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Current How do I relearn this craft? I'm so discouraged at myself.


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"That was disgusting!" the voice of Ren could be heard echoing through out the house as she came through the door way from the competition. Her hair had been plastered down to her face, her makeup running from every pore of her face and her clothes were soaked. Would the show replace the things that were ruined? At least her team had won the competition, if they had lost she would have been even more pissed off. Even more thankful was that they got to choose the large beds. Were these the only beds available? "We should get bathroom privileges too." Ren muttered under her breath. Eventually she got a shower and was sitting in the kitchen at a bar stool. Elias spoke up very enthusiastically asked if anyone wanted Quesadillas. "Um can't you make something a bit more refined? You probably are used to Taco Bell but some of us are not, or don't want to at least..." Ren rolled her eyes. They continued to roll as the people around her chit chatted and laughed. "If it's really all you're going to make, wash your hands a few more times before touching mine." Ren stated as she continued to sit at the island, scooting farther from Jenna who's hair was in her way, and who's fruit smell was disgustingly overwhelming.

Not having done his entire best, Xavier couldn't help but cheer the loudest when his team came through with the ultimate win. A smile spread across his face as he made sure every single person in the household got a high five. "Y'all were awesome." he complimented his team, and even a few from the other side who were willing. Letting most everyone go before him in the showers, Xavier took his sweet time, even if the water was chilled to clean off the remains of the competition. Afterwards he went out to the backyard when it was available and took a smoke break, it wasn't what he wanted- but a cigarette would do for now. Eventually he made his way into the pantry and pulled out a bottle of Patron; Tequila. "What goes better with Quesadilla's then some Patronnnn." Xavier cheered as he patted Elias across his back. Xavier began looking for shot glasses, and found them pretty quickly- as he filled up one for every person, and started handing them out.

"Oof!" the gentle voice of Alexandra came from her lips, a heavy french accent surrounding it. She didn't speak much to anyone after the competition, going around and cleaning off the counters in the bathroom where some of the people had left a mess, and also the beds that had been jumped on and messed with already. "So.. messy." she complained as she found a pair of underwear not belonging to her on her claimed bed. Throwing it into the middle of the hallway, she then returned to the kitchen and living room area where every one was standing around and chatting. She smiled to everyone but didn't say much, nodding and shaking her head to questions people had asked her. She hoped that she could make some friends this summer.

At the end of the competition, Kid had realized that he had done exceptionally well but his team mate had taken the win by a second. He cheered, "YoOOOoHOOOoooO" in a almost yodel, causing a few stares. Something Kid was used to, in his more than usual ways. Coming back into the house, Kid was for some reason not as dirty as the other contestants but he was soaked, as he had taken the opportunity to use the outside hose to clean off before coming in to the house. Dripping water everywhere he stepped, he thought it might be better to take a seat in one of the living room's chairs until he dried off. The chair would be left soaked, to his apparent surprise. Laughing to himself, he commented to one of the contestants who's name he couldn't remember, "Feel this, it is like when my grandmother drinks too much tea and can not get up fast enough to use the bathroom." he stated very matter of fact, as he took the contestants hand in his and pressed the seat feeling the warmth of the body heat and water that had been soaked up. "Gross." he commented, leaving the contestant as he walked to the kitchen, "Shall I help you with the Chinchillas my pal?" Kid asked, a smile on his lips as he looked to Elias.

Dusty working at Club Aether during one of the busiest nights of the month.
Interacting with: Marcus, Leo, The Blonde Bombshell & The Sisters.

When the blonde came up to the bar, Dustynn gave her a friendly smile but let Marcus handle the order knowing that he was still learning and more experience was a better thing for him to deal with than her just taking over every order. A man came up to the bar begging for several shots and Dustynn took care of it as the bar buzzed around them. The karaoke would start not too long from now and since doing it the other night Dustynn was excited to try it again. She had been thinking of a song since earlier that day. "Both are delicious! I really recommend the Mojito, it's to die for." Dusty added in to the end of the conversation as encouragement to the new woman.

Soon the security had brought two women over, as Dusty raised her eyebrow and looked over them. She had recognized them around town and in various media, the rich girls of town- something the woman herself could not begin to comprehend. She recalled when Leo and her had gone over the tapes that night, when they had missed the riot. As Leo handled things Dustynn couldn't help but laugh as her manager's antics. He would have them do something to get a good laugh, but never put anyone in harms way- it wasn't in his nature. "We still need the bathrooms painted!" she suggested not in a serious matter, but it wasn't wrong.

Shaking her head she turned back to the other end of the bar as she took an order from another patron.

I love you and I hate you and I'm losing my mind. You tell me all the time that this will pass and that I'm gonna be fine.

If it had been different circumstances Brooklyn would have been snuggled in a plush robe, her darling child would be in her arms. A cheesy Lifetime movie would be playing in the background and the rain would be falling from the sky above, in a patterned downpour upon a roof. Instead, Brookyln's abandoned home had a view from the window of where she had beheaded and buried her dead baby girl; Harris.

Today her fists clenched around her weapon in her very light weight hoodie, as her grey eyes shot towards the local mall. Before the outbreak this was a place she had visited often out of comfort for shopping therapy. "Fuck." the word came out of her mouth before taking her chance moving in quietly and quickly. Brooklyn might not have been strong in strength but she was fast and she knew the insides and out of that place like no other. "Get in. Get out. Get in. Get out." she said to herself as she climbed through a window that had been completely shattered through.
The polls so far..

@nightmare medx

Awesome. I will try to post sometime soon :) Wasn't sure if we were meant to wait or what!
Come take a vote if you have time :) I will be here to chat and discuss things obviously-
But maybe this weekend I'll check the strawpoll and see what ones has clear vote wins.

