Avatar of MesuOkami
  • Last Seen: 12 mos ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 267 (0.11 / day)
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    1. MesuOkami 6 yrs ago
    2. █████████ 7 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
Current Sure are.
4 yrs ago
At best, at worst.
4 yrs ago
Still alive x2. Check back in after Quarantine. If I don't, I'm finally as dead on the outside as I am on the inside.
5 yrs ago
Still alive.
6 yrs ago
This time… I hope for you these will be flowers of hope that never die.
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Casual to advanced RPs are preferred.
Anime fandoms, sci-fi, TV shows, Slice of life, handmade plots.

1x1s are something I also enjoy.

In your eyes

I lost my place

Most Recent Posts


Interaction with: @Grey Sama @Altered Tundra @BladeX@Eis  -- Location: West Gate -- Time: Present

Turning her head to Jaakuna, Kiku raised her mask over her head and tightened her lips into an uncomfortable smile. "Look, Im sorry about the Forest. I didn't leave to turn on you, it was honestly a misunderstanding...I assumed we were all against each other, I guess I just honed in on that and realized I needed to get that scroll before anyone else. On a team, in a mission, this mission - I wont abandon anyone," Staring into Jaak's eyes, the Kunoichi wanted to ensure  that he understood the truth pouring out of her mouth. She didn't exactly owe anyone an explanation, but after later revelation of misunderstanding the rules - she felt slightly embarrassed to be viewed as a traitor. Kiku lowered her mask back down over her eyes and turned her head as something caught her attention. A young flourishing energy bounding at them.

Kiku's head turned in the direction of the girl that was approaching them, yelling something about the Hokage. Of course she heard every word, the girl with little sight could hear every whisper in a few hundred feet radius - but apparently not the Hokages Instruction, kek. Anyways, Kiku lifted her mask raising an eyebrow at the young girl, "Sharingan? An Uchiha?" She mumbled, and watched as the girl enthusiastically insert herself into their team. Stealing Jaak's snack, and dashing off Kiku squinted her eyes at the young girl and dropped her mask - making a quick handsign she disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared in front of Nadia. Putting her hand out and onto the young girls forehead stopping her in place - Kiku bent down to get eye level. Taking her mask off to reveal her whitening lavender eyes that at one point perfectly matched her tremendous mane. 

"Look, uhm...no offense but you weren't selected for this mission. I'm not all too sure if you should come...." Looking to her approaching teammates she puckered her lips in deep thought. "What do you guys think?" She questioned, standing up right and placing her hands on her hips. Staring back to the young Uchiha girl and mulling around the idea of bringing her along. She wasn't exactly assigned, and was very young. This could either be a hassle or she could be of use.

Enviornment: Kyo/Havoc's farm - Time: 1 1/2 years in the Past - Interaction: @Syn @Write

A crackling fire blazed in the room, as the girl laid on her back - listening to the sounds of the rain hit the top of the house and caressed the sides of the house she called home. Though, it didnt feel like home with the absence of the only being she really ever gave a shit about. It had been 6 lowly months that the crazed girl had spent alone for the first time in 4 years. Kyokotsu had been along side of her mentor for years, and now his prescense was dearly missed. She raised her legs up  in the air and stared at her feet above her, as she still laid quietly on her back - a soft sigh escaped from behind her lips. Rolling onto her side, she curled into a ball and hugged her legs close to her chest as she continued to let the rain soothe her mind. The past 6 months had been a very dull life for the girl who was usually an ignited flame, ruining everything she touched. The solitude wasn't playing out well with her mind, she was far more talkative to herself these days. The days moved by so slowly,and keeping herself entertained as she awaited her Masters return like some dog was getting old - quickly. 

Rolling onto her hands and knees, and rocking back onto her haunches - Kyo stretched her arms out wide. The tendons and joins stretching after hours of lying on  the hardwood floor, pops could be heard from her joints as she continued. Standing, she sauntered out of the den into her room - which was one of the two sons that previously lived here. Thanks to Kyo, the whole family now lived buried behind the shed. Standing in the room, her eyes slowly traced the walls - they were grossly filled with dried bloodied marks. Tally marks to be exact, one for everyday that had passed by without Havoc. Some were a deep muddy brown, not mimicking the fresh red of the one she was about to add. Jumping gracefully onto the bed Kyo then bit her thumb, adding another blood mark to the wall. She slowly stepped back and stared up at all the days that had gone by. "He'll be back, soon. We know he will be..." Sinking to her knees, her eyes traced every day that had gone by - recalling every tally she had made and what she did on those days.

"Soon Senpai, soon..."

