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7 mos ago
Current Achmed the Snake
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11 mos ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
1 yr ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
1 yr ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died
1 yr ago
In short: no don't use basic acrylics.


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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The thief and the slave both froze at the word. It had not been loud, but it held a piercing quality in the cold desert night. The thief licked his lips and looked back and forth between his two apparent saviors in some concern.

“Eat nothing until sunrise,” she cautioned, sweeping a foot across the sand she had been drawing in a moment ago. Placing her own fish aside she turned and looked out over the desert.

“You must lay the bodies of the Ghuali and your friends also so that their feet face the rising sun.”

“My friends? Mistress I assure…” The thief began to object but Amria eyes, flashing in the firelight locked with the bandits for a long moment. Met began to shake and tore his eyes away with a visible effort and a prayer to Allah and a gesture to ward off evil. It took the two men the better part of half an hour to line the bodies up feet facing east. Severed limbs were piled atop of the corpse to whom they most likely belonged.

“We have no salt, so we must use fire,” Amira said, drawing a burning branch from their small blaze and, after muttering a prayer, touched it to the Ghul furthest along the line. Like oil igniting at the touch of flame, pale tongues of fire leapt over the ghuls gray flesh. It spread in a slow chain from body to body, even the recently dead humans began to blaze with the same pale fire.

“Lord of Wonders,” the thief said reverently kissing at some sort of silver icon he kept on a hemp cord around his neck.

“There is something wrong in this place,” Amira declared as her nose wrinkled slightly at the smell of burning flesh.

“Come, we must go.”

Without showing a moments hesitation the Sorceress led them out across the sands. The moon was bright and it was easy to find a way. For an hour or more they crossed the dunes until they reached a low sandstone bluff where she allowed her companions a few moments rest. Carefully she began running her hands over the sheer wall of sandstone.

“Master, what are you…” Rhaak began but as he spoke she pressed down on the stone and, to his amazement it slid away beneath her grip. There was a dry grinding sound as a large section of cliff, polished to perfection by the ancient camolgauge masters, slid to the side. A blast of musty fetid air rushed out to greet them.

“It will not be safe to travel by daylight,” she announced, “we will take refuge here.”

"Mistress..." Ma'kum began clearing his throat nervously.

"This is one of the tombs of the apostates, it is not safe to enter such a place."

"Stay if it pleases you," Amira said serenely, "Though I caution you against the daylight in this place."

Junebug’s smile could have cut glass. Careful to keep her teeth from grinding she rose to her feet.

“I would be honored,” she said evenly. By the look of worry in the Shaman’s eye she hadn’t been completely successful but that was alright. The cheering of the crowd rose as she followed Neil down the rough hewn stone steps towards the game field. She dearly hoped that the natives weren’t going to kill Niel, she wanted to do that herself. What had the man been thinking. On an instinct she looked over her shoulder and caught a glance of the Shaman’s pretty assistant beaming down at Neil’s back.

“Bleeding bloody stars,” she cursed although it was too quiet to carry over the crowd. Was their a man in the universe who wasn’t lead around by his prick? Not that the bloody fool of a girl was doing any better. They reached the ground before the zigurat and a score of large natives trotted out onto the field, each carrying a length of wood about five feet in length and half the thickness of a mans wrist, as well as a flat wooden shield that had been lacquered to a shinewith some sort of native resin. Above them Wetumpkah stood and bellowed loudly enough to be heard over the crowd. Two of the players peeled off and trotted towards Sayeeda and the pilot, offering them the shield and stick. Wordlessly Junebug took the gear and, dicovering the shield had a pair of leather straps on the back, slipped her hand through to clasp it to her forearm. Both items were light but solid.

“If you have any insight on how Radafiri is played, now is the time,” she commented acidly. Neil turned to look at her.

“I..uhhh..” he began.

“That is more or less what I thought,” she sighed. The group was splitting up into two distinct teams. A pair of hoops each painted the dirty orange of rock pigment was placed at each end of the sixty meter strip of cobblestones and the men, they were all men, took up positions along either end. Junebug went with her ‘team’ and stood in the loose line. As the did so a small child, no more than six trotted onto the field with a leather ball beneath its arms. Nervously they tossed it to the floor and scampered away. As one all the players tilted back their heads and yelled an odd undulating war cry. As if by some signal they cut of and lurched towards the ball at full speed, shields and sticks raised.

If only it stopped there (with limitations), I'd be fine with it.