Perhaps we could even take one of these ideas and expand it even more. Would it help you guys to decide if I showed my cards a bite more with the actual write ups I have for these ideas? Some are more developed than others of course, but for more than half I have a pretty good synopsis already.
Thank you guys for the overwhelming amount of interest and just overall awesomeness!
It looks like a pretty all over the board interest for everything; not sure if I could combine some of these ideas- (maybe)

Excavation, Honeycomb, Whittier are all ones that I saw mentioned a lot- which I would love to regut and rework

Maybe I should do a true vote of sorts- that might help limit things down to help us
Here are some group ideas I would like to re-play with or play with for the first time.
Just getting some thoughts out while they are in swimming around in my brain- let's brainstorm:

Root River: A Wonderful Life
Harvest moon/Stardew valley-esque small town slice of life with a few twists. People can easily come and go as they please- will have events, and even a character creator to have fun with.

Not sure of a title yet
Kind of want to do something about two islands that are being forced together for some reason- maybe marriage or maybe the first baby born of both tribes. I DONT KNOW. Kind of just want something not set in the world of "Earth" maybe fantasy or magical stuff involved. Gotta expand it a lot- but want it.

Sterling Heights Secrets
High School role play with dirty twist. A website has emerged releasing secrets of people in the school- your group of friend's are next- will the secrets change every thing? Yours to find out. Lots of drama and mature content to deal with.

Welcome to Whittier
Ugh, my baby of a roleplay- I've tried this multiple times and don't want to give up on it- Imagine an entire town living in one building. Power goes out, can be supernatural or not- can be super simple too, might even make it like a "tavern" rp where people just come and go- move in and out. Not sure yet. I can't give up on this dumb fucking idea for some reason. Might scratch again- not sure.

Everything Not Nice
Echoes of the Past
A very Silent Hill-esque roleplay, VERY VERY structured and story based roleplay that I tried a very long time ago. It didn't last long due to the Co-Gm up and disappearing; but I truly believe that with the right group this could be something fun to play in. I would definitely need a partner in crime to help me figure everything out again.

Another of my things I can't seem to let go- one time I had a dream that a man in my backyard dug up a dead body and it turned into a roleplay that is a mix of a murder mystery, coming of age/stand by me type story as well as summer slice of life in the midst of a serial killer in town.

Honeycomb Lane
My most recent failure roleplay- but something I really think had something different going on about it. Eerie, and didn't even SCRAPE the surface of what I had planned for everyone. Twilight Zone mixed Stanford Wives with a bunch of horror tropes- neighborhood that seems perfect that really really isn't. Needs some work but has a lot of potential.

"Otto, you'd better check the time." the strong voice came across the table from Cecelia as Otto sat eating his oatmeal painfully slow this morning. The woman eyed the clock reading half past 7:00AM, her fiance, and then back to the clock. "Not sure why you're in such a hurry." he retorted, a bit of his oatmeal slipping from the side of his mouth and falling back into the pale pink bowl with a sickening plop. "No reason darling." the woman lied bluntly. She in fact had a reason, a big one- she had been accepted to her recent job application and was asked to meet today. Otto already had some doubts about a woman in the work force, but he had gotten over it over time, but if Cecelia were to tell him about this new one, he'd blow his top.

Cecelia hated being late, she preferred to be early if anything and for some reason when you needed to be somewhere time went by way more quickly. Eventually Otto wrapped up his breakfast, took his time gathering his work belongings and heading out the door of their brick facade home. Before he could even get out the door completely, the woman had bolted up and began to clean up the mess in the kitchen as well as get primped and primed for the day. Adorning a long sleeved fall dress in the most daring shade of mauve, Cecelia styled her hair and applied a generous amount of makeup.

It was 8:00 AM.

"Not bad you old girl." she complimented herself as she looked into the mirror that hung in the front entry way. She moved her shoulder forward, eyebrows raising and lowering. Her nose looked far worse from this side, or was it that one? It would have to do for now, considering she would need some time to travel as well. Gathering her purse, coat, and matching hat she walked out the door and headed towards the outward streets to grab a taxi.

Arriving in only thirty minutes, the woman gave the fare as well as a small tip to the taxi driver. Stepping up to the address, Cecelia sauntered over to the door man, her large hazel eyes full of wonder and excitement. "Good morning, I'm here to see Miss Hobbs!" she chirped as the man returned a nod, and a directive "The elevator is located at the end of the hall at the left of the stairs. Last elevator. If you would prefer, to your immediate right are stairs leading up to the flat. That is, if you wish to climb the ten flights." Going through the doorway, Cecelia would go immediately to the right- taking the stairs.

Taking the stairs was not a lavish thing, though Cecelia believed that when one had the opportunity to exercise, that a woman should exercise their rights to do just that. A shallow breath escaped from her mouth when she reached the landing of the fifth flight of stairs. This was a mistake. This was a mistake! However, they always do say pain is beauty. Removing her jacket and hat at this point, the woman continued on until she was met face to face with a stout woman who greeted her with a quite eccentric albeit welcoming greeting.

Noticing the woman's smile Cecelia couldn't help but return it, the robust woman waddling in front of her as they made their way through a dream worthy kitchen. "Thank you for your large dose of hospitality Norma." Cecelia quickly wondered if the woman would take offense by this slip of tongue. A friendly chuckle was exchanged as Cecelia hustled into the room laying eyes on Miss Hobbs herself as well as three other people, who she assumed would be coworkers. "Morning." she chimed as she took a seat to the most left side of the empty couch.
Wow your aesthetic is so charming!
It makes me want to join in on this terribly so~
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