Avatar of Melo


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
I'd think a professional would be a better place to voice your problems and vent for positive reactions, rather than the status bar of an RP forum. But that's just me.
5 yrs ago
Respect isn't given, it is earned.
6 yrs ago
Case closed (3)
7 yrs ago
I hear french and all I can think about is "Omelette du fromage"
8 yrs ago
[@neurovoid] That article looks incredibly biased for one agenda. There are various articles that list differences in neural wiring and anatomy. Not to mention hormones from gender-specific organs
1 like


Something something... will write something here later.

Fun fact: I never did

Most Recent Posts


Make way for Father (5) : Kenzie calls on Aether to summon a piece of Erebus on earth, shrouding the area around Kenzie in absolute darkness for a few hours. This fog of pure darkness shrouds sight of people in a fifteen foot radius around Kenzie for up to ten minutes. Only Kenzie will be unaffected by this fog.

This should be

Make way for Father (5) : Kenzie calls on Aether to summon a piece of Erebus on earth, shrouding the area around Kenzie in absolute darkness. This fog of pure darkness shrouds sight of people in a fifteen foot radius around Kenzie for up to ten minutes. Only Kenzie will be unaffected by this fog.

Something can't last both a few hours and ten minutes xD

Noel leered at Davis. Sure, she had talked to several people in the last few days. But she only knew about one person in-depth enough for this to be applicable for. Her eyes opened wide. ”You can’t possibly imply…” Noel uttered. She looked at Davis with a face of disbelief. She looked around the room, but ultimately her gaze fixated on one person in particular. It was strange, but there was truly no other logical option that Noel could think of given the circumstances. She gritted her teeth.

She pointed her finger directly at her target. ”But why would you implicate yourself now? Davis Gallo?”
@ihinka I left the story pretty open. And there's still the other seven dragon gods. I don't know the lore you created, but you're free to fill that in any way you want if it helps you tie things in better.
@MeloI'm not sure I want my babies /if they even pass muster/ to be created and ruled by Akhyr

If you can think up a logical reason why your dragons don't have the same origin as all other dragons, sure.


Cyrus had a satisfied look on his face as Krista ripped the shirt off the paranormal investigator, revealing his sins to the world. He had no idea why they were still taking of the shirts of anyone besides Calvin, but it was a somewhat enjoyable show. He was keeping his clothes on firmly.

His eyes then fixed themselves on Lucas. ”You know… I’m really angry right now… but most of all dissapointed. He said. ”Did you really think it would’ve been worth it? That you could’ve gotten us all killed and gotten away with it? His laugh turned maniacal for a second. ”You are truly the worst kind of garbage.”

Noel in meantime was having a field day. If she ever got out of here, she would have enough material for an entire album. Surely there were some fans of the infinites to allow this to sell like hot cakes! Noel was a good reporter, truly, but it were the embarrassing paparazzi-like stories that really set her heart aflutter. They were her favorites not for their content, but for the reactions they brought out of people.

Cyrus chuckled a little at Davis’s question. ”Davis truly, I thought you figured out that much. He stated. ”Naturally this sick fuck’s objective wasn’t the damn phone call. You’re too focused on that to see the bigger picture. There is but one motive to murder in this place, and we knew it from the start!” He smirked triumphantly.

Noel shrugged. ”Well, who knows? Maybe he thought he could contact a spirit or something? She said, still absorbed in the chaos. It was impossible to tell whether she was serious or not.
He's done ^^ @Mae I'll leave it up to you to look over it and see if something needs changing.

All categories open
Friends: Rimguage @Mae If you want to keep it, we can keep it :)
Friends: Ophelia @Mae Fine either way :D
Enemies: Kenzie @Dusksong We couldn't find a good reason for these two to be enemies even in the old RP, so I think dropping this one is the best.
Enemies: Narcissa @Melo (yeah I needed that mention) I think I'll just drop this one.
The rest is gone, and would be removed.

All categories open! (need more lovers XD)
Love: Rimguage @Mae KEEPS
Love: Flydren @McHaggis I think this got rerolled to acquaintance
Love: Persephone @write KEEP
Love: Feir @Sarcelle Renard Fine either way on this one. I think you wanted to reroll your relations though?
Friend: Ophelia @Mae Fine either way. They did have a pretty cute dynamic though.
Acquaintance: Valerie @Filthy Mudblood Fits well considering the love pentagon. So I'd say we keep this.
Acquaintance: Flydren @McHaggis Fine either way.
Enemy: Eilidh @Dusksong Their hate was kind of petty. So I'm fine with dropping this one. What do you say?
The rest is gone, and thus will be removed

Geez, Narcissa y u so popular
@FamishedPants We basically just finished the first case. So you'd be able to drop in a pretty good point. So if you want to join I highly encourage you. THis is a perfect time :D
@Mae Made all the changes but one, since I had some questions.

For Kenzie's "The Elements," you had:
<Snipped quote> What does that mean? Like abilities 1 and 3? Or switch the 1 and 3 in the cost, thirteen?? (probably not the latter, but that's what I thought of first and gut impression is that I'm getting something wrong 0_0")

Here are the edited sheets for reference:

3:1 means your seventh ability slot (The way we note it is the ability:potency, so in this case the third ability, first potency). And then to limit it to one element. The free manipulation of three elements is way beyond what any of the other abilities in similar slots allow, even 3:2 slots.

An announcement: Narcissa's/Ylonia's 2:2 (fifth ability) has been changed. Mae has given consent for this.
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