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6 mos ago
Current Achmed the Snake
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10 mos ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
12 mos ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
12 mos ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died
1 yr ago
In short: no don't use basic acrylics.


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

Most Recent Posts

"Well, a nice ass and smile will get you further than just a nice ass, but really not that much further," Jocasta philosophized around a mouthful of sandwich. The meat was chewy which actually meant it was of better quality that the vat grown alternative that didn't bother with the striations of actual muscle.

"I'm sorry your partner was mean to you," she said, her tone a touch mocking. She was about to continue in this vein when she noticed four men enter through the door. They were chatting with one and other about something, but the threads of their conversations didn't quite mesh with the slight psychic undertone her gifts usually provided her. Nonchalantly she raised her hand to stroke her ear, the dragonfly curled around her wrist providing her with a view behind her where another trio of men, dressed as chefs but far too clean to have been doing the job were emerging from the kitchen pushing a cart. A white cloth was drapped over what might have been an expensive meal, but which Jocasta's expensive enhancements gave a better than 80 percent chance of being a shot gun and a pair of short barreled riot carbines.

"Shit," she said under her breath and reached down and tossed off the final shot.

"I get the feeling someone dosen't want you to get your sentimental attachment back," she told him.

Everyone has a story. You know the story. The one you Aunt dusts off every Thanksgiving when the wine is flowing and the sense is going? The one about the old house on the end of the street where flowers never grow and maybe old Sweeny killed his wife and hid her in the drywall. Or perhaps it was the time your grandmother swore that she saw something floating in a broken window grinning at her. Maybe it was you. Maybe you heard strange voices out in the woods, or glimpsed something in the fog out at sea one night. Maybe you saw the same pale woman everywhere you went for a week and you swear the bitch had no reflection.

There are thousands of stories like these and they all have one things in common. Ninety nine percent of them are bullshit. Of course ninety nine percent certainty means that one time in a hundred you’re dead.

There are things out there in dark. Sometimes they leave us alone, hell maybe most times, but sometimes the snatch up babies and sacrifice them in stone circles. Sometimes the feed on the minds of the living. Sometime they set fires for the joy of watching people burn.

Who do you turn to if something like that happens? Cops can’t help, write you a prescription and ship you to a mental hospital if you even mentioned it. You need professionals, and frankly there aren’t that many people stupid enough to put their heads in that particular noose. People who know, know enough to be fucking terrified. Usually they find the deepest darkest hole they can climb into.

Want to turn to the sort of broken desperadoes still stupid enough to stand in the line of supernatural fire? Good luck with that.

Welcome to the Sunday Group

This RP will follow the adventures of the members of the Sunday Group. It is a story about the occult world behind the world, and those brave or foolish enough to want to understand it.

Somewhere in a big city in America, there is a nondescript building. It is a few stories tall and it has an extensive basement. It could easily be the Law Offices Of Boring, Dreary and Bland, no one would guess that it is the home of one of the nation’s only occult detective agencies.

Employees of the Sunday Group are a diverse bunch. Small time magical practitioners, those with strange abilities, broken down cops who have seen too much, or just regular folk who saw something they shouldn’t and want to do something about it. Everyone who works for the Group has touched the supernatural world in some way or another, and for whatever reason just cant let it go and sink back into the comforting security of the mundane.

The World

The world is very much like our own except there is a secret magical world beneath it. It isn’t happy Twilight Magical though, think of it as somewhere between Harry Dresden and the Call of Cthulhu. Many of the trappings of any Urban Fantasy will apply here and I encourage you to introduce them into the setting. Think a shotgun filled with rocksalt will take out a ghost? Great, it is in. Want werewolves to have a silver allergy? No problem. Anything you want to introduce into the setting will probably be ok. If I have a problem with it, Ill ask you to reconsider privately.

Magic for the Modern Age

Some humans have the ability to handle arcane forces, either innately or through elaborate ritual preparations. Some people gain magical powers via congress with spirits or demons, even Gods there is always a price to pay for subverting the natural order though. Sooner or later the bill comes due.

Magic exists in the world in a multitude of form and traditions. It is even possible to do some magic by computer. I dont want to put to many restrictions on people here. Many types of magic do not require the use of spells or incantations. Some people might be able to move small objects with their minds, read the surface thoughts of others, turn invisible or any number of other small boons you might come up with.

While magic can be very effective under the right circumstances it isn’t a be all and end all solution. A powerful practitioner might be able to hurl a bolt of lighting but it is normally much simpler, safer and more effective just to use a gun. Magic is a tool, use it wisely.

Who are the Players?

The players will take the roles of detectives in the drama, but this won't be an RP solely about solving crime. Personal relationships between characters, their families and dependents will be crucial to the story.

Be connected! The nature of the world is such that all the brooding loners with a tragic but unknowable backstory were exsanginuated long ago. You don’t need to like people, but you do need to depend on them to survive.

What Can I Play?

