Avatar of Overlord Thraka


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current New Schedule for my RP friends. My goal is 1 reply a day, total. Meaning that of my 4 current ongoing RPs, each partner can expect a reply once every 4 days. Maybe more often if I'm inspired.
2 mos ago
I think it's funny how worried I was about catching up on posts. I caught up in a day and am now bored waiting for replies!
2 mos ago
Back stateside. Posts will slowly resume over the course of the next week
3 mos ago
To my RP partners, I will get a reply to everyone I owe one two in the next few days. Then it's radio silence for 2 weeks while I'm on vacation! I'll still be available to chat, just not post
3 mos ago
When you finally catch up on all your RP replies and are just... waiting


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Most Recent Posts

In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*The woman screams as she shoulder makes a loud POP and her shoulder dislocates*
Woman: AHH! Yak sora ni! Pain! Stop!
*She get's propped up and glares at Hanna, the pain seemingly bringing her back to her senses*
Woman: Told was safe! Butcher say safe this place! So I come to be safe! Now you say not safe!? Why!?
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*The woman weakly drags herself into the room. She's got a open wound on her stomach and her leg has a nasty compound fracture*
*She looks up at Hanna weakly, seemingly half-conscious*
*She's tall and lean but with hard muscles. Her dark hair is matted with blood from a nasty cut on her scalp and her nose is broken.*
*She's dressed lightly in fur breeches and top and her body is adorned with tribal tattoos and piercings*
Woman: Ni lak su?... Ik sha noa orbost?
*She speaks deliriously, eyes unfocused until she notices Hanna properly*
Woman:...Haven?.. Safe?
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*The figure keeps crawling and as they draw closer, it's apparent that it's a young, badly wounded woman, weakly pulling herself along and unable to walk*
*She drags herself to the opening in the busted wall and slumps, wheezing painfully*

*Iris cries into Horus's chest for a long time, eventually working herself to sleep as Horus gently rocks her*
Banned for bland. (No sig or avatar? Boooooriiiing ;)
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*The figure continues crawling, not seeming to notice the fight going on around them*

*Iris sobs into Horus's chest. Horus for his part tries not to show the pain he's in and just consoles his beloved*
Iris: I'm a monster! A hideous beast!
Horus: No... No you're not... You've just changed, but look at you! Wings! You'll be able to fly the skies! Look at the positives!
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Horus doesn't even bother to look at Hanna as he races past her too his and Iris's room*
*He bursts in the door and sees Iris on the bed. He gasps and stares at her*
*Iris nods miserably as Horus closes the door and moves over to her, scooping her up and holding her close as she finally breaks down*
Iris: L-look what I've b-become...

*The figure crawls towards the room weakly, dragging itself along*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Horus gets hit and staggers back. He growls, rather weakly from busted ribs*
Horus: Ugh! Alright you-
*His head swivels as he hears Hanna's call*
Horus: Iris!? What's happened!?
*He sprints towards Hanna and the room, frantic*
Horus: Take me to her now!
*He looks frightened, which is something never seen before as he knows Iris wouldn't call for him unless she really really needed him*
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Iris doesn't smile but appears to be more at ease*
Iris: T-t-thank you Hanna.. b-but if it's not too much... c-could you f-find Horus for me?
*She looks down at Hanna with eyes have transformed into lizardlike eyes that swirl many colors*

*Horus takes a few hits and staggers back then brings both hands down in a massive double-fisted overhand smash while the Robot is distracted with John*
Horus: RAAAGH!
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Iris is hugging back when she groans as the bones in her head crack and change for a few seconds and she starts growing a snout. After a few seconds she pants heavily from the pain and grimaces*
Iris: N-no... No i-it's not...
In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Iris nods and weakly gets up to stand on the bed, she wobbles, still not used to her tail which is about 2 feet long now and hangs down from underneath the towel*
*She sits on the edge of the bed and just holds Hanna close, happy to have someone there with her, even if it's not Horus*
Iris: I-I won't...
*She sees Hanna crying and hugs her tightly*
Iris: I guess you're right sweetie... you're right...
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