Avatar of Nobodyman123


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3 yrs ago
Current Started back to work this week, so I'm exhausted. I'll get some posts done tonight.
4 yrs ago
Holy back injury, Batman! I'll try and post tomorrow.
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4 yrs ago
Feeling burnt out. Medication isn't working like it should. I'm gonna try to keep writing, but it might take a while.
4 yrs ago
Sottu got making people wait. My wife is getting ready to run her own DnD campaign soon, and I'm helping her.
4 yrs ago
My PS4 save date got deleted. I'm actually quite upset.


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Great characters everyone.

Sorry for the delay in posting, as real life happened. I will try and have the post up either tonight or tomorrow
Good questions.

The year is 119 ad. Rome is at the height of its power and Hadrian is the emperor.

And we will start in Rome itself.
Name: Lucius Casca

Age: 41
Gender: Male
Social Class: Plebian
Nationality: Roman
Personality: When Lucius Casca was a Centurion in Legio VIII, he expected the best from his men and harbored no fools. Now a days, his attitude is pretty much the same. He is sometimes harsh, but deep down, he simply wants what's best for the people under his protection.

Brief Backstory: Centurion Casca served his Imperium well for more than twenty years, and expected to either die or gain his full retirement benefits. Instead, he career was cut short when a Dacian took his hand off at the wrist during battle. When the undead came, the crippled soldier suddenly found himself thrust into a command position. His legion and his men are his children, and he will fight to the death to protect them.

Equipment: Most of Casca's equipment was returned to the state on his discharge, but was allowed to keep his sword by his general. In spite of his lack of a left hand, he is still carries his sword, along with whatever equipment and armor he can get his hand on.

Skills: Casca's greatest weapon is his experience, as he has known warfare for nearly half of his life. This knowledge he is all too willing to pass down onto other in order to ensure their survival, as well as his own.
@Force and Fury

Approved. Welcome aboard.

I'm gonna knock out my character real quick. Then I'll try and have a first post up tomorrow.

The Roman Empire is at the height of it's power. From the green meadows of Brittania to the desert dunes of Syria, the Emperor rules over millions. The Roman Army had known victory is war for centuries and Rome's few enemies feared and respected the might of the Legions.

But for Rome, the most insidious enemy came from within.

It started as a plague. First in Rome, then to the surrounding provinces. The death toll was catastrophic, but things became far worse when the dead began to rise again.

Now, a few brave survivors must set aside their differences and work together to weather the storm and find salvation. Should they fail, then their corpses will soon join the empire of the dead.

So I tried to run this RP a long time ago, but I've recently decided to give it another shot.

The players would be citizens of the empire and can be of any nationality or social class as long as its plausible. Your characters would then try to make a life for yourselves in the apocalypse. Will you stay in Rome? Or perhaps seek help from Rome's enemies? Or maybe even find a cure?

Here is a character sheet for you guys to use. If there is anything you think is missing, please let me know and we can work things out.

Description (a written description or a real life picture is fine. Please no anime):
Social Class (Patrician, Pleb, Slave?):
Nationality (Are you a Roman? Are you from outside the empire?):
Personality (Are you easy to get along with? Are you standoffish?:
Brief Backstory:
Equipment (what sort of things does your character carry on them?):
Skills (Can your character fight? Are they a trained physician?:

All the general rules apply. Don't be a dick. If you have an issue, then message me and we can be amicable about it.

I can't wait to hear from you folks!

Sure, I'm kind of a nut on the subject, so I'd be happy to help. Is there anything specific you wanted to know?

Either way, that's a good amount of people. I'll start an OOC and character page in a bit.
Awesome. If I can get one more, then I think we can kick this thing off.

The Roman Empire is at the height of it's power. From the green meadows of Brittania to the desert dunes of Syria, the Emperor rules over millions. The Roman Army had known victory is war for centuries and Rome's few enemies feared and respected the might of the Legions.

But for Rome, the most insidious enemy came from within.

It started as a plague. First in Rome, then to the surrounding provinces. The death toll was catastrophic, but things became far worse when the dead began to rise again.

Now, a few brave survivors must set aside their differences and work together to weather the storm and find salvation. Should they fail, then their corpses will soon join the empire of the dead.

So I tried to run this RP a long time ago, but I've recently decided to give it another shot.

The players would be citizens of the empire and can be of any nationality or social class as long as its plausible. Your characters would then try to make a life for yourselves in the apocalypse. Will you stay in Rome? Or perhaps seek help from Rome's enemies? Or maybe even find a cure?

If there is any interest, please let me know, either through PM or through here.
Eskel nodded his head. "You are right. It's time I made a decision, and this is what I want." he said while taking her hand. "I need to hear this from my father's mouth, one way or the other. If he is innocent, then he needs our help. If he's working with the empire behind the backs of his own people, then he shouldn't be king anymore."

With that, the young man started walking away back towards the Naboo cruiser that he had arrived in. "I know how to fly my own ship. It should get use close enough to land. I'm going to make sure it's ready to take off." he said, turning back to say his piece. Once he was finished, he continued through the swamp, sure in his step.

"Well, he seems determined at least. He's probably right about taking his ship. An X-wing might be a little obvious." Adam said, looking sort of bemused. Yoda, however, looked concerned.

"Into the maw, you are both flying. Very dangerous it will be." said the Jedi Master. "Help you, I will. But go alone, you must. A trap, I sense."
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