Avatar of PrankFox


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A few things about me:
My name is Fox, I've been doing RP for about 11 years and playing/running TRPGs for going on 6 years. Outside of RP I enjoy drawing, writing, hiking, reading, and equestrian. I enjoy most genres of books, movies, TV shows, etc., so I'm down for pretty much anything!
I have an Italian Grayhound named Harley and he is the best dog in the world, and I really love animals in general.
I'm looking forward to getting to know some new people!

Now to the RP Stuff
-Supernatural themes are always fun
Modern in some cases

Fandoms (Does take a good plot to get me to do a fandom RP, but I'm always excited to talk about them!)
-Dragon Age
-Critical Role/Adventure Zone/Dimension 20
-Elder Scrolls
-Mass Effect
-Leviathan Trilogy (Westerfeld)
(Will add as I remember things)

Discord: PrankFox#5538

Most Recent Posts

Mentions: @savannahssu

Stormheart nodded in agreement with Sunfur; he trusted the older warrior's assessment of the situation. He had hoped that Blackpelt and Fernstar would've been back by now, but he understood that they likely wouldn't be back until morning. He wanted nothing more than to flop into his nest and go to sleep, but Sunfur was right and he wasn't about to let his clanmates go hungry. "No that sounds like a good idea. We'll regret it in the morning if we don't and with three of us it'll go quickly. I don't know why Duskwing is in front of the nursery but it makes me nervous." He would go to talk to the she-cat but he was sure Sunfur would be back quickly and he didn't want to get roped into a conversation.

His paws did ache but these unfamiliar scents, and the fact that their leader and medicine cat had yet to return, made him nervous. He sheathed and unsheathed his claws into the dirt and snow underneath his feet. At least Maplestream was back, unharmed from what he could tell, but Stonefall did seem prickly which was uncharacteristic for him. He didn't like this at all. He also didn't like the idea of three of the remaining warriors leaving camp if there were strangers in the camp.

He'd bring it up with Sunfur when the other tom came out of the warrior's den and maybe Stonefall as well. They'd need to tell the deputy where they were going, and for all he knew the other tom wouldn't want them to leave either. His tail twitched nervously as he finally sat down to wait for the others. He would bring it up with Stonefall at that moment, but he'd respect the conversation that was currently ongoing. He just hoped they didn't make a mistake.

Mentions: @savannahssu

The cold night air was beginning to creep through even Stormheart's thick pelt as he followed after Sunfur closer and closer to camp. His paws were starting to hurt from the time spent in the snow and on the rocks around the canyon, but the scents of these strange cats got stronger as they quickly closed the distance. He pricked his ears, but he couldn't hear any sounds of fighting; he took that as a good sign. Or maybe it's that we're too late getting back and these strangers have already won. We don't know anything about them and there were so few of us left in camp to defend it. He quickly shook the thoughts out of his head as he slowed down to a trot to push through the entrance to camp. He wrinkled his nose a bit, whoever these cats were they'd been inside the camp.

Looking quickly around he didn't see Spidernose or Honeypaw guarding the entrance as they had been when they left, but he caught sight of Duskwing in front of the entrance to the nursery with her paws tucked under her chest. Odd. He had hoped to see Fernstar and Blackpelt returned, but they must've beaten them home. Stonefall would still be in charge then; he could see the gray tom across camp and his eyes widened at the sight of the cat speaking to him. "Well so much for our search party," he grumbled towards Sunfur, "Seems like she found her way back to camp just fine without us." Of course he was delighted to see Maplestream back safe and sound, but he couldn't help the mild flash of irritation and twitch of his tail at the fact that he and Sunfur had wandered the territory, in the dark, for who knows how long searching for her. He was sure he'd regret the feeling come morning, but at this moment he was tired, cold, and still slightly damp; there was nothing more that he wanted than to drop into a warm nest and sleep until sun-high. Though, it would be rude to interrupt whatever conversation the two seemed to be having, it looked intense from what he could see, just so he could go to bed. He glanced towards Sunfur, "Should we wait until they finish to ask what's going on?" The orange tom had been around much longer than he had, so maybe it'd be less weird for him to say something.
@savannahssu There's not much I can do with Duskwing right now since she's just on guard, but I can get something up for Stormheart coming back to camp with Sunfur if that's alright with you
So sorry for not being able to post recently! College got busy with finals and I've been prepping to head home so I'll try to post as soon as I get the chance


It didn't take as long as Bren had expected for him to find someone, or rather they found him. One of the other guys that had jumped into the fight with Briar, specifically the one who'd sent him flying, which Bren could appreciate, hit the ground in front of him. He didn't have anything that obviously gave him the ability to fly so either dust or his semblance then; he'd figure it out later. Or just ask but they didn't really have time for that at the moment.