---- Present ----

Swiftly, Kyo made her way out of the town and towards a cave about a mile away - where she stored all of her clothes, and equipment for the time being. Ripping off every piece of clothing and throwing it, Kyo grumbled and huffed "That bitch,  fucking hiding our memories from us. She hid our memories so we wouldn't remember the kidnapping....too bad for the Lady. We'll get her soon enough...." She continued to ramble on about her plans on how to kill Yogensha - and then stopped dead in her tracks wide eyed. Her hands flailed out, "SENPAI!" Her eyes darted around the cave, as she quickly put on  her socks, skirt, top, and matching kimono. Tying the blue ribbon around her waist hurridly, "Its him..it has to be him...." She murmured, thinking back to the Jutsu used to shove the doors inward. His voice unfortunately had left her memories in the two years, but the way he spoke of her and defended her calmed the girl like no other. She hadn't felt that way in a very long time. Piecing together everything, she mulled the conversation over and over again in her head. Piecing everything together, her body was shaking with the possibility of him being so close to her.

Kyo retained the appearance of Jihiro, walking over she picked back up the mask and placed it over her own - well Jihiros face. Her black hair was still tied up high, and skin was a bit more tan than her normal albino look. Kyo grabbed her scroll, quickly tying it around her and to her back, then her sword. She then picked up a smaller scroll, and held it close to her chest "Oh its been so long...he's gonna be so excited" The jitters set in and she began to dance in place, and finally around in a circle. "But what if it isn't him...its just some weirdo..." Her arms slowly dropped to the sides, her right hand gripping the scroll. Her head cocked to the side and her eyes widened 'Well, we'll kill him of course...' that voice crept back into her head. "Oh, of course, of course..."

Off she went, bounding out of the cave and through the trees and rain as she headed back to Ame. "He has to still be somewhere around here...he has to be, he couldn't have gone far. Well, him and Lady Yogensha were fighting...we left before anything started. So he may have made a quick getaway and could be long gone now.." Growling to herself, the girl flitted quickly through the brush and terrain. Moving at a remarkable speed in order to get back to her target. "We'll just have to scour the perimeter and keep going out. Maybe find one of those sensory ninja and make th-" Stopping dead in her tracks - her eyes locked onto the figure standing at the opposing end of the field. Her mouth watered, this was a moment she had been dreaming of for a long time. Her eyes were shaking with anticipation as she stared at the figure across the way from her. He looked far different from the man she once knew, but Kyo also had changed. Or could continue to change -if anything. Kyo jumped forward half the length of the small field, landing a couple hundred feet away from him. Placing her free palm out to steady her fall, she landed gracefully and quietly. Rising slowly, she was adorned in all of Kyo's gear, but still retained the black hair, body, and face of the eliminated Black ops member. Through the eyeholes of the mask, Kyo examined the man and shook her head like a dog as rain beat down on both them. Her grip tightened on the scroll in her hand, throat seemed to dry as she stared at him - her body shaking with anxiety and excitement. She held the scroll out in front of her, and then opened it - making a handsign a cloud appeared and in that cloud was born Havoc's most prized possession. Grasping the Umbrella with both hands, Kyo opened it and then let go as it was suspended in air. She had quickly made a ball of air to encompass the Umbrella as it floated up above and behind her. "Does that Umbrella mean anything to you? Who are you? Why are you looking for us? You need to tell us everything..."

Reaching behind her, she unsheathed her sword - it made no sound though, as a traditional metal one would. This would be a new sword for Havoc's eyes to lay upon, it was a sword made of her own bone - it did not glimmer or reflect anything in the soft waning light that was making its way through the rain clouds. She pointed it straight at him, and smiled under the mask. "Does this spark a memory? I know who you are...I know its you...It has to be you..." Kyo wasn't even giving him time to answer. Her heart was deadest on it being him, her master, her Senpai. She pointed the katana at him, holding it with one hand the other dangling by her side. Tilting her head to the side, suddenly the girl's skin tone began to change - lightning to that of an albino. Bringing her hand up to her hair, she cut the hairband with a finger nail - as it fell down it also washed into her signature silver. The sound of cracking bones could be heard as her body underwent minimal effort to change back into her own true form. The mask moved slightly as the bone structure of her face rearranged. Finally, two horns protruded on each side of her head - they were black and sleek, a lot longer and bulkier than what Havoc had seen prior from the girl. 

With her free hand, Kyo brought it up to the mask - and gripped it with her whole hand. Slowly, she pulled it away from her face, revealing a golden and red eyed face - the red lines under her eyes forming as she dropped the mask on the ground. A wide-toothy canine sadistic grin adorned her face, her eyes locked onto his. No fear could be found, only the look of that of a manic. She took a few steps forward and threw her free arm out "Its us, Senpai..." One could tell upon closer inspection that tears, actual tears, were falling down the sides of her face at an alarming rate. Her breathing was erratic, body shaking as she moved closer to him. Katana still pointed at the being in front of her as she came a mere 40 feet away from him. Her crazed smile not leaving her face, as she scanned him up and down. Kyo wanted to reach out and touch him, but she also had the gnawing feeling that this could not be him. Always on edge, the girl gripped the handle of the katana tightly in her hand, gaining a better stance in case he was too attack. She had completely revealed herself - and there was only a few ways it could go.

