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Arthur Stanford

Location:The Galley

Arthur's frustrations quickly went away as the most adorable puppy formed in Rebecca's hands. He liked cats more, but it wasn't like he couldn't not immediately fall in love it. Cooing for a moment, he looked the cute thing in one of it's pairs of eyes, before turning his attention back to the task at hand. As the attention shifted to playing a game, he thought for a moment, looking Andy over. He believed she'd get in a fight, and she didn't have any real objections about the ship yet, so he believed those two. By process of elimination, he figured she must've gotten the knife from something else, so he proclaimed, "You must've gotten the dagger some other way, because you didn't get it from a monster."

He continued to respond with his own take on the game, saying, "How about this, I like cats quite a bit more." He said, conjuring a three headed kitten, in one hand "Birds are even better though!" He said, as he stuck a hand to the ground, as bones swirled around his hand, forming into a bird on the fingers of his other hand, "And I'm secretly a prince of a small country you've probably never heard of." He said, as a small tiara sat on his head. In his experience, a lie that was close to the truth was the best kind, and even if it seemed outlandish, he bet that would throw them off. A slightly annoyed look crossed his face at the end of his statements, but he was happy to see he finally seemed to be gaining some kind of control over his powers.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Top Back -> Top Front

As the bus lurched, Elizabeth barely moved, keeping a steady hand on her luggage. It took a lot to shake her, not even the reality warping shenanigans of the Knight Bus could knock her off balance, but that came with the territory of being a seeker. That was the role she was born to play, it seemed, as it took a kind of unshakable confidence to dive after a small object heading straight for the ground, which she had in spades. It seemed, however, that the Ravenclaw's seeker weren't as good on her feet. As she shifted more and more into her the persona she took up at school, she felt that good old competitive itch in the back of her head.

Taking steps towards the front, Flame shot a cocky smile at Zelda and said, "Z, be a good captain and tell yer seeker that me outflying 'er ain't gonna be half as fun if 'er leg is broke." Kneeling down next to poor Audrey, Eliza lifted the luggage off of her, shaking her head. She wasn't going to help her up, as Eliza believed in self sufficiency, but shot a playful, yet mean look at Josefina, saying ,"It's my beaters job to bust up yer friend, not yers, got it?" She gave a sigh, before breaking out into a chuckle, and grinned at Zelda, saying, "Looks like you might need some new recruits, don't ya' think?"

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Stark Tower, Roof

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that's somethin' else ain't it?" Elizabeth said, slipping for a moment into her southern tongue. If this were the face of God, she'd honestly not be surprised. Things this large were not supposed to exist, and something in her monkey brain felt the urge to either deny its existence on the face of it, or get down and worship it. Deciding now would not be the time to prostrate herself before this alien threat, she opted to let her brain tell herself that, whatever her eyes might be seeing, it couldn't actually be that large. Elizabeth blinked for a moment, as they seemed to turn this summoning of Galactus into a comedy roast.

"We're not scared of you!" Elizabeth found herself calling up to him, in spite of the actual fear she did feel. "We beat your tin man, what makes you think we won't beat you?" She was speaking out of her ass right now, but she did have one thing on her side; their ignorance, "Even if you are powerful enough to stop us, we have the nullifier, and we're too stupid and reckless to be afraid to use it!" She called up at him, "So what'll it be, you fucking off to another planet, or oblivion? I know which I'd choose." As she spoke, she gestured up at him, trying to seem too crazy to call. They had to convince him that there was a chance, just a chance, of them killing one of their own to save their world.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Top Deck -> The Galley

Arthur watched as illusions popped up in the room around him, Arthur was impressed. He knew of course, that they weren't real, but that didn't matter, he saw them, and that was surreal. Looking over the maple bar, a surprised look crossed his face. He couldn't tell the difference between it and something real. "That's very good Andy, let me give it a shot." Concentrating for a moment, he wanted to make a mist version of her, but nothing was happening. This didn't seem to be something he was preternaturally gifted at, but that was never something that stopped him before.

Trying again, he thought it'd be easier to make something smaller, thinking making a muffin would be funny, but he was incorrect. Try as he might, he couldn't get anything to show up. "How, do you do that?" He asked, visibly frustrated with his failures. He looked over to Rebecca, hoping for some kind of guidance. He wanted to be able to do things like that too, if only for the reason that it was extremely cool. Being able to make illusions at will would be fun, and he could only image the types of pranks he could pull if he could make people see whatever he wanted.