"Dog guy?" He grinned and propped Guardian up on his shoulder, "I guess you're not wrong, name's Bren though." A bit of a frown crossed his face at the question, of course it was the one person who didn't pay attention to the headmaster to find him. As long as he made a capable partner for this though he didn't really care. "We're supposed to get a partner, go to some ruin, and pick up an artifact then return to the cliff. You're the first person I've seen so I guess that makes us partners." The headmaster didn't bother to give them any idea of what direction the temple might be in though, but that probably counted as a part of the initiation.

He gestured deeper into the forest, "I imagine the ruins are deeper in, no reason for it to be too easy and that's where everyone else is headed." He shrugged his blade back off his shoulder before taking off at a jog deeper into the woods. He figured this guy would follow after him. He got the impression that he liked to be in the spotlight judging by his immediate reaction to Briar and his goons was to dropkick the ringleader. "Better get moving, we don't want to be last to the ruins!"

Mentions: @The Elvenqueen-briefly @savannahssu

Duskwing nodded her head in response to Spidernose's pointed look. She settled in and wrapped her tail around her paws, ready to keep watch for the entire night if she had to. She wasn't about to let some odd strangers hurt the only real family she'd ever known. Stonefall had taken the three to the nursery, a good enough spot since they didn't have any kits in camp and it was far enough from the entrance that if these raccoons did somehow follow the scent to camp they'd have enough time to get out a prepare for a fight. Maybe when Fernstar got back and it wasn't the middle of the night they could talk to them and figure out what exactly they were doing here. Sure many of them came to Willowclan as strangers, but never in a group.

Her ears pricked slightly as she began to hear the sound of rushing pawsteps heading towards the camp. It only sounded like one so not either of the patrols that were sent out and she didn't hear any telltale noises of a raccoon, fox, or some other dangerous creature. She stood and went to sent the air as a form barreled through the entrance in front of her and she yowled in surprise; leaping backwards with fur bristling and claws unsheathed before she realized who it was. Maplestream had made a beeline for Stonefall, but she couldn't help but pad towards them. She could tell the other she cat was nervous and it made her pelt begin to stand on end. "What happened? Sunfur and Stormheart have been out for ages now trying to find you."

Mentions: @savannahssu

Stormheart just twitched his whiskers at Sunfur's questioning. He was mostly just talking out loud, its not like he had any idea at all what was going on with any of this. They had no idea who these strange cats were or if they somehow could have been watching from a distance or had figured out there was a clan in the woods. Maybe he was just being a bit paranoid but these outlandish ideas had saved his life more than once before he'd stumbled across Willowclan. He genuinly hoped nothing he'd been thinking was true and that Sunfur was right.

He kept an eye out through the trees as Sunfur looked around on the ground. He was starting to get chilled and tired, they'd been up for what felt like moons so he was grateful when Sunfur suggested they go back to camp. "I agree. Even if they are just lost I'd rather not risk anything. Especially since Blackpelt and Fernstar are both gone. If someone gets hurt we'd be in a bad spot." He followed quickly after the orange tom trying to keep the nerves he felt at bay. Nothing should have happened to anyone at camp. The warriors that were there were still strong and if there weren't that many of these strangers then they shouldn't have trouble with a fight if it came down to it. That didn't stop him from quickening his pace a bit and hurrying back.


"Sure, if you say so," Bren shrugged in response to Mei as she went to check on the other Faunus. If she didn't want someone to step in and prevent her from getting shot then that was her business. He just wouldn't bother next time around. Maybe this would give Briar and his friends a moment of pause the next time they decided to try and mess with someone else though. He whistled and Ajax trotted back over to his side, shrinking a bit in size as he did so. "Good job," he patted the spirit on the head, "Get some rest alright, big day tomorrow." Technically the spirits didn't get tired, but it had become a habit at this point. It was getting a bit tiring keeping him present anyway, especially having him fight.