Enviornment: Yogensha's Office/Ame - Time: Present - Interaction: @Odin Yogensha / @Syn Havoc

The guests of honor  made their way into the Chamber that Lady Yogensha, her assistant, and the black ops were situated in. Something was unsettling to Kyokotsu about the two that walked in - it felt as though something similar of familiarity radiated off of one them. Only her eyes moved under the mask to see her comrades tense with anticipation as the two glided into the room and were met with the ill figured Yogensha. Kyokotsu was then stifled as the man took no time to waste to begin his first question, pulling  a piece of paper from his yukata - he flattened it and presented it to the leader. Kyo could feel her heart race, and blood vessels tighten as anxiety rode through her body. It was her in the picture, her yes widened and breathing seemed to become more rapid as she listened to the man. "Important to you? 2 years? Maybe he wants to kill you...maybe he wants the bounty...so we should eliminate him now. No, no. We knew coming in here we would have to be good.." Her head twitched slightly a few times, Kyo folded her arms behind her back - digging her finger nails into her arm as she attempted to refrain from opening her mouth and divulging herself. The man bore no weight to her, his appearance was disheveled - a  long beard and hair - very thin. She wondered if maybe she had killed his family, leaving him to watch and soak in the blood and sorrows of what was left. The girl that stood next to the slender man also had no weight for Kyo. Her mind began racing with who would be looking for her, aside from the kidnappers from long ago.

Kyo then stepped forward and lightly grasped the paper from Havoc's hands staring at it - her hands shook as she looked from him to the paper - riddled with excitement. The crazed girl had no problem in sauntering forward, it was almost as if she wanted to test the waters and see if the man could sense her under the mask. Kyo quickly resumed a more calm demeanor and handed the paper to Yogensha - bowing as she stepped back into place with the other members. It was then the Leader of the Village spoke her name, and her pulse rose again. The scene unfolded like a movie as the sickly leader moved forward without her crutches, as if to show she wasn't as weak as she appeared to be. Though, Kyo could smell in the air that illness that hung thickly aside from visually seeing the appearance of the stoic Lady Yogensha. Her body rippled with anxiety as her past was divulged, the girl had no clue of her history - only merely remembering he kidnapping but a year and a  half ago. Somehow it being shoved and repressed to the farthest corners of her mind. Her body began to shake with this information that was being spat out like it was nothing, her earliest memories were that of being adopted out to Grams and Gramps. Her whole life had almost seemed to of been a lie, she thought she had awoken her Kekkai Genkai with Gramps, but it was much sooner than that - if they had taken an interest in her. Kyo had also been watched through the entirety of her life, unknowingly. This feeling of anxiety spilled through her, her breathing intensifying.

"They've been watching us...they know about us..." Tunnel vision ensued as her gaze locked onto Yogensha, forgetting that the plausible idea of her mentor was possibly mere feet from her. Lady Yogensha held a high stature in Kyo's mind, mainly because it'd be one of the best kills she'd yet to make. The most recognizable. But in her weakened state, would it be that much fun? Who cares.... Kill her now, she's been watching you. She stole you... This new voice arrived around the time of her awakening to her kidnapping. Her mouth salivated with the idea of lunging forward and ripping through the Village Leader. Her eyes shakily moved to Havoc, as his voice creeped in - it seemed to almost soothe her as she heard his defense of the young girl. In this time of self-realization, and epiphany's - Kyo had dug her finger nails into her opposing forearms. Blood slowly streaking down to her elbows - the first blood drop dripped onto the floor. The girl could care less who noticed, mainly because she herself didn't realize the mutilation  she was causing. This seemed to be anchoring her to the real world, not to snap. 

But it seemed to fail, though this snap was a different kind. Her attention was now brought forth to the door - sensing a shift of the energy in the room. Kyo looked back to Lady Yogensha, watching everything unfold rather too quickly. Her mind still trying to wrap itself around the idea of being under surveillance essentially her whole life. Kyo released her arms, blood dripping down to her fingers now and leaving behind droplets. She stepped back, bending her knees only slightly - ready to evade if need be. Trying to fufill the role of a loyal Black Ops member was rather hard when you wanted to tear through the throat of the woman that seemed to trail you your whole life. "Ive been right this whole time...there has always been someone watching me......" Her head twitched a few times too many to the right, as thoughts of spilling blood consumed her. Enraged her. She clicked her jaw together a few times, sweat beading up on her brow as the ideas of all the voices came into her head. The newest one was the smallest, and quietest. Her logical side berating the childlike one, screaming for a fallback. "But we can get her now..... No, we should leave. Plan for a better time. The window is right there," As the girl removed herself from reality to her personal argument. It was then that Havoc had made his move, and the traitorous faux Black Op's member recoiled from the group as they launched forward to protect their "honorable" leader. Kyo slunk back to the wall, and quickly shot one bone from her finger tip through the window and liberated herself from the room.