First we get marriage equality then we force people to recognize gender pronouns at gunpoint, then we set up the gulag system. Its all falling into place...
The power to marry who we want, those liberal monsters!
<Snipped quote by Penny>

Mine too. I don't even HAVE a husband yet.

Me either, and I have to find one, leave him and then become a lesbian.
Is Kvothe a Mary Sue/Marty Stu?
Somewhat. Not to a huge degree, and it's only really in musical talent and how intelligent he is.

His abilities NEVER allow him to solve his actual problems. For all his talents he still struggles to find any information about the enemy, learn magic ect ect.
<Snipped quote by Penny>

Leave Husband
Kill Children
Practice Witchcraft
Destroy Capitalism
Become Lesbian

Well I guess my to do list just got a little longer.
Junebug watched the sport intently, making certain to keep a bemused smile on her face despite the barbarity. You could never tell what sort of savagery Indigs would go in for but the casual violence and death didn't bode well for the three travelers remaining long term. She needed to get some men and get back to the Highlander so they could get started on the construction of the dam, being out of contact with the ship this long was already beginning to make her nervous. They needed to get some sort of radio relay, perhaps the gun jeep itself and...

It took a moment for her to realize that Neil was speaking to her. Hastily she exchanged a few words with Wetumpkah who in turn turned to his attractive... slave? Assistant? Acolyte and babbled at her. The girl rushed of swaying her hips distractingly. Sayeeda watched her go with a frown and caught Wetumpkah cast a suspicious glance at Neil. A moment later she returned with an odd item of silvery metal. To her shock it had the same strange octoganal construction as the Ancient bunker and other ancient devices they had seen when rescuing/abducting Drake. The girl lay it before Neil all but batting her eyes at the pilot. This time Sayeeda definitely heard the shaman growl in quiet anger.

"Is that an Ancient artifact?" Taya piped up drawn from her frighted stupor by the presence of such an oddity. Junebug conferred in broken Zil with Wetumpkah, he was easier to talk to than the other natives by an order of magnitude due to his limited proficiency in Imperial.

"He says that it has been passed down for many generations, that it once bestrode the sky as a mighty hunter." As she spoke a cheer went up as one of the thrower bulls-eyed the target. A sudden hush drew her attention as a group of perhaps fifty men emerged from the treeline. They made no effort to conceal themselves but their tatoos differed significantly from what Sayeeda had come to think of as 'the locals'.

"The Itzucannu," Wetumpkah explained between dark glances at Neil, "We sent word to the tribes living far far that starman come to our village, they want to make honor."

"I see," Sayeeda said, keeping her tone happy but inwardly wondering how many such groups of armed tribesmen were currently making their way towards the field of low Zigurats.

Junebug watched the sport intently, making certain to keep a bemused smile on her face despite the barbarity. You could never tell what sort of savagery Indigs would go in for but the casual violence and death didn't bode well for the three travelers remaining long term. She needed to get some men and get back to the Highlander so they could get started on the construction of the dam, being out of contact with the ship this long was already beginning to make her nervous. They needed to get some sort of radio relay, perhaps the gun jeep itself and...

It took a moment for her to realize that Neil was speaking to her. Hastily she exchanged a few words with Wetumpkah who in turn turned to his attractive... slave? Assistant? Acolyte and babbled at her. The girl rushed of swaying her hips distractingly. Sayeeda watched her go with a frown and caught Wetumpkah cast a suspicious glance at Neil. A moment later she returned with an odd item of silvery metal. To her shock it had the same strange octoganal construction as the Ancient bunker and other ancient devices they had seen when rescuing/abducting Drake. The girl lay it before Neil all but batting her eyes at the pilot. This time Sayeeda definitely heard the shaman growl in quiet anger.

"Is that an Ancient artifact?" Taya piped up drawn from her frighted stupor by the presence of such an oddity. Junebug conferred in broken Zil with Wetumpkah, he was easier to talk to than the other natives by an order of magnitude due to his limited proficiency in Imperial.

"He says that it has been passed down for many generations, that it once bestrode the sky as a mighty hunter." As she spoke a cheer went up as one of the thrower bulls-eyed the target. A sudden hush drew her attention as a group of perhaps fifty men emerged from the treeline. They made no effort to conceal themselves but their tatoos differed significantly from what Sayeeda had come to think of as 'the locals'.

"The Itzucannu," Wetumpkah explained between dark glances at Neil, "We sent word to the tribes living far far that starman come to our village, they want to make honor."

"I see," Sayeeda said, keeping her tone happy but inwardly wondering how many such groups of armed tribesmen were currently making their way towards the field of low Zigurats.

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