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8 mos ago
Current Having a longtime friend visit after several years this week!
8 mos ago
Sorry that replies are slow. Seasonal Depression is a pain in the rear!
9 mos ago
Cmon new laptop battery!! Deliver faster!!
11 mos ago
A note to everyone: when buying laptop batteries, TRIPLE check what battery you need. Learn from my mistakes
11 mos ago
Chiropractor appointment is scheduled and laptop battery is ordered! Now we wait and pray for energy....
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Most Recent Posts

We need more people again. Please try to respond when I ask you to post on the OOC
*silently awaits people going to the ooc*@Gisk@Errant Son@LPFan
@LPFan@Gisk@Errant Son The OOC is up!
In Fallen 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Fukazza I just noticed. You weren't one of the first four people to reply to my IC, so sorry, but unless anyone drops out, I can't let you in. Sorry again.
In Fallen 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@FukazzaAn excellent character, though the weapons seem a bit OP with what I have planned. Plus, there are no pistols invented in the time period. Sorry

@akirashadowOoooh, I like that character model! You are accepted!
In Fallen 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Alrighty so rules:

1. Have fun! Isn't that why we're here in the first place anyways?
2. Be nice to each other.
3. No Godmodding or Mary Sue-ing.
4. Try not to get too graphic. I may be able to handle most anything, but that's just me, and those rules may not apply to me.
5. Please try to tell me if there's anything going on in real life that would make you have to stop replying. Nobody likes people disappearing on them.

Now then! Here's a character sheet to fill out. Once you put it up, I'll approve it and once we get all of them up, we may begin!

Equiptment, if any:
@Mystic Song How long would it take for an OOC to be up? I'm rather excited to get started.

It'll be up within an hour!

I'm into it.

What sort of world does this take place in? Is it modern or more medieval fantasy?

Medieval fantasy, with only a little fantasy. Mostly just angels and devils.
I would be up for this, if you'll have me. :)

Of course!

Anyone else up for the ride?
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