Avatar of MegaraFoxfire


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current Not sure why I’m still doing this.
2 mos ago
It’s my nine year anniversary today!!!
4 mos ago
So not sure how I’ll be the next little while. I lost my grandmother today. So anyone writing with me if I seem to vanish I didn’t mean to. Just a heads up.
5 mos ago
Very sick of people dropping without word. And vanishing without a word.
10 mos ago
Okay for all those I’m writing with, I’m not going to be on as much this week for I am on my own with the kids this week and I’m also trying to redo my office space. I promise I have not forgotten.


I am Megara Foxfire and I have been on the site for around 11 years now, old site then the new site. I am married to a wonderful man who makes me happy every day and I am a interior designer. I am at home with our daughter and son and I love to write to pass my time when I'm not cleaning my house or doing other wife things.

I love doing 1X1 role-plays and I love using thread or pms. I either go off my interest thread, which I have one that is more updated going or I have a list of characters that I am working on to base plots on. If you are interested in being partners just PM me and I'll talk with ya on ideas. I write causal, sometimes higher if the story grabs me.

I am up for anything as long as it doesn’t include kids or hurting kids or abusing them. I’m a mom so I don’t do well with it.

And I also run a Etsy Shop!

Most Recent Posts

Dante froze and muttered “what is she talking about…” he pulled blankets over her and started healing her himself. It hurt him to do it but he didn’t care.

Serena gasped in pain and Bane turned to her. “Hang in there Serena…can she feel this?” She shook under Maya hands, her body in a lot of pain now.
Serena flinched as Bane cursed and said “look, Sam is linked to her. We have to make sure he isn’t going to be infected as well. Serena looks like this was really bad on her system”

Dante nodded and sat by her. “I won’t leave you until you tell me to leave you…”
Bane pointed to Serena. “She was infected. Are you linked to her that it’s messing with you at all? That bug thing was buried in her neck by her spine. And why did you go on a killing spree?”

Dante moved and picked her up in one move. He carried her to the bed and laid her down. “I will find it, my darling…I swear I will”
Serena was in the back and looking out the window. “So what’s the plan?” John looked at her and said “we head to Seattle and find Kay’s sister then you snd I look into that god problem while Kay talks to her sister”
Dante frowned and said “is it important? To you is it important? I will go find it” he kept his hand on her cheek.

Bane cursed and said “it over worked VTs system. That’s what killed him. Then jumped to the one of us whose magic defenses was low. Is she going to be okay?” He looked back and said “Sam! Where are you!”
Bane ran with her and said “this explains whys she’s been so off since VT. I thought it was the grief. But she’s been infected for almost a day”

Serena looked at him then she passed out into his arms as the pair ran in. Bane cursed and moved to help lay Serena on her side. “What the heck is that thing? What was it doing to her?”

Dante made her look at him and said “Vos? What happened? What happened in here? Are you alright?”
Serena put the bags in the car and jumped into the car. “Let’s get going” she waved at josh as they pulled away.

Trish stood next to Josh and said “your worried about her. What does your gut say about this mission?”
Bane looked at her then froze. “Oh crap. This happened after we saw Serena’s brother. It either happened there or at that village we went to before…”

It was in deep, the toxin in her spine. It explained the up and downs she had been going thru. And why she seemed so set and stubborn. It was forcing her to work herself to death.

Dante ran to her and knelt down, looking truly worried and panic setting in. “Vos what happened? Are you alright?
Bane nodded and then paused again. “What if…it was what caused VT to shut down? And that thing jumped from the metal body to Serena?”

Serena was shaking and the scent was all over her. The demon bug was in her neck, injecting her with a toxin making her lose control.

Dante cursed and hit the door. “Vos! Vos answer me!”
Serena smiled and kissed him again. She said softly “please be safe…” she then turned and headed down to the car, praying this wasn’t a bad idea to go.

John smirked snd said “since he saw her fight that monster at the morgue…like a puppy smitten”
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