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8 mos ago
Current Achmed the Snake
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12 mos ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
1 yr ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
1 yr ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died
1 yr ago
In short: no don't use basic acrylics.


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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"Are they idiots?" Eudoxia asked as the Khareeds thundered across the intervening terrain, the hooves of their great chargers throwing up a pall of dust. Phaedra shook her head. The Khareeds weren't idiots, but they were used to their way of war, the frontal charge of heavy cavalry, producing results. Those results had been good for close to a thousand years, dating back to when Atvari princes had carved their homeland out of the bloated corpse of decadent Urdesh. They were reckless though, spurred on by the notion of rescuing a princess and under the eyes of their Satrap to boot. A more logical response would have been to menace the Imperial troops without actually attacking, stalling their march so the remainder of their field army could move into position.

"Close enough," Phaedra agreed with her sub-commander. Imperial forces had their traditions too, but those traditions were borne out of desperation. Imperial armies tended to be bastard conglomerates of various semi-barbarians, they were almost invariabley outnumbered and survived only through discipline, cunning and using every advantage of tactics and terrain they could beg borrow or steel.

"Want us to feather them with arrows as they approach?" Eudoxia asked. Phaedra looked back over her shoulder, as though measuring the distance back to the coast, hundreds of leagues off.

"One volley, just before they hit the creekbed," she said after a moment.

"Its a long way back to Kestos and I think we are going to need our arrows before too long, its a shame we cant just..." she trailed off as an idea occured to her.

"Cant just what?" Eudoxia asked. Phaedra shook her head. It was something she would need to discuss with Brasidas, and anyway no one would have the option to do anything if they didn't pay attention in the next few seconds.

"One volley only, spread the word, then its blades and the Huntress take the hindmost."
See answer in form post where guy doesn't know you

The priest walked confidently down the isle his face open and friendly. He was a tall striking man of dark Hispanic features. He was dressed in traditional Jesuit black.

"St Anthony welcomes all those who are lost," he said glancing between Yuki and January. They made quite the contrast.

"I am Father Ramon, can I be of service to you?"

Ezperanza Caminero - Hazat
@POOHEAD189 As you have already escaped the situation you can skip to arriving at you apartment if you would like to describe it.
If you want to roll on the priest roll with power.
Yuki stared at January for several seconds, her face drooping in comic disappointment. With a sigh she made a pirouette turn that made her skirt fan out theatrically. She tossed the gun underhand onto the back seat of the car. Clearly Juno or someone like her was watching out for the pair because the gun didn't go off. She turned and skipped back to January's side. Although she gave every outward sign of her usual indifference, she hadn't turned the music back on.

The interior of the cathedral was a vast open chamber hall with two lines of simple pews bisected by the central isle. Moonlight slanted in through stained glass windows portraying images of St Anthony. An ornate cross hung at the far end before an altar that appeared to be constructed from a single piece of marble. Darkened archways led off to other areas of the cathedral and stairs in the rear corners coiled up in spirals of wrought iron to an overcroft above. A man in priestly vestments was rising from a position of prayer in front of the altar. He turned to face the door, the white of his clerical collar catching the moonlight.

"Welcome friends, the Lord be with you."
You will need to roll, she is going to want to follow the investigation for her mistress.
She seems pretty keen on lugging the gun, you can try to persuade an NPC if you want her to disarm.
@rush99999 What is your plan for the cathedral, are you just walking in?
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