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Cardiff Castle -> Outside Prison
Skills: Hacking

Oliver didn't have any food to give Strange, but he did head straight through the portal, not wanting to be cut off at Cardiff Castle alone. Surveying the field outside the prison, Oliver cringed, these Black Order assholes were hardcore, but he was impressed that the team here was able to deal with them, even if Matt looked like absolute hell. It was around this time, that his phone started buzzing. Normally during a mission, he'd never answer it, but he checked the incoming call anyway, and groaned, turning from the group, and stepping a bit away for some privacy, answering the call and putting it to his ear.

"I swear to God if you owned that prison I didn't know, please don't send me to prison Mr. Stark."

"Don't worry, I don't own that prison, actually the prison is ran by the government over there. However, hacking into their database as well as essentially blowing things up over there? Really? What sort of nonsense are you guys getting into and why are you blowing up Cardiff?"

Oli hesitated for a moment, before saying, "We're investigating the Terrigen Mists, and it turns out the Inhumans sent it to Earth, there's this guy named Thane, and he's the son of an evil purple space emperor named Thanos, that's fated to kill him. Apparently he's in Cardiff, and is an Inhuman, and we think Thanos is gonna kill all the young adult men in Cardiff if he can't find him."

Those words instantly caught Tony's attention. "Wait, let me get this straight, the Inhumans decided to poison a good chunk of the Earth's population, and Thanos the Mad Titan is around to kill this one guy because of some dumb fate or whatever it is. Guessing the whole Terrigen Mists was to power up any Inhumans on Earth. Keep forgetting that the Inhumans up on the moon are a bunch of selfish bastards half the time. But, I will say this if Thanos is around he's not one to be messed around with. And please tell me that if you help the Inhumans or whatever get Thanos to go away that they'll get rid of the mists causing the Mutant population to get sick?"

"Yeah, they want the Black Order out of the system, which we're well on our way to doing. We killed a few of their members so far, so I can't imagine this Thanos would be that much worse. If you have information on them though, and it sounds like you do, I'd appreciate if you could send it over to me. The sooner the Black Order is gone, the sooner the mist's are destroyed."

"Okay, glad to hear that the mists will be gone. My own daughter is a mutant and thankfully hasn't caught the disease yet! Can't say that about a few of her friends though, and Banner might be freaking out a bit since his kid has it," he responded, sounding a bit relieved to hear that. However, the next words he said somewhat pissed him off, and it showed in his voice, "Don't you even think that Thanos is a push over! What kind of idiot thinks that? The Black Order are his lackeys, they are weaker then him and know it. Yeah, you killed a few of them, big deal. He's the number one mass murderer in the entire galaxy! He's no pushover and you shouldn't think otherwise!"

Oliver's voice tempered for a moment at Tony's scolding,"Alright Mr.Stark, you've got my attention. I'll make sure we take him seriously. We have Doctor Strange fighting with us, but any additional backup or information you can supply would be appreciated, we just wanna keep Cardiff safe."

"The guy is insanely powerful, one misstep could spell your death. Never actually fought the guy, can't give you more regarding him then that. Wish I had Thor around to maybe answer more questions for you, but he's probably off either drinking beer somewhere or drinking coffee then smashing the cup or something like that."

"Alright well, thanks I guess. We'll have to find a way to get him off planet without direct engagement, since it sounds like we can't brute force this problem. Anything else Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah, that would be the best thing, though having a fair amount of strength mixed in would help too. So good luck to you, and don't die, I actually find making these phone calls somewhat amusing at this rate. But don't make it so that I have to make another one of these calls, oh and if you die I'll speak at your funeral and say how you never learned your lesson and didn't listen."

Oli rolled his eyes for a moment, and said, "I'll do my best Mr. Stark, dying is the last thing on my to-do list, I promise."

While his phone was still open, Oli did a quick check of the prison's medical records, wanting to see if there was any indication Thane had already been exposed. Digging through, he didn't see anything immediately concerning, and shrugged. He'd brief the team on his conversation with Tony once they were in a more private area.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15)
Magic: Summoning Charm

Eliza gave a disappointed look as Penny turned her down. The girl was cute, but no meant no, she'd just have to wait for the person she had feelings for to have a tragic accident in the Forbidden forest. Clearing her throat for a moment, she decided that going all the way back to her compartment would be too much trouble, and instead drew her wand and started to say, "A-ahh cio." Coughing in the middle of the incantation, and stopping the spell from firing. Shaking her head, "Accio Luggage! Accio Fae's Luggage." She exclaimed, swishing her wand through the air twice. As their stuff barreled through the air, Eliza considered that perhaps making her luggage fly through the crowded compartment was kind of a dick move, but quickly her actions were well worth it, as she heard Merula shout,

"Rotten mudblood can't even aim proper!"

