Avatar of Pezz570


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I studied Bio in high school once.

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What's currently being worked on

As of September 18th, 2020

We have started the final day of Arc 1. This consists of the Battle for Shimmer Town and will culminate in the destruction of a Seed of Insight.

The Pitch

Saencila, The Land of Senses. A Land where the five senses are pure and holy. A Land rich in long lost history. A Land shrouded in myths and legends. Twice the land was struck by great Evil. Twice the land fended it off. Locked away, in the Isle of Mystiq, great evil lies in wait. Sealed away, in the vast Dead Sands, great evil lies in wait. Two evils long forgotten. Two evils once beaten. Two evils not truly defeated.

Saencila, The Land of Senses. A Land of five great nations. Two Nations wrapped war. To the West, The Nation of Sight. A nation of great arts. A nation of great treasures. A nation at the mercy to a neighbor far greater. At the center, The Nation of Touch. A nation of great craftsmen. A nation of great might. A nation ruled by a despicable new Emperor. Eager for war. Eager for power. Two nations lost in war. One nation cries for help. A forgotten evil answers. A new dark age will soon arise.

Saencila, The Land of Senses. A Land with an impending disaster yet to come. A land with a sole remaining active evil. An evil hidden in plain sight. An evil bidding it's time. An evil answering a cry. An evil about to strike. The Isle of Mystiq, before too long an evil will soon be unlocked. The Dead Sands, before too long an evil will soon be unsealed. Four mystical artifacts long lost. One mystical artifact long in use. Without them Saencila cannot know peace. Without them forgotten evils will rise again. Without them all hope is lost. Without them... Without them... Saencila, The Land of Senses. No more will it be. No more will it be.

Please note that this is a slow paced RP

Roleplaying is a hobby, not a job. You are allowed to have your own life ;)

Our usual pace is one or two people posting a week. Sometimes more. Sometimes less.

New people are always welcome. Fortunately I have a built in character that allows people to more easily integrate with the story.

We do have a discord. The address will be handed out on approval of your Character sheet.

The Basic Premise

Link to map (Allows for zooming in)

Link to see the current battlegrounds for the war. The land highlighted in red has been taken by the Nation of Touch.

The Rulezz

0 - The GM has the final say if an argument occurs. It's okay to argue if you think something is wrong, but if the GM says an argument is over then it’s over.

1 - Please use Common Sense.

2 - Your character sheet should contain all info on your character’s abilities. If you want something to be a secret from other players, PM them to me. We can sit down, have a cup of virtual coffee, and talk about it. Basically, no pulling abilities out of thin air.

3 - You are allowed to have multiple characters if you want to, but don’t go overboard with them.

4 - Certain abilities I may feel to be too powerful to have. Teleportation, Immortality, Invisibility, Mind Control, Telepathy, Telekinisis are a few. If you really want a power that might be considered powerful if unrestricted. PM me we'll talk and see if there's a way to nerf it.

5 - All magic abilities, however should somehow relate to one of the five senses. Whether this is done by using one of the senses to activate the magic or as a fuel source, it doesn't matter. You want to shoot fire? Cool! you tie that ability to one of the senses and you're good to good. What's that? you want to turn your hands into bear claws. That's fine. Maybe you can fuel it with one of your senses. Consider it a magic writing exercise. I will work on one generic magic system for each sense. You can either use it for a character or just use it for an example to work off of.

6 - Like all of us adults, I live a busy life, please be aware of this. I'll put in as much time as I can to be there and respond to your questions. Please be patient if you don't get a response immediately.

7 - Have fun.

About the land of Saencila

OOC is going to have to wait a tad longer. My wife did something to her foot. I'm going take her to the hospital.
Finished the map. Working on the OOC.

Coloring in the map right now. Here's a peak. On the left is the practice map. The right is the final-ish map. Water has been colored in. Going to add mountains next and color in the land. I'll scan it afterwards. Make some copies for future adjustments. Add land names on my computer and begin work on the ooc.
Medieval Fantasy is right up my alley.

Alright alright! Never would have guessed it from that avatar though... ;)

I'm working on a map right now. Once that's done I'll start working on the main thread. Hopefully it will be done by this week. Feel free to look through the prologue I typed up in my previous post. Let me know if you have suggestions or concerns.
Alright, So I typed up a prologue. You can review it below. It's quite long. Please make suggestions and comments. My biggest concern is the Emperor of Touch, who is mentioned briefly. The thing I wrote about him may turn people off despite the fact I emphasized that the man is horrible person even if his country doesn't realize it. I was simply looking for a reason for why The king in The Nation of Sight was certain his family would be killed if they lost the war. If you guys have other suggestions, I'm all for it.

Also back on the subject of magic. I may provide a few standard magic systems. One for each sense. People can use them or come up with their own system, but I may want to make all magic relate to the 5 senses in some way, even if it is abstractly. For example maybe you want to summon familiars. That's fine, but it should be triggered or have some connection in some way to one of the five senses.

Anyway, below is the prologue. The map is coming along slowly. I have an outline but haven't filled in everything yet. I'm doing it on paper, because I don't have a decent art editor on my computer.

Alright then. I'll pull something together over the next week. I'll compose a map and type up a prologue. I'll try to have things ready by next weekend at the latest.
Well regardless there doesn't appear to be much interest in this. I may just drop it for now and perhaps come back to it another time. I could just create an IC for it and see if anyone bites. But I mean... Nobody is really biting right now, soooo...

In your experience, do people tend to show interest for an actual IC rather than with the interest checks?
I suppose the term free-form structured magic system is very contradicting lol. What I mean is People could use whatever kind of magic they want, with the exception for game breaking magics, but they need to define a system for how it works and what the magic's source is. They need to layout the rules, the weaknesses and everything so that players can come up with strategies for how to deal with the magic.

In regards to the how much is too much topic. I was more so thinking how to define the limitations. Like how much magic can I use before I go insane? How does one measure it? .... You knooooooooooow.... I'm over thinking things aren't I?
That's a fun idea. Regulated magic, however begs the question of how much is too much? Any thoughts on that? Any thoughts on how it would work? What do you think of a free-form structured magic system?

Perhaps we could have a mix of Regulated Magic that runs the risk of corrupting (maybe it's activated with the use of one's senses and it's source is the Discarded?), and a mix of non corrupting magic with limitations. I like structured magic that requires a defined source of energy and will cause problems for those who don't manage it properly. Undefined magic makes abilities difficult to regulate in my opinion and that's what I would like to avoid.

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