Avatar of Pandolin


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Current Heckers! Imma just realizing the implications behind Wreck it Ralph!
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It's clear I like my status's more than other people do.
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Sorcerers have pianists fingers.
3 yrs ago
Well I told him it would happen, and now look at that wart!
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Look'n for a big 'ol green giant


NTK and FYI stuffers

Random fact about me: I'm a crazy weirdo person.
Something I like: Ranch dressing, even though it looks like... you know.
What you should know: I think scratching an itch in the ear is one of the best feelings ever.
A more appropriate fact: I love writing. RPing is the jam. Not like toe jam, though. Toe jam is gross.

thanks for reading

Most Recent Posts

Bannoes for not being bannoed in three glorious days!
Pebble Cliffside

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It wasn’t at all every day that Pebble got propositioned for a good old romping between rocks. Even when they fancied a lady, most men had the decency not go about offering random ladies gold in exchange for a romping. Gold was as glorious to Pebble as swinging her pickaxe at an untouched vein of ore, but she sure as stones wasn’t no prostitute! No amount of coin was going to be buying her sweet affections. Heck, that’s what she told herself, anyhow.

All Pebble was thinking is that she was going to popping that pervy mans head with her hammer as soon as they reached a private place, but there wasn’t any harm at all in taking a peek at his dangler before she did. It’s a whole lot harder for a man to be running away with his pants down. Pebble had it all worked out in her pretty little head when she and her pervy companion arrived at the ugliest glen she ever be seeing. Heckers, the plants were all dead and there wasn’t any animal making a sound. Pebble hadn’t even started up her singing yet and she couldn’t see any good reason why all the plants be dying, but the pile of dead bodies could be meaning one thing.

Pebble was willing to forgo all her rock solid plans and turn on back around. Had it not been for her pervy companion taking her by the arm to try and lead her around the glen, she sure as stones would have. His gropy hand made the little dwarf refresh her original intentions to mash his head, and they were about out of sight of all the bodies when armored Vradia soldiers rocked on up with another wagon full of dead folk. Pebble and her pervy companion didn’t watch on any longer than to see them soldiers set fire to the tower of bodies. They moved on along and found themselves at a small farming community that had been bordered off by a spiky fence. So many hecken things were wrong about this and it seemed to Pebble that the further they traveled the deeper they were getting into trouble.

Sure as stone, it was time to turn around and head back to the road, especially when right there and then Pebble saw a bunch of lively Rotted moving in their direction from the farm side of the fence. Now, Pebble was not an expert on fences, but she was sure as a rumbling avalanche that the fence wasn’t going to be holding them Rotted off for long, and she couldn’t say for certain that her singing was wonderful enough to make a whole bunch of rotted dance. Pebble had to move fast and her previous plans didn’t matter none anymore. Wasn’t no head mashing important enough to risk her life over. But wouldn’t you know it? It was all sorts of fortunate that her companion was too caught up in perving at her body to notice the approaching rotted for himself.

“Gold first.” Pebble held out her hand. She was all sorts of happy that her pervy companion was dumb enough to hand over the gold first. She slipped the coin in her pocket right quick and gave him a glorious wink. “Now, pull down your pants!” The man did just as he was told and didn’t hesitate about it none, either. Let it be told right now, his dangler wasn’t anything to write home about. “Hechers, ain’t that a twig?” Pebble’s companion was just so stony offended by her comment that he didn’t notice she was holding the hammer until she was swinging it down on his foot.

With a whole great deal of displeasure, Pebble was off and running again. She didn’t have much mind to be looking back, but she could hear the pervy man screaming well enough to know that it wasn’t just his crushed foot that was hurting him. The bunch of rotted had themselves a good old pervy feed on their hands. In case the bait Pebble left those Rotted wasn’t enough to keep them off her tail, she went on ahead and started singing her wonderful tunes all the way back to the road.

Stones be praised, it wasn’t at all long after that Pebble was feeling all safe and sound again. She toddled on down the road singing her songs with very little care in the whole wide world.

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Pebble Cliffside

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Pebble’s glorious singing helped her escape the Rotted Elf. Last time she saw his sickly butt was off in the distance, swaying and swinging his head dancing like there was nothing else important.

That sicky sick encounter made Pebble think she should be heading on over to the place she was supposed to be going. To find her Ma and Pa. There was nothing else on her mind to do, anyway. She toddled on down a forested road in the right direction, singing and dropping things dead along her way. All was marvelous stones until she came across a traveling man who didn’t appreciate her singing and asked her to stop doing that horrible thing with her mouth. Pebble obliged the man but she was rocky mad at his comment about her lovely singing voice.

There was no denying it, the man was a tall and strapping sort to gander at, but he didn’t walk away after asking her to stop singing. Pebble didn’t like it none too much that he stayed to chat; told her all about his travels and how cute her little dwarven backside was. He came on in real close to Pebble and bopped his finger on her chin with a spoken proposition.

“One gold coin to lay with you, my sweet?”

