Avatar of Mortarion
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  • Posts: 874 (0.24 / day)
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    1. Mortarion 10 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Sometimes I wonder whether or not my trust is misplaced or not, especially when it seems that the trust I place in some people isn't reciprocated.
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8 yrs ago
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.
8 yrs ago
Currently in exam periods at University after a full month of mobilization and a constant strike Things arent looking well so ill either be busy trying to save the semester or not because its lost
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8 yrs ago
I should re-read the Lord of the Rings one of these days
8 yrs ago
Is it wierd that, whenever I am stressed I want to RP? I don't know, helps keep my mind off of certain things. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


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And my post is done, Nicademus continues to being mistrustful of the group but he is willing to give them a chance. Hopefully the post is good and up to the standards of the RP.
Nicademus looked on as the other women in the group tried to justify the presence of the Dorcha in their midst, first by the argument that they had murdered more than enough of her kinsmen on their way to the village and then by using the fact that the Dwarf amongst their group trusted the Dorcha enough to let her be a part of their group, words that were backed up by the Dwarf himself. Still, Nicademus wasn't wholly convinced something that was plain by the suspicious look still etched on his face. Then another man amongst the group tried to defend Aeryn with the fact that she been a prisoner of the Dorcha that they had encountered, one slated for execution no less. At this Nicademus couldn't help himself and let out a brief, mirthless and bitter, laugh, the sound startling the guards near him briefly. "Her own kinsmen were trying to kill her? Does this really surprises you?" Asked the knight, who shook his head slightly. "Theirs is a cruel, vicious, race. One that is capable of great deeds of evil, you might as well have told me that it was her own family that tried to butcher her and I wouldn't be surprised, nor would I be any more sympathetic or trusting." He said, looking at the man directly in the eyes "I know full well what they are capable of, young man, I've seen what they can do, and suffered as a result of their actions....mere words won't be enough to convince me of the trustworthiness of the Dorcha that accompanies you and your group." He said, weariness palpable in his voice for the first time in the conversation, before shaking his head to refocus.

Before he could add anything more, another one of the group spoke offering what medical expertise he had to help heal the sick and wounded in the village and to help repairs the walls on the town. After this Nicademus fell silent for a long while as he thought on what to do. "Very well, we'll let you in." Said the Knight. "But, before we let you in, there are a few certain terms we must discuss before letting you into the village." He said, raising one armoured finger. "Number one, you will surrender your weapons before we let you in. All of them." He spoke, raising a second finger before proceeding once more. "Second, you'll provide help around the village. Like you said before, we have no need of coin and we do need help here. You are free to do as you please when it comes to the help you give, be it healing the sick and wounded, helping to train the town guards, or contributing to the defences of this place such as the wall and the ditch." The same motion as before repeated itself as Nicademus raised a third finger before stating the next term. "Three, you will tell me what brought you here." At last, he raised a fourth finger before speaking again. "Finally, you will have a member of the town guard accompany you when you go around the town. As I'm sure you've noticed by now, no, I still don't fully trust you, and the people of this village are my wards, so I'd like for someone that I trust, people I've known for months, to accompany you if you decide to wander around the village."

He placed the hand that he had raised on the crossguard of his sword once again. "I understand that I demand a lot and that my suspicious of your group are plain. But, if you accept, I'm willing to give you what you want, furthermore I'm giving you the chance to prove me wrong in my assumptions." Said the knight, sheathing his sword as, hopefully, a sign that he was willing to give them a chance. "I understand if you are angry at me, mistrustful of me, but my actions are borne from my concern for this village. As I said before, prove me wring in my assumptions, show me that you can be trusted." He finished speaking, his hand resting on the pommel of his sword as he waited from the various members of the group to reply. In truth he wished to have no conflict with the group, despite his continuous misgivings about Aeryn, but he wasn't willing to give help to them blindly and put any extra risk on the village on top of its existence as a frontier settlement in the Southlands. The only thing left now for the knight to do was to wait for the groups reply, and hope that they wouldn't react violently and try and force their way into the village.

@POOHEAD189@Gardevoiran@The Fated Fallen@Fetzen@Stormflyx@BCTheEntity
@Hekazu Well, I managed to get my post up, my apologies for the amount of time it took me to get it done. I hope it's good and that it lives up to the standards of the RP. My apologies if it doesn't focuses much on what Cassius did but, since everything is going under way, I thought it'd be best to have the post focus on his observations on what had happened. If there's any problem, do tell me and I'll edit the post.
Cassius had spent most of the party by himself, preferring to observe the party goers rather than interact with them unnecessarily. Part of this stemmed from the fact that he was unsuited to these kinds of events, the year that his parent had insisted insisted he take some extra classes, alongside his studies at university, for etiquette and other such matters that'd come in handy in social events such as this masquerade had been the year that he had enlisted and when he had returned...well, he had been more preoccupied with other matters than polishing his social skills. And so Cassius stood by himself in a corner, his face hidden behind a plain white bauta mask, his single remaining eye watching the rest of the invitees to the soiree. There were quite a few individuals that had attracted his attention like the woman in the feline mask toting a parasol and the poor man that she had focused on. He couldn't help but feel some pity for the man, it seemed that, much like Cassius, he was out of his element and the whole situation seemed more like a cat that had caught the proverbial canary rather than the typical interaction one would expect between two individuals invited to such a soiree. "Albeit they have seem to find some common ground" Thought the old veteran, he hadn't heard their conversation so he couldn't help but wonder still what had caused such a commotion around them but he was still somewhat glad that things had calmed down.