Promptly, the Kunoichi bounced from roof top to roof top, away from the scene of the soon to be crime. The rain still coming down in a rapid manner, she eventually stopped near the outskirts of town - heading towards where she hid all of her garb. Kyo sank down, squatting on the peak of a rooftop as her head craned towards the sky - letting the rain fall onto the mask. Pouring through the eyesholes, and streaming gently down her throat. Her hands were brought forward to the sky, and then balled into fists as she beat her head with them. Stopping moments later on her temples, and opening her hands. Taking in matted pieces of wet hair in between her fingers as they dragged down the sides, only this time, again, did the girl sink her nails into the sides of her throat. Bringing down skin, and blood pooling freely over her body. Her hands fell to her sides, and the wounds healed - leaving behind not race of damage she had just created. Only blood now being washed away by the rain.

She stood slowly, and looked back to the area she had just left. "Lady Yogensha..." She whispered, now positioning her at the top of her list. The most prized possession. What would she take from her? Her wardrobe was rather enticing, the beauty of the silks and threads. Her mind flickered back to Havoc, and she knew her plan. Kyo now had the information she had sought after for a while now, the light at the end of her delusional tunnel visioned gaze. She bounded backwards, and off towards the edge of the village - still keeping the form of the Black Ops member she extinguished. The lunatic would be back shortly, for now - she had to solidify her plan, and be the one to hide in the shadows and watch. Wait for the perfect time to execute her plan for both preys. 


Interaction with: @Syn @Odin @Spanner -- Location: Funeral -- Time: Past

The lavender Kunoichi stood assembled with the rest of the village. Matching in black with the rest of her student body, superiors and then some. She had never met the Hokage, but had a deep rooted respect for the man - as he did lead the village, and in a way encouraged her to become a better ninja. The respect of the man was deeply engrained from birth - one of respect and compassion. Though, the empath couldn't exactly show much empathy as many others- she had never met the Hokage. So this death was stifled for her in some way. Her fingers delicately pushed her glasses back upon the bridge of her nose, feeling Shizukas arm gently glide over her shoulders. Her hands lacing in front of her, the exams seemed to bring about a new life while in the midst of tragedy. Though this blossoming duo held no relevance to that of Konohas current predicament. 

She looked to Shizuka, staring at the boy that for some reason took an instant attraction to her. Through the trial the girl found herself enjoying the cool breeze that blew off the windy boy. Kiku looked back to the Hokage to see the change, her eyed widened with confusion as the transformation unfolded in front of her. Her hands clasped to her face as a gasp escaped her lungs - brows burrowing together in confusion. Her eyes scanned thr crowd seeing the bewilderment flow through everyone, conufsion ensued and a small rumble of voices could be heard collaborating on what had just unfolded before them. Her hands fell back to her sides as she examined the crowd around her, absorbing every emotion that was resonating from the beings around her. She swallowed a lump in her throat had formed, and leaned slightly into Shizuka. He for some reason could always settle the nerves of the Kunoichi. Something that dumbfounded her.

The mood seemed to switch as the man that stood before them reigining as the doppleganger settled the crowd in  just a few short sentences. He seemed at ease, confident, and commanding of the whole crowd. Like a light director, he knew the cues and scenes to play out amongst the crowd to perfectly set the emotion of the show that was laid out before the village. It was then after his speech, that the assistant rose forward and listed the names of those graduated. Her stomach tightened and  jaw clenched - the names weren't raddled off that quickly, but it seemed to fast. Did she miss her name? Kiku let out a breath, and crossed her arms - her demeanor changing to a guarded one. Her face turned towards Shizuka, and she smiled at him widely with closed eyes "Shizuka! You did it! I'll just have to try harder next time..." She opened her eyes to focus in on his face, and her eyes quickly shifted away. Jealousy gripped the young girls heart, but it also illuminated another pathway for the girl. She wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, and then held him out at arms length, "We'll have to celebrate". Though the girl was upset, she couldn't exactly ruin someone's else delight.

- A few weeks later -

The graduated Shinobi seemed to frequent her days. Typically in the later mornings/afternoons as to Kiku would wake up far too early to train - while the effervescent boy slept so purely.  He appeared at her home today, a rare sighting in the Kurama household. Somehow the boy had a breakthrough with her ever so overly protective father, and he appreciated the boys existence. It weirded out the young girl, as she watched them talk and seem to bond. Her eyes rolled too frequently, and one might assume she was malfunctioning. It almost irritated her as some days it seemed the boy came over only to talk to her father, which her father took a great delight in igniting the boys fleeting mind with stories of his past. Shizuka was quiet the conversator, and her father greatly fed into it. 