You can play a human (or near human) with some minor edge over the rest of the herd. You cannot play an immortal dragon vampire samurai. Your character should have some life experience. I don't want to flat out say that they need to be a certain age but my personal preference is to avoid the teenage types who no sane detective would want covering their back when the tentacle hits the pentacle.

Notes On the RP

This will be a small group RP. I’m looking for 3-4 players tops. I want personal interaction to matter and I just dont see that in large group RPs.

This will be a collaborative rp and we will create the world as we go, feel free to introduce detail! I will exercise some limited forms of narrative control if necessary but my instinct is to let it ride if it fits in the framework of the fiction.

This will be an 18+ RP. Sex, drugs, sex drugs and horrible nightmares from distant space times ect.

Inspirations and Style

Inspirations for this include Call of Cthulhu, Harry Dresden, Supernatural, Delta Green, the Laundry Files. The goal is to be not quite as bleak as Lovecraft but to maintain something approaching that level of horror and danger. The protagonists can effect the outcome but plenty of stuff out there is well beyond the weight class of the Sunday Group.

How to Write a Collaborative Mystery

As long time Pennyphiles will know this is my third attempt to get his rp up and running. In the past one of the problems with it was how can we present a mystery in a way that lets players interact with the mystery rather than I as the GM doling out all the intel? Fortunately I have recently played an RPG called Lovecraftesque which has given me a potential solution. I'm going to allow players to introduce clues, and then have players formulate their best guess as to what is going on in the OOCs to steer the whole thing towards a coherent narrative. I may ask you to rewrite occasionally to facilitate this, or your character may simply be wrong or deceived about events you have describe.

This is somewhat experimental and may change.


As my Father is fond of saying 'We didn't come here to fuck spiders.' What does this mean? I honestly don't know, but the tone of this RP will be active. I don't mind a certain amount of the internal life of the character being presented but wherever possible do something rather than picking up a cup of coffee and taking four paragraphs to do it. Quality is not quantity ect ect ect.
The priest looked between January and Yuki, clearly skeptical.

"St Anthony is the Patron of Lost Things," he said after a long moment, turning to look at one of the stained glass windows that depicted a tonsured man reading from a book while performing some kind of alchemical experiment.

"Things are brought here to be Lost, not to be found," he continued, his voice contemplative.

"Perhaps, in His wisdom, He allowed that which was brought to us to be lost to be found," the priest pondered.

"I'm sorry, even as things stand, I cannot allow members of the public to the private areas of the Cathedral."
Katiya was beginning to regret not insisting on troops from the Governor. That worthy would have refused on the basis that troops moving out of the palace in any numbers might have provoked a response. She might have been right on that score also which is why Katiya had conceded the point more or less gracefully. It would have been possible to scare up a few PDF troopers for the duty, but the prescence of PDF issue las guns and flamers in the mob earlier hadn't been lost on the commissar. She wouldn't be depending on the PDF until she had more time to feel out the loyalty of the troops, both enlisted and officers both. The exact nature of the problem here on Pavonis was yet to be clarified. It could just be normal manuevering among the noble families of course, but if that was the case someone had miscaulculated badly enough that a guard regiment had been deployed. There were other things it could be though, and they started bad and got worse rapidly. In the scholam Katiya had learned more about the Ruinous powers than any save for the inquisition and the fear of Chaos and its minions was very real. This kind of internal dissent was a classic tactic of the minions of the Great Enemy.

The Vox station was a simple building, consisting of a large rectangular ferocrete base and then a trio of great metal antennae which thrust skyward like cathedral spires. The approach to it was steep, a narrow dirt road that was deeply rutted and wide enough only for a single truck to pass in any direction. Rather than approach from the road, they circled around to the side where the view from the main building was obstructed by a chapel dedicated to the Ominissiah, easily identifiable by the rusted cogwheel icon which perched above its roof. The pair crept to the tree line and peered out, Katiya pulling an amplivisor down over her eyes to increase her vision in the moonlight. The black on grey pattern she had took to be camouflage turned out to be graffiti scrawled by local juvies, but the place wasn't abandoned.

A pair of battered looking civilian ground cars were pulled up infront of the main building and lights winked through the tall narrow windows of the place. A trio of heavyset guards carrying autostubbers sat on the hoods of the cars, smoking lo-sticks and looking bored.

"Somebody is home," she observed quietly.
The fight was now turning in favor of the humans. If the dryads had opted to destroy the defenders in detail rather than rushing for the manor house it might have been different, but their alien and insane focus on breeching the walls had given the defenders time to regroup. 'In favor of' didn't mean the humans were having it all their own way however. Even as Camilla watched a grizzled looking older man had his head snapped to an unnatural angle by a blow of a bough that whipped hard enough to send a spray of dead leaves after the fallen soldier. Another soldier, a young man with freckles and red hair tripped on the body and on of the dryads gleeful leaped atop the youth and plunged its wicked branch arms down into the boys guts, the red tips coming away bloody and steaming in the crisp winter air. Camilla fired the pistol she had managed to reload into the things face by way of avenging the fallen. The wood of the things head splintered but its glowing green eyes didn't dim. An older woman screaming in pain and loss swung an oil lamp two handed to crash down on the things back with a shattering scream of glass and a whoosh of oil igniting. The dryad screamed and rushed off into the night, wreathed in smoke, blazing and burning as it went.