Next there seemed to be the gentlemen who spoke french and the lady who had been dancing together, he had admittedly not paid much attention to this pair in comparison to the other one though that was probably more attributed to the fact that this latter pair stood out much less. "Probably because they were dancing, rather than making a commotion. Still, it was obvious that the two were talking, I wonder about what." He thought, tapping his chin in a pensive gesture. The final pair that had caught his attention was that of the cat and the Zee captain, a pair which bizarrely enough seemed to have gone unnoticed but, then again, most people often avoided Cats in London. They were creatures full of secrets, and many helped the Duchess, and as such it was best to avoid them, lest one would like to gamble with their social standing...after all, one never knew when something said within earshot of one of the felines would resurface at a most inopportune moment. Still, the cat had seemed to go away leaving the captain alone but before he could continue his thoughts one of the Masters that had suddenly appeared spoke.

This particular Master, Mr Spices if the avoidance that he showed to Wines -and that Mr. Wines showed in kind- was any indication, welcomed them to the masquerade before falling silent once more, a group of people, most of the individuals that had caught his attention no less, gathering around the hookah where Mr. Spices had settled. In truth the appearance of the Masters, and their cadre of special Constables, hadn't been much of a surprise for Cassius, who had suspected their involvement from the start. Still, it had surprised him somewhat when two Masters had appeared instead of one...which meant that whatever it was that had Mr. Wines and Mr. Spices working together meant that there must be some sort of interest in common despite their mutual dislike for one another. With things seemingly getting in motion with the arrival of the two Masters, Cassius made his way towards the hookah, positioning himself next to the Zee captain and foregoing a seat just like him.

He listened as the man spoke, demanding to know what was the reason for them to be gathered together in such an event or to, at the very least, allow him to leave the premises. He could certainly empathise with the position of the man, he'd rather know the reason to why they were gathered here but he'd also like to be somewhere else than this masquerade. But still, there were opportunities to be had in such situations and the best thing to do would be to endure the tedium of the Game and try and profit as best from the current situation. "I'm not one much to talk in this situations." Started to speak Cassius, not addressing anyone in particular "But, I can't help but agree to what was said before by my fellow invitee." He said as he turned to look at the seated Master "I too would like to know what is the purpose behind this masquerade, if our host would be so gracious as to answer our question that is." Said Cassius, bowing slightly to the figure of the seated Master. Normally he would be more to the point, and if the host behind this gathering was merely another noble he'd be so, but their hosts were two Masters of the Bazaar, and Cassius preferred to be cautious when it came to them and, as such, he was more than willing to give them proper deference and hope that Mr. Spices would be gracious enough to answer their query and not have them thrown out of the party and into a cell.

@Templar Knight@Hekazu

Two things:

1) I've just noticed you joined the site ten days after I did, so now I can make jokes like "Geez Mortarion, that looks like a post I would do back when I was your web-age."

2) I'm not really in a position to prod you to post, but I think alot of us are waiting for your characters next interaction. I don't want to push you, but do you know when your post is going to be up? Thanks, I know we're all busy

Huh, talk abotu coincidences, and yeah, I suppose you could do that lol. And I already got in mind an idea for what my psot will be about, I just have some things I need to wrap up and I'll get the post up asap.
Hey friends,

I'm taking a vacation tonight and will be on holiday for 11 days :) I'm leaving for a long haul flight (28hr) soon, I hope to get an Aeryn post done this weekend but I'll properly assess when the time comes if I'm too jetlagged. I'll keep you updated, anyway!

If I don't get a post in, then I'll simply be skipping this round and jumping in for the next one.

See you on the flippity flip!

Hopefully everything goes alright with your flight Storm, have a good time time during your holiday!
@Hekazu Working on it, should be up either today or tomorrow tops.
I'm gonna apply with you cool kids. Gotta knock a character sheet into shape and read up on whos who and get an idea of the shenanigrams going on in the last game.

Glad to hear you'll be joining us Tricks! Looking forward to see your bio.
From what I hear about uni, it sounds like you have your hands full enough!

It can get pretty bad sometimes, yeah.
Good! This next weekend I'll be going to Kamehacon, the DBZ convention! Gonna be awesome.

Nice, never been to a con myself, or anything similar to that, but it does sound like it's gonna be fun. Hope you have a great time man.

Yep, my life has been eventful but with really boring stuff recently. Which is good and bad, because doing the stuff now means I don't have to do it later

And how are you doing, @Mortarion?

I've been mostly good! Life hasn't been to eventful aside from a family gathering and some stuff I gotta do for university this week and the next one, so there ain't much to talk about except for, well, university stuff lol.
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