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9 yrs ago
I started Ouran today....


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Why do I have a feeling Morholt isn't gonna wanna be friends. :(
Sup Fam
Oh wow. I thought you had a character in this.
Haven't seen a GM not take a character in a long time.
Good on you.
And all of us are awake. Fun times are to be had.
Do we want to check who's still in to play this!
<Snipped quote by Natsu>

There's another deceptively cute critter that comes to my mind considering this RP's title, to say the truth. Kyubey is a saint, compared with that one.

Well that's horrifying.
Also, would you guys want me to make a Discord for this? I've done it before, and I find it helps players communicate and talk more.
Aki's body shifted in her seat, causing a loud creak to permeate the room, as she slowly came to, to hear a voice talking to her, about some kind of game. "Did we win?" She wondered absently, as she forced her eyes open. What happened? She didn't think she got hit that hard... She looked up, to find herself in a decrepit classroom. A confused look fell upon her face. "Where... am I?" She asked, rubbing the back of her head. Aki frowned, not really having any idea as yo what was happening. That was until she saw the most adorable creature she'd ever laid eyes on.

She immediately rose from her seat, and made her way in front of the plush cat thing, not even noticing the others in the room, "What are you?" She asked, kneeling down to eye level, and booping the creature on the nose. "You're like... The Cat in the Hat." She gave a small chuckle, momentarily forgetting about the fear she should be feeling about this situation. She turned her head, and petted the creature, looking around its body. This was strange indeed. She grabbed below the cats fore-paws, and lifted it up above her, and looking at it inquisitively, "Do you know how me got here, mister Cat in the Hat?" She asked, not yet having put together that this cat creature was the thing talking to her to begin with.
I'm getting a STRONG Kyubey vibe from this thing.
Imma hug it.
Can't wait to start

Name: Aki Kaze

Age: 11

Height: 5 foot even
Weight: 90 pounds

Power: Suggestion. Aki can mix in powerful suggestions when she speaks. The best way to describe the effect is that it can impart impulses to do what she asks, and can be overcome if a person stops and thinks about why they're suddenly doing what she's asking.

An Introduction~

As the bell finally rang, Aki was among her peers frantic rushing to head out for recess. She quickly bounded out of her desk, and was out the door, ready to enjoy her short break before closing out the end of the day. As she made her way outside, she chatted with her friends, excitedly trying to make plans for the quickly approaching weekend. By the time they were outside, Aki and her friends had decided that they'd try to have a sleepover that night after school. She'd need to ask her mom and dad of course, but they were never the kind to say no to something like that.

It was a bright and sunny day out, and within five minutes, a few kids had organized an impromptu game of soccer, which Aki was quick to join in on. She loved soccer, and favored to play the goalie when she got the chance. Lucky for her, nobody else especially wanted to today, so the position was hers for the taking. When she played, she loved to get fully involved, doing things like diving to block the ball, throwing her whole body into it even if it wasn't strictly necessary to do so, or trying to make flashy plays, like spinning to kick the ball back. As the game progressed, she had missed a few blocks because of this, and both teams were even as recess neared it's end. The ball was soon racing towards her, as the opposing team made an attempt to get a final shot in before they'd need to head back inside. Aki, determined not to let this happen, ran to block the ball, which was flying towards the goal through the air. She jumped to try to block it, only for the ball to hit her squarely in the face, which just preceded her blacking out.

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