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tfw you
>have the idea for a post in your mind
>know what it's going to include and be about
>can't get it to paper because your brain is poop

My night in a nutshell.

Or when it's too early in the story for that reveal. :(
@sweetserenity Removed. :)
@Epic Score What you may need to do is refresh the page. Sometimes when editing it doesn't update the live view but the edit submission has gone through.
M a d i s o n

• Convention Center, Smith's Rest •


The cutesy name that Madison gave to the red headed wore off as the girl's quivering voice made an attempt to scold him for his unwanted actions. She felt violated, it was as though she had become a sex prop to someone's unhealthy relationship. The way he spoke to her, the way he told her she was a cute puppy and that he couldn't bring himself to fuck. Did he really believe that she was leading him away so she could satisfy his lustful desires?

"How can you view me like that?" The girl's voice ran hot as it filled with a mixture of high emotions and the faint sparkles of tears; an expression of distress that came to the harsh conclusion of a facial slap. It was the right hand that she had chosen to attack her companion with, following through with an earth shattering crack as the artificial backhand landed on his gummy cheek flesh.

"I'm not a whore!" Madison yelled loudly at the drunk and disorderly while he laid on the table between Eli and Alan. It was enough to draw the attention of even those who managed to ignore the intoxicated man's actions. "And you know I don't have an interest in guys, so why would you say stuff like that?"

She stood over him, sniffling and flabbergasted to what he was saying. If alcohol was a substance that would bring out the most deepest of desires, was sleeping around with random women one of those? "I just cannot believe you!" She began as she schooled the man on what it was that got her all riled up. "I was in a coma for months—I'm trying to get better—and here's you, someone who is much like a father to me and all you seem to be interested in is sticking your dick into whatever slut comes your way."

By this point in time Madison was filled a mixture of betrayal and anger: the betrayal that Percy would ignore his friend's legitimate concerns, and the anger of his self centred attitude. Her fist were clenched hard as her mind went through a thousand phrases that she could say right now.

What about Ana?
What about me?
Percy, you're so selfish sometimes.

She wanted to yell at him, punch him in the face, and make him take back what he said about her, but none of these warranted a vocal outburst considering the drunk would probably forget it all in the morning. Instead she turned to leave the cafeteria in search of a washroom to escape from the shit world that she had been reborn into those many months ago. She stomped forth, every step landing with that all-so-familiar boom for which she was known for. She was on her way when Miss Cole passed by the Australian who she had held a conversation with previously.

Madison stopped, turned her head to Tahlia knowing this was all really her fault, and through water filled eyes screamed at the top of her lungs.

The Australian raised an eyebrow as she drew a breath through the freshly lit cigarette, choosing to not reply with anything while she surveyed the young girl's movements to the doorway. She had her opinions on the Percy/Madison fiasco but at this point in time she was keen on holding her cards close to the chest.
And that's why I am so happy with my 1x1 partner and how she understands when my life gets a bit chaotic. Unfortunately I would love to post but I just don't have all that free time for a while.
Probably Slytherin seeing I like green and parents have bought me things like a Slytherin hat whenever they've gone to Harvey Potter world UK.

Will say I do own a Sirius Black wand too. ;D
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
Mahz was working on a post deletion/hide aspect for the GMs but it wasn't going too well and he ended with his latest hiatus, so there's something there but nothing concrete. :/

I remember months ago there was talks about a white listing thing too where you check off posters/users so that they can access the Char and IC tabs. That would help with preventing any trolls from causing problems or even the accidental post in the wrong section. Currently though we have the reverse with the thread ban feature, so again... it's kinda there. xD

Pretty much if that gets implemented it would reduce a large portion of the general requests that we moderators get and allow GMs to coordinate their roleplays to their own requirements.
<Snipped quote by Lady Amalthea>
I imagine people who do this are like those people whose life is a total mess and who think having a baby will solve it.

But that centerlink payment, bro!!!! The government loves giving cash to newborn babies and mothers.
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