Though this time, Kiku and Shizuka were perched on the back porch of her home. He seemed to put forth more effort in ensuring that she knew she was a great ninja - mainly due to her not passing. It seemed to haunt the girl, as she now trained longer hours - but these hours also included far more stretching then previously. As her muscles were still damaged from the lava, the pain  was still noticeable as she lept, or attempted quick moves. Kiku couldn't tell if it was a mind over matter deal, but it seemed with her rigorous and dedicated training schedule - she was beginning to adapt to the pain, or possibly heal. As the two enjoyed the company of each other, Shinko appeared and elaborated a message to the two young ninja. Pursing her lips, she looked to Shizuka who also seemed to be caught off guard. A deep sigh released itself and she began to chew on  her lower lip, her concentration being caught short by his words  - Kiku turned to face him and smiled half-heartedly. "I don't think you should....These are orders from the Hokage. Despite how it makes us feel, we should have faith in each other. As comrades..." The girl smiled weakly at him, of course - she'd rather know his whereabouts. But after the dismissal of her graduating to a higher rank, she felt a need to just follow orders and execute them perfectly to hopefully advance. 

It wasn't but mere seconds later there a shift in the wind, and that a black eyed Shinobi landed in front of them, followed by a vibrantly red-headed Uzumaki boy. Kiku blinked a few times out of confusion, and watched as he rose - and listened as he addressed them so smoothly. He was a Shinobi Kiku knew by name, but never once had she heard him speak. Kiku then inhaled sharply over his next sentence, her eyes narrow. Clearly, it was looked down upon by many due to her actions of abandoning her team - and now Shizuka seemed to be taking the brut of the blame. Before she could open her mouth to detest his sentence, Sakana left his distaste of their leaving on the floor in  front of them - and removed himself to the rooftops. Next, the Uzumaki boy voiced a short but sweet and effective sentence - following Sakana soon after. Arms crossed, she narrowed her eyes and watched them both leave -  her gaze fixated back on Shizuka. "I don't think we'll live that one down..."  She huffed, and then gave him a quick hug resting her hands on his shoulders as she pulled away - "Go on, I'll be fine, and so will you. We'll see each other again, I should gather my things and go find my team as well".

- Hours later

Interaction with: @Grey Sama @Altered Tundra @BladeX Location: West Gate/ Konoha

After what seemed to be a wild goose chase, Kiku had finally found every member of the Special Forces team she had been put on and was now standing with all 4 members, herself included, of the new founded team as they deliberated over their situation. Kiku had already worked with Jaakuna and knew of his abilities, though wasn't sure if he wore the disdain all the others did for her leave during the Forest of Death trial. The other was Kaba. The boy was in her class, and though she had never spoken to him much - she never felt ill will to the boy. The hardest to find was Ryoko as she had no idea who the girl was. But so far, so good - she sensed nothing ominous emitting from her.

"Well, since Ryoko is from Kumo - we should let her guide us around and take lead," Kiku spoke to Kaba and Jaakuna - appearing to take on a leaderly role. "If you guys have everything you need, we should leave now". Kiku had a backpack, as well as her usual black and purple garb. The backpack containing minor details for a successful travel to Kumo. Kiku felt a bit nervous for the travel, only because of her legs and the muscle damaged, it had decelerated her movements but may have only been noticeable to her. "Ryoko whats the best way there?"

Enviornment: Yogensha's Office/Ame - Time: Present - Interaction: @Odin Yogensha / @Syn Havoc

It had been 2 years of roaming solitude, 2 years without her companion that she had grown accustomed too in only a 4 year span. Now at the brimming age of 20, which Kyo didnt even know her own age, the young horned maiden was full of exuberant life. She had nobody these past two years to subside the demon inside of her....well, demons. The girl was a very interestingly dressed little thing - adorned in memories of some of her favorite trinquets she acquired over the years. The mask of an Anbu member hung from the right horn, covering the golden eye of the mismatched orbs - a pleasurable fight. This was also a very new addition to the walking china cabinet - merely only a week old. Also adorned on both horns was a rare posinous kind of flower gifted to her long ago that she continued to refind and rewear, at this point in  time she had found some lavender to pair with her horned bouquet. A very finely made Kimono ensemble that had a matching shirt and arm sleeves that matched her thigh high sock, a complimentary red school-girl styled skirt,  and no shoes. Of course, also with her was her scroll, katana, and her most prized possession - an umbrella. It held not much purpose for the girl except for fond memories of someone that one day she had hoped to reencounter. For now, the umbrella sufficed.

