet Peeves:

-Shadow Powers
-Blood Powers
-Pain Powers
-"Dimensional Storage" Powers
-Spider Powers

Most Recent Posts

@Dragonbud Ur gay, but also that backstory almost made me cry. Accepted.

@Ghost Note Ur a bitch, but you are, also, accepted.
@JunkMail @SepticGentleman @Fernstone Accepted.

@Spoopy Scary Ur gay.



But also accepted.

Character Sheet:

<Map WIP>

Tithe is a single continent in a much larger, undiscovered fantasy world, with environments and fauna reminiscent of North America. Within the land of Tithe, many sapient races coexist, from the industrious humans to the naturalistic fey to the subterranean darklings. Many cultures and religions exist within Tithe, and because of this it is difficult to truly summarize its culture in a short snippet. Generally, Tithe is divided into fifteen regions. Most of the world’s population, about 60% or so, can be found in Southern Tithe, typically everything south of the northern border of Talbor, while the north tends to be less populous (and significantly more dangerous).

Eight races make their homes in the land of Tithe: humans, fairies, ostarans, darklings, orcs, hobs, auguries, and minotaur. Some races are widespread across the continent, while others are concentrated in specific locations. Nonetheless, each of these races have their own cultures and abilities that could make them helpful on the battlefield. Below, you fill find a brief summary of each race followed by a link to a google document containing more information on them for interested players.

Tithan magic is based around a phenomenon called The Pulse, a web which connects the life force of all living things. Through manipulating the pulse, one can alter the behavior or physiology of living things. Only fairies can utilize the pulse from birth, while all other races must consume a very rare artifact known as a Tear to use magic. Several schools of magic exist based on types of living things: animists, who study animals, botanists, who study plants, myconists, who study fungi, and somists, who study specifically the biology of sapient creatures.

“The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers.”
- Suzy Kassem

The diary of Abbot Edward Westerfell

Year 5061 of the 23rd Roc

Plenmos 18, Malza

The spring crops have begun to be planted. The brothers spent the last nine days distributing the abbey's seed reserves to the peasants and watching as they plowed. The peasant crop is good this year; they are hard workers with strong backs. Only one faced the whip for improper planting behavior. I should probably take the whip authority from Josiah- he enjoys it far too much.

As I left my morning prayers, I happened to notice a band of mercenaries traveling past down the old grain road. What a strange lot they were, creatures of all kinds: fairies and orcs and an augury with its most revolting charge. Indeed, I even saw one of the accursed ones with them, a cave-dweller strolling in broad daylight! My goodness, the monstrous have gotten so cavalier! I remember the days when such monstrosities would be chased back to their burrows beneath the sand! Now, these rowdy bands of outcasts will even approach a holy place such as this, their minds blank save for their wanton lust for blood and power.

We live in a time of such strife. Each day, one hears of another revolution quashed or another lord cutting down his brother in the name of reckless greed. Lords throw more money now at building armies than they do at tithes for the church or even the adornments for their own great halls. By the time most people hear of these affairs, it is on the lilting tongue of the bards who troupe from town to town, spreading stories of knights and heroes and warrior-princes smiting evil from the land. If only half of that was true...

To the contrary, the face of war should be this rowdy lot, these blood-soaked outcasts bathing in the crimson pool of another's greed. No one will tell stories about them, how they died for a cause they did not believe in, how they bled to assert political power unjustly derived. They serve no crown or master or philosophy, only their own desires for carnage and glory. Perhaps it is best they die a forgotten battlefield death. I'd shudder to think what such folk could do if they left a mark upon this world...

Soldiers of Fortune is a fantasy RPG set in the world of Tithe, a setting developed over many years by myself and several collaborators (some of whom are in this RP). This RP will follow a company of mercenaries as they navigate the contentious political landscape of Tithe's many governments, seeking fortune and glory on the battlefield. Tone-wise, the story will likely be similar to a slightly darker Fire Emblem, with a focus on the themes of comradery between outcasts and the struggle of personal power versus the greater good.

