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Fusang Airport, April 2019

As far as flights went, the one that Waver had been on was only slightly less troublesome than he was used to. Despite flying on a separate flight from his assistant, he had only arrived an hour after she had, and by the time that he had touched down, Grey was already waiting for him, luggage in hand. If there was anything to complain about, it would have to be the mother desperately attempting to keep her child from kicking his seat from behind. One would think that he would have ended up in something better than economy class, but as it turned out, there was only so much money he could afford to throw around.

Even so, he didn't particularly mind the problem; the flight attendants were understanding enough to give him some extras to compensate for his troubles, and the flight had otherwise gone without issue.

Once both teacher and student had reunited at the airport, though, the first order of business was making their way to their place of residence for the forseeable future. Reines had, apparently, handled the problem, which was more than worrisome to Waver, but if worst came to worst, he could handle moving in short order. In a city as advanced as this, such a thing would likely be managed in short order, anyhow.

Leaving the airport by train meant that Grey had ample time to take in the sights of a modern city, which itself was a novel experience in its own right. Seeing so many students filling the streets below as they spent their weekends relaxing caused a slight smile to cross her face, and after a slight few utterances of confirmation to herself, Grey turned towards Waver and spoke.

"Um... Teacher, where exactly are we staying?" she asked, glancing around as the skyscrapers that were indicative of the city's center were slowly growing larger in the distance.

"Reines seems to have set us up with an apartment close to the university that I will be teaching at, which is located close to the center of the city. Luckily, public transit means that we should be able to move around the city as we wish. Once we have finished unpacking, you should feel free to explore on your own; I'll be handling some other matters on my end, anyhow."

As far as that went, though, there was more than just meeting with the head of staff on his mind...
@Pyromania99: Seems fine. Accepted.
@VitaVitaAR: I, uh... Accepted, I guess?
All right, think I'm just about done with the (first iteration of my) form; edited the decklist a bit from last time, but hey, we'll see how this pans out.

I prob will, but a) late and b) want to see what else pops up first.
Well, uh.

In any case, it's been a few days. I know some people have been handling irl stuff, so I'm going to put off actually pushing for anything for a few more days, minimum. With that in mind, though, I'd like if people could start discussing pair-ups.


Or, well, I would, if we had more Masters.

So. Masters. More Masters would be nice.
Oh yeah, that mess.

I probably am misremembering it then, because I played it back in high school with a friend or something. We spent so long figuring it out that we just went 'fuck it' and... That's probably the point at which we spent ages grinding for Infernities.

Which would explain why I remembered Infernity instead lol.
Was Over The Nexus the one where you had to Tag Duel to beat that one Infernity player? Because that mess gave me more than enough trouble, and I can't remember which DS game it was where I had to manage that problem.
I'll vote for weeb names.

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