But today, she wasn't adorned in these beautiful and memorable items. Her signature silver hair, and different colored eyes were all masked by her reconstruction jutsu - she now bore black hair that was tied high upon her head, if her face could be seen it was a lot sharper - her eyes brown, cheek bones higher. The ANBU mask she had just recently began to wore came from that of an Ame black ops member named Jihiro Gensha - the girl put up a great fight, but alas Kyo finished the job she set her mind too. Stealing the girls identity and clothes, Kyo proudly strolled through Ame completely masked as another being. It was about a year and a half ago that tunnel vision set in as a repressed memory ignited a flame inside of her to find answers. Answers leading to her attempted kidnap at the orphanage, and of course when you're not a sane person - you believe that this could happen again, and again, and again. She had to find them, had to find them before they found her - all these years later. Kyo had it in engraved in her head to find them, so for the past year and a half she had been scouring all over the land for answers. Barely finding any, and making more enemies along the way which now lead these 'Dead or Alive' posters being laid around. The sight of them didn't send not a single shiver of fear down her spine, instead it was a challenge. 

The girl now stood in the office of the Leader of Ame, she hadn't spoke a word since arriving in Ame. Merely nodding, and keeping the mask over her face incase of giving herself away. The young girl may not be all right in her mind, but for serious situations it seemed the more intellectual side of her split personality came forth to take control of the reigns of the demon that constantly poked and prodded her to kill. "We need these answers, so don't fuck it up....But think about it, the best kill is right here. In  this room. We could kill a leader.." She thought to herself, her head twitching slightly to the right. Kyo examined the room - taking in all o f her 'fellow' Black Ops members. She pursed her lips under the mask, wondering if any of the people here were directly affiliated with the kidnappings. How many could she take out just right here? Maybe the whole room if she really tried...But she was amongst some of the elite. Kyo watched as the lovely yet sickly Yogensha sauntered into the room, accompanied by her assistants. Kyo's eyes glued to her, breaking down the ill woman in her mind. "How easily one could just slice her throat in this weakend state...." Her mind began rolling with thoughts, she laced her fingers behind her back and inhaled deeply. The excitement of just leaping forward and killing a great figure - dismantling a nation. The idea of it almost made her drool. "Don't...even think about it..." This time the words bubbled past her lips lowly, her head twitched again as she continued to argue with herself mentally. Quickly, she regained herself in hopes that nobody had seen the very very minor manic episode.

Kyo's head turned as she listened to Yogensha mingle with her assistants - some powerful figure was to come and meet with the Madam. This really held no interest to her, she wanted answers on the orphanages and kidnappings. She needed to find them, and soon. Now with her face plastered all over, it could lead to them finding her first. Unless he kept this guise for a while, she wouldn't have to worry about that. She wondered how long this would take, the longer she stood her - the higher her anticipation rose with ideas of how to slaughter every single being in this room. Her eyes moved back to Yogensha - wondering what her sickly blood would taste like, and how much chakra she could absorb through it. "Are you okay Jihiro?" A deep scratchy voice softly came from the body next to her, she didn't respond instead continued to stare forward, "Hey Jihiro" The voice came again, this time with a bump to the shoulder - she turned her head to see a male standing a bit taller than her, he wore the same outfit as her - his face covered by a mask. She nodded, and turned her head forward. "You're a lot more silent than usual..." Kyo clenched her jaw, and swallowed a lump in her throat "I'm just tired is all..." The voice matched that of the girls, thanks to the DNA sample - Kyo had everything she needed from a simple drop of blood. Kyo then faced back towards Yogensha, her heart beat starting to increase with the excitement of everything. Now she almost wanted to be found out. But she was creeping in closer and closer to the answers she wanted, this soon would lead to the bloodshed she had been aching for for the past year and a half. Her journey almost complete.


Interaction with: Shizuka@Syn Oichi & Kazuhiko@Angel Eyes Jaakuna @Altered Tundra Location: Forest of Death

Kiku stared at him, and was a bit perplexed by why this boy wanted to ensure her safety so much. She tapped her foot on the ground, and looked around them and their surroundings - everything was quiet, but she wasn't sensing anyone or anything coming near them. "I believe Kurin and Jaak will be okay...I just need to do what is best for..." Kiku murmured, knowing that this wasn't how a cell should approach a situation. They really should all band together, but in these exams - it was almost every man for himself. Unless you were Shizuka, then it was Cloudy Eyes first.

Nodding as he prompted their leave, she began to follow him away into the forest. Staring at the back of his head, Kiku was deep in thought when suddenly a shift in the atmosphere happened. She could feel a cosmic pressure in the wind to the west, looking to the sky she saw a small figure of a man floating high above. To the East it looked like sharks, and water were emerging. But what was most terrifying to her, was the explosion that took place before them before all the other oddities happened. It took the forest by force, sending a giant wave of air at the two. Kiku's hair wildly flailed around behind her, her jaw dropping in awe of what was unfolding before the two. "I don't think this is part of the exam....." Kiku added softly, walking forward she put a hand on Shizuka's shoulder, "What should we do?"