This is a closed, invite-only RP. The format is pretty causal— there's no minimum or maximum post length and no posting order. I'd prefer that writers try to post at least one per three days.

The Iron Pride Mercenary Company is in its tenth year of operation. Founded by Adam Bradshaw, the company is of relatively average note, known by some, but not all, in the business. They primarily operate in the human-occupied territories of Southern Tithe, such as Nepharie, Talbor, and Dolorod. In the past, the company has performed rather perfunctory and apolitical jobs: guarding caravans, hunting bandits or pirates, and occasionally capturing bounties. The company tends to be small for mercenary bands, but has been known in the past to be highly efficient for their size, making some of the more frugal government officials in Tithe fond of them. An Iron Pride mercenary can expect to make 5-6,000 Mona a year, roughly equivalent to $50-60,000 USD, counting for inflation.
69 nice

The danger seemed to have passed. Trent no longer felt the searing power of the apparition, and the only entities he felt now were Odessa and Finn. He let go of Isla and sat down on the ground with his knees close to his chest, just listening. These people seemed to know what they were talking about, Odessa especially, and that put him at some sense of ease. Trent covered his face with his hands to shield the sun from his eyes. His head still pounded; he felt like he was going to throw up at any moment. Where...was this place? It was grey and empty, but the sun still streamed down to bleach it all.

"<Everything they're saying about The Hound is right, far as I know,>" Saint Jimmy said, considerably quieter than usual. "<Let's hope we don't meet him.>"

"You...think they're right about the dream?" Trent whispered.

"<Fuckin' feels real to me,>" Saint Jimmy replied. "<But it's possible I guess. Let's hedge our bets though and not try to jump off buildings or anything.>"

"Wasn't planning on it," Trent whispered. He noticed that Finn had approached, the only friendly face he knew in this freaky place. He leaned his head against their leg. Familiarity gave him a bit of comfort. A tear dripped down his cheek, but he was silent. There was no way he could contribute— best let the "adults" do the talking.

Everything spun. Trent's head pounded. His stomach was twisted by nausea. Somewhere in the mental static and blunt trauma, Saint Jimmy whispered:

"<Fuck...fuck...fuck...we're going to die here. Get up, kid. Come on.>"

There was struggling outside of Trent's head too: fighting and banging and dust welling up along the ground. A piece of asphalt shrapnel bounced harmlessly along the ground in the dust in front of Trent's head. Dust and smoke drifted into his limited view. As he slowly pulled his head up, Trent heard screams.


There was an unnatural sound: a squishing, ripping, horrible sound. Then another scream.


Saint Jimmy's voice erupted in Trent's head like thunder.

"<HOLY SHIT!>" it roared. "<KID, WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE.>" Trent cried out in pain, and his vision went white. He blinked, and there was a hand at hiss back. Slowly, Trent rose to his feet, supported by the girl in the yellow hat. The kid with the guitar was helping Finn, who too seemed out of sorts.

"it's going to be alright, we just need to get away, so help me out here."

"Okay..." Trent said. "I can...I can stand...I think." He stood under his own power momentarily, staggered slightly, the world spinning, then leaned on Isla again, though less weightily. Part of him wanted to ask what had happened, having not seen it himself, but another part knew: there was a powerful spectral presence behind them, where he'd heard the ripping and screaming. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before, stronger than any graveyard phantasm, even stronger than the faceless creature on the boat. All of them together had no chance of fighting it; they had to run.

"I might be able to teleport us outta here if that thing tries to follow us."

Trent fought the urge to mention his aura: if they didn't get away from that thing, it could follow them and they'd all die. These were good people...he couldn't let himself be a burden to them-

"<Forget it, kid,>" Saint Jimmy said. "<You met these teenaged fucks an hour ago. All that matters is that we get away from this thing alive and in one piece."

"I guess..." Trent mumbled under his breath. He looked up at Isla "How far...can you teleport us?"
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