"We have to get inside before they get to the Graf," Camilla declared, eyes darting around for the nearest gate. The gatehouse, two pillars of stone with vast wrought iron doors was a mass of struggling men and hissing thrashing dryads.

"We will haf te fight our wae every step..." Thor began to object, but Camilla was already thrusting her mostly useless rapier back into its scabbard.

"Sollevami," she said and ran at Cydric. The big mercenary dropped his own sword and made a stirrup of his hands. Camilla stepped into it and leaped upwards as Cydric uncoiled his vast leg muscles hurling her ten feet into the air and over the wall. She tumbled in a full circle, caught the edge of the wall and landed on her belly an arm reached down towards her companions. Cydric ran at the wall grabbing her arm as he leaped. Cydric outweighed Camilla by nearly a hundred pounds, but she dropped over the far side, her dead weight allowing the mercenary to keep is momentum till he reached the top and could grasp the top of the wall.

"Oh aye," Gunir groused disgustedly, "but what about thaes of us tha no be circus freaks?" The drawven accent on 'freaks' made it sound like frakes which made Camilla snicker.

"Got any rope?" Cydric asked with a meaningful look at the coil of heavy dwarven cord that hung from his belt.

"Aye ya'right," the dwarf grudgingly allowed and hurled the cord up to Cydric who quickly made it fast around a wrought iron spike. Leaving the dwarves to their slower progress, the two humans dropped into the garden of the manor house. Bodies of livered guardsmen, most only partially dressed and indifferently armed lay steaming in the chill, their bodies bruised and torn by thorny arms. Piles of dead timber which had once been dryads were scattered around too, though they had clearly had the better of the exchange. A broken window winked jagged glass and the sounds of fighting could be heard from further in the house. A vine from a nearby tree reared back and whipped at Camillia, her rapier hissed free of her scabbard and severed the questing vine neatly. Other plants began to shiver and grow agitated.

"Into the house," she called and jumped through the window, crunching broken glass beneath her feet. They were in a large parlor that must have also served as a ball room. A servant lay in the corner in a pile of blood and bloody tracks lead out one of the side doors. Camilla followed, though what use her rapier was likely to be was open to question. Through the door was a scene of chaos. A score of dryads were attempting to surge up an ornate stair case that lead to the upper and private areas of the manor. The climbed over each others like spiders, spilling up over the elaborate banisters like the surf rushing up a channel. At the top of the stairwell, wearing a cotton nightgown with pink roses embodied on it, was three hundred angry porcine pounds of the Gräfin of Dounkebruk, swinging an ancient battle axe in a way that would have made any orcish chieftain jealous. Her jowly face was white with fury as she hacked and chopped any of the dryads that tried to reach the landing. Piles of dead wood were aiding her in her task but for all her fury it was obvious that within a few more seconds the climbing dryads would be able to flank her and reach the second story.


In my defense I was statistically drunk when I wrote that.
Whoops! Edited accordingly.
Emmaline decided to take a seat with Migi and Jaina figuring that the three of them together the constituted two and a half fully sized women. The air of aggrieved nobility had slid from her as soon as they were through the gate. It wasn't likely that the guards would spread the word of their party, odd as they were. How would that even go? Well your honors we were trying to shake down some travelers and... well the rest of that sentence had better be really good. Even though she was penniless and dressed in what amounted to rags, she was in considerably better spirits now that she was back in a city. Varone might not be her home turf but it was closer to home than she had been since she had been imprisoned.

"I'll have wine, whatever red you have," she told the serving woman as she took her seat beside the two women. Sitting next to Migi made her feel enormous and unwieldy as well as oddly self conscious for some reason..

"You can put it on Raddek's tab," she said blithely making a gesture towards the departing mercenary. It was a reasonable enough thing to say and if Raddek objected, well she would have already had some wine. It was time to think about how she might earn some gold of her own. She had no skill with a sword and no capital of her own to start with. That left the worlds oldest and second oldest professions. As yet she wasn't quite desperate enough to resort to the first, which left the second. The card game seemed the best place to start in that respect, though given this was the groups only haven in this strange city she had to reign in her natural enthusiasm while she got the lay of the land.

"I wonder how a girl can earn some coin here about?" she mused to her companions as she waited for her drink. The Blackmoon had seemed like her kind of place as they passed but she wasn't fool enough to wander in there with no money and no clue about how things worked in this strange city. A few ideas were already percolating in the back of her mind but she was worried she might trip over the local thieves guild if she decided to jump in with both feet.

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