Cackling to herself, Eliza called back, "My aim seems perfect to me love, thanks for your input though." As their luggage piled itself neatly in their compartment, Eliza gave a smile to Fae, and said. "To the knight bus then? I'll be in the top back if any of you want to join me, or play with Shadow." Before kneeling down to a cat carrier in her pile, and quietly saying, "Sorry about that darling, you know I love you." Looking her cat right in the eyes as she did, and sticking a finger through the cage to pat her on the head. Straightening herself out, she pushed her luggage out of the compartment, and onto the knight bus, taking up a spot in the top back.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Stark Tower, Roof
Skills: Transmutation

Elizabeth looked over at Sue, and said, "Let's get you out of harms way, I'll let you out when this is all over." Before placing her hand on the ground around her. Elizabeth's power wasn't too good for combat, but it let her reshape the battlefield in useful and unique ways, that was what she had to leverage. Closing her eyes, she gritted her teeth for a moment, finding the roof to be unyielding. Pushing her hand more firmly into it, she made eye contact with Sue, and imagined what she wanted, the equivalent of an inverted, concrete culender surrounding her.

Erupting from the ground around her, Sue would soon be encased by a dome, which would hopefully keep her safe until this was all over. The help having a member of the Fantastic Four on their side could get them wasn't worth losing their lives forever. She wasn't a doctor, but Sue just didn't look good. Turning her attention towards the sky, Elizabeth said, "We're still hoping he'd rather leave than have one of us die and kill him. Let's pray he isn't the stubborn type." Elizabeth didn't want to have to lose one of their team members to this, but there wasn't a question in her mind that, if he didn't yield, they'd have to kill him.

Oliver Sullivan

Location: Cardiff Castle
Skills: Hacking

As the hologram appeared, Oliver found his heart racing, ready to attack the next thing that showed up. Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself, reestablishing proper control over his thoughts and actions. He didn't take being frightened well, and it showed. Watching the exchange between Thanos and his servant, he took his phone out, and did what he did best: hack. He figured that, if this hologram was there, he might be able to figure out where it was coming from, and he was, to an extent. It was sent from somewhere in orbit, which made sense. If they could teleport in, then they could be anywhere.

Thinking he might be able to clone their system and examine it later, he gave it a shot, but this software was beyond anything he'd ever seen, and even copying it proved to be too much for him. Taking advantage of the lull they had, Oli decided to do some digging on Mr. Di Angelo, and learned about the nature of his sentence. Prison security, unsurprisingly, was a joke compared to what he normally worked on, and got in fine. Apparently, Thane was serving a sentence for arson, and was considered an escape risk. That might make getting him tricky, but they'd come up with something. Breaking in place was significantly easier when you had the Sorcerer Supreme by your side, after all.
Arthur Stanford

Location:Top Deck

Once Andy was in on starting training, that cemented it for Arthur, now was the time to start. He nodded at Rebecca and said, "That sounds like a good idea to me." The sooner he mastered his powers, the better. He was still a little emotional after seeing his sister, but hopefully this would help him get his mind off of that, but in all reality, he knew it wouldn't. He practiced with Ash before, and doing this again would just bring all of those memories flooding back to him. The only way out, was to make new memories, and Andy being there would help him do that.

Focusing on Rebecca, Arthur tilted his head a bit, "So, your mom is the goddess of magic, right?" He asked, trying to understand the nature of her powers. He didn't know much about that goddess, and he was curious what magic was actually like. "What's that give you, is it like Harry Potter?" He'd read those books before, and he couldn't imagine Rowling actually got things right, unless she herself was a demigod, but that seemed unlikely. That was his only reference point for witches and wizards though, so it was how he had to ask about it. Mostly, he wanted to know how she was qualified to teach this things, but asking about that directly would be rude.

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Exploding Snap Compartment (Compartment 15)
Magic: N/A

On hearing the announcement, Eliza let her patronus go, putting her wand away, and breathing a sigh of relief. What the Death Eaters were on the train for, she had no idea, but it couldn't be good. Domestic terrorism wasn't below Death Eater's by any means but what were they going to do? Systematically kill every muggleborn on the train, but then, how would they know who to kill? They couldn't just blow everyone up, their precious pureblood lineage would be put in jeopardy if that happened. Something didn't click, but far be it from her capacity to figure out what was going on. None of it sat well with her though, that was for sure.

Then, Penny came in, and Eliza flinched for a moment. She wasn;t expecting anybody to show up, short of maybe Aurors to check in on them. She didn't take somebody like Haywood, being a prefect and all, be much for explicitly breaking rules. But if she had a sister, Elize supposed she'd be worried as well, and the Aurors telling her to stay put wouldn't do much to keep her in place. As Flame was kissed, she too found herself blushing, and she mumbled out "If that's all it takes to get a kiss from ya' I'd love to show ye' what else I can do." She smiled cutely at Penny, but she knew that that wasn;t her best, and was unlikely to woo the most popular girl in the school.
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