Pebble smirked and rolled her brow and gave a big old shrug of her shoulder.


Yep, Pebble was distracted again, and her mission to find her Ma and Pa will have to wait. By heckers, her hammer had some work to do!

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@WhiteAngel25 Yesers I'll post a Pebble.
@Ti Heyo! Just be letting you know you don't need to wait for a Pebble post. I'm not thinkn Pebble will be arriving with the group yet. She Probs still toddling about the map for my next post like the last one. No probs if you post before me! <3
@Single Malt if Maltar keeps loitering outside of places selln food and drink he ain't never getting a peasant or a pheasant to gobble HAHAHA!
Banned for not being a pink glowy chicken!
No idea why I'm craving me a plump roasted pheasant right now!
Pebble Cliffside

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"Roar, roar,
The Orc was green,
Had the biggest envy,
Ever seen.

Pretty, pretty,
The elf was tall,
She dominated men,
one and all."

Pebble toddled along a tall deciduous forest path singing her delightful song. Not a care in the world was given as she occasionally swung her hips at the outro of verses. Her sickening squawks resonated ghastly doom. Dissonant tunes aired like dull blades hacking at the breeze, murdering the peace, and sewing discord in the elements of life. The forest darkened at the noise of her ditty. Leaves wilted and small shrubs shriveled. Bark peeled like rotting flesh. A squirrel chirped and dropped dead from high in the trees. A young doe shuddered and keeled over.

It was a lovely morning! Little Pebble was supposed to be on the road to find her Ma and Pa, least ways that’s how she figured it, and she would’ve been a sight more prompt about it if she cared a tad more. She was headed in the general direction of what was meant to be, yet there was just so many other things that piqued her interest along the way. There were holes to dig, songs to sing, baths to take, foraging to do, food to cook, rocks to admire. Heck, the list of distractions was endless.

Life sighed with happy relief when Pebble’s voice cut out. She stopped in her tracks at the noticing of a corpse on the side of the path. It wasn’t no ordinary corpse. What do you call a body that’s been mostly eaten? She knew not to touch it. With her butt on her heels and chin on her knees she looked the dead person over. Most of the body had been devoured right down to the bones and it needed a bit of study to determine this person was an Orc. The remains of his gnawed and torn flesh were fresh and his head, by heckers, had been turned right around. Who could do that to a big ol’ Orc? Pebble had a hunch that it wasn’t an animal. What she figured it was wasn’t something she wanted to be tangling with. The death of this Orc being recent meant that whatever killed him wasn’t far away.

Pebble stood right on up and looked around. She took Ed from her pocket and gave him a kiss for good luck then slipped him back into her pants. With her hammer and axe in hands Pebble moved cautiously down the path ready to defend herself. Precious ores, this wasn’t how she was wanting to spend her morning.

Thundering avalanche! There it was around the next bend in the path. The sick form of one of the diseased sent shivers up Pebble’s spine. Pebble had never seen a Rotted with her very own eyes before but she recognized it by stories been told about them. This Rotted must’ve been well into its final stages as its gray pale flesh had marbly green patches and its own black blood was gooped down its chin and body. Some monsters Pebble could handle just fine. Bad men were a pleasure to mash up with her hammer. But a Rotted wasn’t something she wanted to get even the itsy bit close to. Heckers no! Pebble sighed at the thought of having to run, she absolutely hated running, but this Dwarf wasn’t about to get sick today.

There was no sure as heck way of knowing what race the Rotten was. If Pebble hazarded a guess by its height and how fast it was chasing after her short little ass, it was probably an elf. Pebbles wasn’t going to outrun this thing. She had to think fast and find another way to escape. Climbing a tree was no options. Pebble wasn’t the most atrocious climber in the world. Heck, she thought herself pretty darn good at it, but she was still outmatched by an Elf in that field of expertise. Throwing rocks at it wasn’t going to do a thing. She was beginning to panic. She could hear it coming fast up her rear. She figured she was gonna have to fight its ugly ass after all. There was also one other option that struck Pebble’s mind like a fast-moving stone as she turned to face her Rotted pursuer!

Pebble started singing her little heart out! Her voice shrieked like a dying litter of cat demons. Leaves wilted and snowed down from the trees. Small plants shriveled. Insects popped. The ground cracked at her feet. Birds started squawking with despair and some of them died if they couldn’t fly away fast enough. Pebble was raising her hammer and axe to throw at the approaching Rotted but ended up not needing to do that all. The sick Elf slowed down and stumbled to a stop a small distance away. It rolled its head all around like it was trying to catch a fly with its mouth. Pebble couldn’t believe her big doe eyes. The Rotted started to sway. Was this thing... dancing?

Pebble wasn’t at all certain what to feel about this. Kinda made her feel all nice and gooey inside to finally find someone who appreciated her lovely singing voice, but now what the heckers was she going to do? If she attacked it her weapons would be contaminated and splatter from the carnage could still make her sick. She figured pretty much that her only rock-solid option was to keep on hollering her dreadful song and back away reeeeeal slow.

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