She quickly turned her head in the direction of the voice that was calling her partner, her eyes narrowed as she registered the face. Kazhuiko, she fairly remembered him. "You don't know either?" She inquired, and put her hand up to her chin as she began to think of what could be happening. Kiku then felt someone touching her legs and flinched, they were still very tender and raw from her embrace with lava. As she was to open her mouth to spit a negative comment, she heard the girl say she was a medical nin and immediately shut her mouth. "It hasn't been long at all....we just got out of the first part of our exams, and lava splashed on my legs. I've already had a medical nin look at them and heal what they could....if you can do anything to better them...I....I would greatly appreciate it," She smiled, and then stuck her hand out to meet Oichi's, "I'm Kiku, and that's Shizuka....we- I left out team and Shizuka came to join me. We were trying to go to the center for that scroll...but..." Then she motioned to the man with the umbrella, and sharks.

As they stood there, she felt an incoming presence, letting out a click she felt a little at ease. But not entirely, since he'd probably have something to say to the girl as she had just kinda checked out previously. It was then that Jaak fell from the sky, and Kiku was alarmed by his fall from grace. "Are you okay?" She exclaimed over to him as he recovered. It seemed to take him a fraction of a moment to assess the situation. Kiku gave a very weak smile and wave, not prepared for the backlash she may receive. Her attention turned back to the forest, and the sounds reverberating around it. The forest now finally alive with some commotion, just not the kind she wanted.


Interaction with: @Syn

The girl felt like she had something to prove, which was her main goal in running from the group. She kept a stiff, rigid composure as her hand invited him to attempt to fight the girl. This of course, not what she wanted to happen - but her mind also began to flee to the idea of a possible ambush, or run in with any of the other students in the exam. Her mask on, her senses were heightened yet again - she couldn't hear or sense anyone in the immediate area. Except Shizuka was no emitting an aura that made her stomach seem to sink with a decision of regret on her part from pushing him away. Her hand was now quivering as she was feeding off his emotion. Her jaw was clenched tight as he began to walk towards her, "Shizuka - I'm not joking with you..." She grumbled, knowing that he was one to not exactly take people seriously all of the time.

But she let him encounter her space one more time, and this time her mind went blank. He swiftly grabbed her hands, though she could've easily pulled away and fought back. She didn't. No thoughts exactly entered, and no thoughts formed - just shock and surprise met her. As did his warm lips. Her arms were limp in his hands, but she broke them free and they moved up his back to the back of his head. Her fingers entangled in his short deep brown locks, her senses all pulsating in this moment. The kiss broke, and she pulled back, pulling her mask down and her eyes meeting his, "You caught me off guard is all..." Kiku stated bluntly, her cheeks tinging shades below his eyes. His ruby eyes pierced her waning lavender ones, and there was silence in between them for a moment. Kiku hadn't cared for the idea of love, though her parents had a great marriage - she just wasn't intrigued. The idea of becoming a great blind ninja is what drove her, she rarely cared to look to a man's face for any form of comfort. But his brought her some without even trying. She walked back up to him, her hands rising again - he possibly though it would be to his face again. But, alas, her hands stopped at his jacket and she gripped it tight in her fists and shook him "Don't ever surprise me like that again!" She let him go with a small push, and crossing her arms - as a weird feeling filled the air.

Something felt off though, like they were being watched. She placed her mask back on, and began to sense when it felt like she tapped into a new part of herself. The world around her became alive, and more vibrant than before - she inhaled sharply at this new untapped jutsu that seemed to just expose herself. "There is a team near..." She murmured, and ended her sensing, realizing the amount of chakra it was pulling. She lifted her mask up to him, and looked back "We should just leave, the wisesr choice for me is getting a scroll that requires minimal effort" She motioned to her bandaged legs, and turned away from him, before heading off she looked back "You're a decent kisser..." Though she had nobody to compare him too, and then motioned for him to come with her and leave their former teammates behind.
Im gonna dropout, please refrain from tagging me. Sorry, just got a lot going on and this is difficult for me to keep up with.


Interaction with: @Syn

The girl had disappeared rather quickly, her Body Flicker took her a 100 meters out. She grimaced from the pain that was being met in her calves, the lava had truly done some major damage to her muscles, tendons, and nerves. Stopping momentarily, Kiku bent down and rubbed her hands down her legs. Popping right back up and staring behind her, "Did someone just call my name?". She closed her eyes and listened again, but nothing else met the Kunoichi's ears. Kiku then hopped down and began to move onto the ground at a rather normal quick speed for a Ninja. She could now feel a presence quickly gaining on her. Grumbling, she reached into her Kunai holder pulling out three - she quickly whipped around and threw them only to realize that as she was throwing them the aura was now in front of her.

