Avatar of PerfectThought


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3 mos ago
Current Electricity may go out/stop working for 2 months sometime around Easter. (This sunday)
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6 mos ago
Got a stable place to spend the holidays. Should be around more. Life's hard man, but things are looking up. Stay sane these holidays.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… Biblically inspired vampire shadow cabal and Jewish priest vampire hunters?
1 yr ago
sorry y'all. back from homeless.
1 yr ago
The be callin' me Tom Foolery the way I be getting up to no good shenanigans.
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Hunting for the Perfect Thought.
Apologies for my lateness. Life is busy. Sometimes I struggle to write as well as I want.

Most Recent Posts

@Fading Memory Fantastic to hear! If nothing else is his is memorable ;)
I'll probably make his into IC post soon.
Interested in starting a Hard Sci-fi story with heavily developed lore. Can't seem to find anything, and I don't know how to GM. Very willing to talk more about ideas. It would be heavily world driven, with character development as people want. Currently have a coupleccharacter ideas as well as pretty developed worldbuilding. Happy to post more as wished but unfortunately I am on mobile so advanced formatting may not be present.
@Milkman@EmiliaBaiYue Definitely agree with you both. Maybe the best middle ground would be something similar to the Dune approach? Normal ships are fitted with a fusion engine of some sort to travel short-mid distances in "realspace" between individual planets/stars, and then to travel between clusters of stars (a far greater length) you attach/park your ship on massive ships equipped with "jump" drives/engines and be isolated inside your ship, but attached to the carrier for transport. And then you could add a megacorp eith a monopoly over jump tech/jump carriers. And then the possibility for rickshaw and or smuggler jump carriers, which are riskier but cheaper/not tracked (potential for smuggling).

I also have a few questions about the setting:
1) What're the races like? Have alien races been absorbed into the UNS? How alien are we talking? Can we make our own races up for characters? Because I'm aware you talked about players adding onto the lore. I have some cool ideas for races.
2) What company does the Dauntless serve? One of the main megacorps? A small freight company? Freelance? Is it a UNS government vehicle?
3) Can get some more details on roles? What does being the First Officer entail? How about the Navigator?
@Gisk I'd imagine due to her extroverted/more outspoken nature Brown might have some kind of admiration/interest in her. Though I wouldn't imagine they're especially close, if nothing else due to a lack of interaction. Though depending on Audrey's relationship towards Aleyn that might change. Because Aleyn and Brown are fairly close. Still have yet to get it approved though, so waiting on that.
<Snipped quote by PerfectThought>

I'm down for it. Brown and Aleyn could definitely be friends.

Great! In that case he will be added to Brown's CS under the connections tab.
Interested. Looking fascinating. However you mention "near light speed" multipletimes, however under the ship tab, you also say the engine is only capable on 0.085% the speed of light. You also say it's roughly 900 AU from Terra to the nearest system. That means ot would take roughly 14,500 years to travel between them with the Mark II Fusion Engine. But multiple times you say most trips are only a couple months long, and it's advised to only be in hibernation for a year? I'm guessing the engine figure is an error, or is transport between the Core, Border, and Frontier virtually non-existant and done by civilisation-scale ships?
@PerfectThought Well, as of now, there’s slightly over 12 hours left of the day. I will not be extending the deadline in any way due to the high volume of characters already present, but anyone who skates in today will be viewed/reviewed/potentially approved with all fairness.


(Apologies for any mistakes, mobile is bitch.)
Hoping someone wants a connection before a do this backstory cause whoever can stomach Aleyn will be rather important to his development and backstory.

Still interested in this? Because I think the character I have in mind could work pretty well with yours.
Hello Mr. @Fading Memory. Bit rusty on this site, but your concept looks interesting. Aware of the lateness of my interest and the looking presence of the application deadline. Requesting some form of greenlight for my participation. Fairly interested in participation.

Gordon Freeman
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