Avatar of Nobodyman123


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3 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
4 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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4 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
4 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
4 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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@Silentfeather Great. Now to see if anyone else wants to sign on.

Had a chance to look at it?
Here. Remember, you guys are all invited.

Tell me what you think.


America, 1888

The Civil War has ended, and the once fractured Union is now whole. Though the scars of the conflict have yet to truly heal, the young nation sets it sights on the great western expanse. In the beautiful, yet harsh landscape, a man can make his fortune. Many of the wild eyed dreamers and the quiet survivors stop by Longwater, Kansas.

The townsfolk generally keep to themselves while they occasionally barter and sometimes cheat the travelers heading further west. In spite of the locals, the town remains prosperous and content.

Some of the more vocal drunks claim to have seen things in the middle of the night. Winged creatures large enough to carry a man. Long buried men walking the town at night. Wolves the size of bison with eyes as red as blood.

The modern, sensible townsfolk and wealthy travelers ignore them, blaming the drink. Only Father Stone seems to take any interest, using their mad ramblings as fuel for his sermons.

Is there nothing to worry about? Or does the devil have his black heart set on Longwater?

I'll post an interest check when I get home from work. See if anyone here is interested.

I mean a western with some supernatural elements. Horror in this case.

Me too.

But if it does, how do you feel about Weird Westerns?
I would but I literally just posted.

Well, crap.

If this dies, I have an idea for a Wild West themed game that I tried to run for a while. I invite all of you to that.
So is anyone going to try and get a post out? I'd post, but I know there is a rule about posting before other people get a chance to do so.
Back from my trip. And not sunburnt somehow.
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