Turning back around, she dug her heels into the ground - the two sliding in unison. Her long lavender locks flowed behind her and slowly fell down to her sides as she stood facing Shizuka. This Shinobi was getting under her skin, and right now it wasn't in the best way. "You didn't hear the Hokage? We're all against each other now....I cannot fight any of you. My team," She spoke, and inhaled deeply to let out a slow exhale match it. Her eyes met his, and she slightly squinted as her vision blurred in and out momentarily. Wiping her right eye with the back of her hand, she realized it was wet and raised an eyebrow at this. We're her eyes tearing up? Kiku looked back to him, his concerned emotion confused her - but he managed to crack one of his toothy grins. Again, he came close to her - this time she stood still and let him wrap the mask around her face - the pink returning to her cheeks as he did so.

It was quiet in that moment, the leaves rustled as the wind picked up. She could smell the sweat off of him, they both needed to shower - Kiku certain she herself was probably radiating the same body odor. She could feel her persistent heartbeat, but wasn't sure if she could hear his as well or if her's was beating that hard. Her hands started to shake as she brought them up to the sides of his face, grazing his cheeks lightly with her finger tips. Bringing herself up on her tiptoes - she brought her lips mere centimeters from him. Their breath would collide, as her hands went down to his chest. It was weird, she actually wanted to touch his lips now in this moment of her plan of distraction. Each hand landing on one pec - she then would probably hurt the boys feelings at this point. Kiku pulled her hands away, and slammed them into him pushing him away from her. Jumping back, and fell to her knees instantly - she was gonna have to get used to this muscle damage.

"Look Shizuka, I have no clue why you take constant interest in me....But I can look out for my own. I know I wasn't the best in that challenge, but I cannot fail now....I'm going blind, I'm not fully blind. I appreciate every ounce of selfless help you gave to me, but I can do this..." Still on her knees she punched the ground, "I'm going to get the one in the center before anyone else. I'm clearly in no condition in fight, but if you're going to stop me - I will do what I can to ensure you don't". The girl seemed agitated, but one could tell that with her words it really was just more or less at herself. Her Genjutsu was useless back there, but out here - she could shine in her own little dark world. As long as she used her Gen/Ninjutsu, she would be fine, her second strongest factor - Tai was currently out of the question with her current state. Standing up, she put one hand still hand out of front of her - palm up, the other folded behind her back. A bluff at this, she wouldn't charge him or attempt to fight him, she merely wanted to obtain the scroll in the center and finish this portion of the exams.


Over, and over, and over - the Med Nin's continued to wrap her legs. She stared at them in with a strong dissatisfaction in her stomach rising. Though they healed them, her muscles still ached in the spots that were hit by the magma. 'Now, you're probably going to have pain...maybe you should sit out and wait till next year?' One of them encouraged, she shot them a look and said nothing. Clearly, the message was received when the man nodded and continued wrapping her legs all the way to her thighs. 'Well, good luck you guys....' Kiku gave him a small smile, "Thank you," and then turned her attention back to her legs. Her boots had been left behind in the challenge, and now she was barefoot and legs were fully wrapped. Kiku inhaled deeply, and ran her fingers over her calves - wincing as the pain was very light, but the sensation of pressure was now a new sensation to her damaged legs. Shinko appeared and gave his speech, her stomach dropped as he said they would all now be against each other. Her eyes quickly moved to Shizuka and then to the other two.

Standing up, she almost sank back to her knees - but instead bent over placing her hands on her knees. Her head now bending down to the ground as her ridiculous amount of lavender hair tumbled down and piled onto the floor. "Shit..." It was like Charlie horses, but worse, the pain aching throughout. Well, it was a new wound. Kiku stood up, and then stretched her arms out to maybe hide that she was in any pain, "I mean...just move forward. It's all we can do now...." She stated, her hands on her hips as she looked over shoulder back to her teammates. Kiku then looked forward into the Forest, it wasn't just Ninja they had to be scared of. Many beasts roamed these woods, and it was unusually silent around them. She couldn't even hear any animals moving around on the ground, or in the trees. Clenching her fists, the girl quickly again looked at all her teammates and raised a hand to her face "Blind World..." She whispered, and suddenly Shizuka, Kurin, and Jaakuna's eyesight would be gone as she placed them under a Genjutsu. It could be broken very easily, and wouldn't last long because of her next move. Kiku then spoke one more time, "Body Flicker" and away she ran into the Forest of Death past Shizuka. Alone. As she moved away, the Genjutsu would fade and their eyesight would return unless they already broke it themselves.

@Syn@Reflection@Altered Tundra
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