Avatar of Nobodyman123


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3 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
4 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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4 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
4 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
4 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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@YankeeApproved. Well Done.

I think we have room for one more.
Reynault suppressed a laugh, but not very well. "Look, you're pretty and all, but we just met." he said, hoping he didn't accidentally make everything worse.

He was never very good at talking to women, and going to prison certainly didn't help. Trying to save himself and Pele from further embarrassment, he tried to change the subject again.

"So griffins are pretty dangerous. Why do you want to protect their eggs?" he asked, which honestly had been bugging him all day so far. Reynault had always believed that less griffins was a good thing. Maybe it was just another culture shock of being here.
@LukasVolkovApproved. Welcome aboard.
Reynault felt a pang of anger at the mention of any siblings, but he did his best to suppress it quickly. "I have an older brother. He's the family favorite, set to inherit everything when my father dies." he said. "I have the distinct misfortune to be born second."

It took Reynault years to realize it, but his brother had been offered everything. Reynault had to beg or fight for everything he wanted, and sometimes it wasn't enough. Whether Maxim was sheltered and spoiled or just ruthless, Reynault couldn't say.

The young noble kept his bile inside, and tried to change the subject. "Will we be walking the whole way? I could do with a good hike."
I havnt gotten any applications yet, so go ahead.
Longwater, Kansas. Late July

"Fools! You're all fools!" said Old Man Hill, as he staggered backwards out of the saloon and into the muddy main street of Longwater. The saloon's owner, Roy, was standing in the door, wiping his hands on his apron.

"Next time, pay for your damn drinks. Or else I'll throw you out again." Said Roy, much to the amusement of the patrons. Roy was a former slave, and spent much of his early years working the land of his master. He was already big and strong before running away to fight for the Union. Hill, even as drunk as he was, knew that fighting Roy couldn't possibly end well.

"I know what I saw, god dammit!" the old man drunkenly yelled. "The Devil's in Longwater, and we're all doom!"

The old man picked himself from the mud and nearly fell back in once his legs started to quiver. He righted himself and limped down the street back to his hovel.

Not known for much other than propping up the bar of Roy's Tavern, Hill was known throughout the town as a drunken layabout who begged, borrowed and sometimes stole the money he used for drink. So when he came face to face with the Devil, not a soul believed him. Even Father Stone, the local priest, looked at him with skepticism.

"Goddamn idiots, all of them." he muttered to himself as he reached his alley where had been allowed to sleep. Though he was drunk and dead tired, he was afraid of what going to sleep.

Every time he closed his eyes, he could see the cold, black eyes of the Devil. Hill couldn't remember any detail about the demon except for his eyes. The Devil's voice was as cold as his eyes, but carried with it an edge of danger. He asked Hill his name, very politely at that.

Hill turned and ran as fast as his old legs could carry him back to the saloon. He got back to his favorite bar stool and told everyone what he saw. A week had past since that night, and the town had been laughing at him ever since.

The old man sat down on his thrown away mattress, wondering if he should try going to sleep again. He almost didn't hear the running feet and the panting breath until it on top of him...

Gene Silver woke up with a start, having been shook awake by Sheriff Wilcox. Ever since his mother died, Gene had taken to sleeping at the Sheriff's office rather than go home.

"Get up, son. There's been a murder." was all the old Sheriff said. The deputy nodded and began pulling his boots on.
Working on the first IC post right now. After that, I'll post some more about the layout of the town and the people in it.

America, 1885

The Civil War has ended, and the once fractured Union is now whole. Though the scars of the conflict have yet to truly heal, the young nation sets it sights on the great western expanse. In the beautiful, yet harsh landscape, a man can make his fortune. Many of the wild eyed dreamers and the quiet survivors stop by Longwater, Kansas.

The townsfolk generally keep to themselves while they occasionally barter and sometimes cheat the travelers heading further west. In spite of the locals, the town remains prosperous and content.

Some of the more vocal drunks claim to have seen things in the middle of the night. Winged creatures large enough to carry a man. Long buried men walking the town at night. Wolves the size of bison with eyes as red as blood.

The modern, sensible townsfolk and wealthy travelers ignore them, blaming the drink. Only Father Stone seems to take any interest, using their mad ramblings as fuel for his sermons.

Is their nothing to worry about? Or does the devil have his black heart set on Longwater?
So after watching the teaser for Undeadwood from Critical Role, and with Halloween just around the corner, I had an urge to try this out. I've been out of group RPs for a long time, having preferred to stay with just one person.

Players would be playing as either local townsfolk from Longwater or distant travelers who find themselves nearby when things start going to hell (literally). Expect zombies, vampires, demons and whatever classic horror monsters I might want to add.

Rules are pretty straight forward. Play nice, don't be a dick and if you want to leave or take a break, please talk to me.

One more important rule to keep in mind. You're characters are not superheroes, or even total badasses like Marston or Morgan. Try to keep your characters believable and flawed. Nothing ruins a game faster than a Marty Stu/Mary-Sue.

If you have any questions or comments, please send them my way. Yeehaw!

lavenderdame as Miriam Schwartz
Yankee as Joshua Addair
Lukas Volkov as Julia Bisset
MK2 as Ezekial Gillum
and Nobodyman123 as Deputy Gene Silver and Rebecca Stoakes

Longwater Points of Interest

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