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8 mos ago
Current Achmed the Snake
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12 mos ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
1 yr ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
1 yr ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died
1 yr ago
In short: no don't use basic acrylics.


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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Alcander was no medievalist, but he recognized a mid 14th century Milanese sallet when he saw one!
The afterbirth of yesterday's rain still clung in small puddles where the rancid liquids of whatever trash had been tossed casually away accumulated in a thick soup.

The afterbirth of rain? That is quite the metaphor :P

Alcander was not a medievalist, but it had the look of a thick bladed, single edged rondel dagger.

Narrator: But he was, in fact, a medievalist.
@Naril Sounds good friend!
@Naril Do you want the next post?
How are we going friends?
Emmaline had to admit that she was tempted. She could point the finger at Kasimir and be well out of town before anyone knew the wiser. It would certainly serve the young man right. Her eyes met Kasimir's and flashed with mischief for a moment.

"He haz jist come owt into ze corridor from is rooms," Eleanor declared in ringing tones.

"He could not possibly iv gotten back here in time. He vere's ze sim clothes as earlier and zere is no blood on them," she added. Kasimir was a problem for her, but at the end of the day he was an innocent man. More importantly he was the one man in the castle whom she knew had not had a hand in Oderick's death. That meant if she couldn't get out of the city, he was the one man she might be able to trust.

"There is still the matter of the sword," one of the guardsmen declared, a stubborn set to his jaw.

"I am sure zat monsieur vil clear up an misunderstandings," Eleanor continued, "but ze real killor might still be in ze castle, ve should be searching!"

"Right," the stubborn guard said, nodding his head.

"I'll seal the gates and rouse the garrison," the guard declared, "My Lords and Ladies, by the authority of the count, return to your rooms until we can clear this up!"

The crowd might have resisted the orders of a mere castle guard, but at that moment a squad of armsmen in hastily donned gear came clattering down the hallway, forcing nobles back into their rooms at risk of being trampled. Eleanor tried to flatten herself against the wall to allow them to pass, but the effort was rendered moot.

"The pair of you will come with us," their leader declared, politely but firmly. "I'm sure the Chancellor will have questions for you both."
HOw are we doing team?
Cool air rushed in to fill Sabatine’s hard suit as she wrenched her helmet off. The airlock hadn’t yet come to full pressure and the partial vaucumn plucked at her sinuses. The sweat that slicked her body immediately chilled and became clammy, but it was a blessed relief compared to the heat she had generated in nearly two full watches on the hull. The rest of the crew were doing the same, faces red and flushed from hours of heavy labor in zero-g. Cockburn, a landsman groaned and cradled his arm where a parting line had stuck it. It was probably broken, but he was lucky enough not to have lost it when the woven beryllium monocyrstal was suddenly pulled beyond its tensile strength. A few hours in the autodoc would see him healed enough for light duty.

Kaiden’s plan called for the K-21 to be re-rigged and several of her masts stepped to new rings beside. It was a huge undertaking without a dock yard, and only possible at all because they had stripped every spare sail and cable from the Whitehall. That hadn’t pleased Rachet, but he had grudgingly complied. It had pleased the sallow faced lieutenant even less when Kaiden had taken nearly two thirds of his crew, a third to help Sabatine with the repairs to K-21 and the other third to reinforce the Vickie for the next phase of the operation. Even if everything went completely according to plan, all three ships were going to be running with near skeleton crews if and when they got into action with the Alliance. To Sabatine’s personal annoyance, Kadien had left her with a grand total of two petty officers, Klave the Bosun’s mate, and Creavy the Whitehall’s chief engineer. The rest of her crew consisted of six riggers and a score of landsmen who didn’t know a cable splice from their assholes. All the experience spacers were doing yeoman’s work to stop the clumsy landsmen from killing themselves, or worse.

“You should get some sleep ma’am,” Klave suggested as they sucked in lungfuls of reprocessed air.

“I can sleep when I’m dead,” Sabatine responded, her mind running through the next hour and the myriad tasks she needed to accomplish.

“Begging your pardon ma’am, but we might be all be dead if the Alliance jumps in here and you are too exhausted to function. You are the only astrogater we have on board. Sabatine rubbed her eyes with her balled fist. The shortage of astrogaters was a real problem. Kaiden had taken Lieutenant Rachet with him for the next stage of the plan but she wasn’t all together sure that had been the right decision.

“Right,” Sabtine responded noncommittally, “good thought.” The airlock came to pressure and one of the landsmen, Gautso?, spun the dogs and opened the door. Sabatine made a gesture to the man helping half carrying Cockburn to enter first, and he lugged his moaning mate out of the lock. Sabatine followed along till they reached the autodock. The destroyer had a larger unit than the Vickie did, with four independent pods. Sabatine helped Cockburn into the first pod and closed it with a hiss, then finished stripping off her suit and climbed into another. It sealed around her with a crackle and she felt the spray of antistetic preparatory to the placement of IV access. Twenty minutes later she awoke as the pod opened, feeling much better now that the machine had purged her blood stream of metabolites and toxins built up from too much work and not enough sleep. It was an old academy trick, the kind that would get you running laps with a hundred kilo pack if the instructors ever caught you. She stopped by her cabin for a change of clothes and a restorative tot of brandy before heading down to the power room to see how Creavy was getting on with the ships internal systems. After that, if all went well, she could squeeze in two hours sleep before she needed to be back out on the hull.
@PerfectThought Thank you for your kind words! You are welcome to submit a charcter sheet but there are a number of other people who are on the waiting list.
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