He sighed as another loud voice called out. He was pretty sure she was from Atlas as well, some Dust family or something like that. Mei immediately shot back at her and he decided that was not something he wanted to get involved in. He couldn't help but agree with her a bit. How was it that so many of these people thought they could throw their status around when they'd just gotten here? It made little sense to him, but then again his family, while somewhat well known, didn't necessarily hold the same status. It wasn't worth it to get into another fight or argument so he wandered back to his spot against the well and took stock for initiation the next day.


He had to admit that Vale did have its nice spots. While it wasn't anything like the floating cities and snow covered lands of Atlas he found he quite liked the sea of green that stretched out into the forest below them. He was comfortably in his regular clothes, long coat over the top of everything and the familiar weight of Guardian at his side. Their headmaster's speech certainly felt a bit all over the place, but he supposed he understood well enough. Broke down to find a partner, get a relic, and make it back here. Easy enough.

As the rest of the them began to get launched into the air, with a few exclamations from some of them, he prepped himself for the same. It certainly wasn't how he'd expected to get down the cliff and into the forest, but it seemed that Beacon was full of surprises. He crouched and waited, already scanning where the other students were going and picking a tree to aim for. The pad gave plenty of lift as he pulled Guardian free and let the rifle blast slow his speed enough that he could easily aim for the large tree he had picked out on top of the cliff. He easily changed his weapon into its bladed form and slammed it into the side of the trunk letting the sharp blade cut through and slow his descent even further. Once he got close enough to the ground he pulled the blade free and allowed himself to drop into a roll on the floor.

He kept the blade of Guardian out, he had no idea what to expect to find in the forest here and he wasn't going to take any chances. He would wait to summon any of his spirits until something actually dangerous showed up, no need to waste energy on something trivial. He looked up to the canopy and through the trunks of the trees. Didn't seem like anyone was nearby, so he'd just have to wait a bit to pick up a partner then. He wasn't sure who would be best to get paired with. Violet was nice, if a little nervous and unsure, and the Faunus seemed capable enough in a fight. He didn't get much of an idea about any of the others in the Great Hall. He started in the direction of where the ruins were likely to be keeping an ear out for anything unusual.
Been busy with school recently but I'll definitely have a post up by early next week


Bren had to resist rolling his eyes at Briar's words, but still prepared himself to snap his fingers at Ajax and let the spirit run wild as his goons stepped forward. If that's how they wanted this to go then so be it. He didn't have the chance to though as another student slammed into Briar and sent him tumbling across the hall. "Well that solves one problem," at the same time the fox faunus he was pretty sure he'd seen at the feast stabbed, was that a toothbrush, into the shoulder of the bully who was holding Violet's arm and sent it rolling back to the smaller girl behind him.

He didn't let himself fully relax even as Mei turned to shout at the other boy, there were still the other three that needed to be dealt with and he doubted they'd be taking kindly to their ringleader being knocked on his ass. He caught sight of Violet picking her arm back up and wandering over to the other faunus that had been dropped to the floor and even going so far as to ask Briar if he was ok. The brat wasn't worth her time.

He was glad he'd kept paying attention to the bullies even as Mei continued to speak loudly with Rowan. The moment he noticed Drongo reaching into his pocket he snapped his fingers and gave a low pitched whistle to Ajax. In a flash of movement and shadow the spirit lunged towards the other boy and slammed his full weight against him; sinking sharp teeth into the arm that held, whatever it was he was trying to pull free from his pocket. So much for going one day without someone getting bitten. Oh well, better these guys than someone who didn't deserve it.

The moment of distraction given to him by Ajax was all he needed to follow quickly after. He wished he still had Guardian with him, hand to hand wasn't exactly his specialty, but that didn't mean he couldn't take someone to the ground. He let his momentum carry him into a roundhouse kick directly to the side of Drongo's head as Ajax pulled downwards on his arm; the spirit's jaw firmly locked with no intention of letting go until he was told to. He caught sight of another figure moving in as he hit the ground, some other faunus it seemed to help out with this fight. He seemed cognizant enough despite the glazed look in his eyes, so Bren would take all the help he could get.

"Watch your back," he glanced towards Mei, "Just because one is out of the fight doesn't mean the rest are gonna just lay down and take a nap." Hopefully the both of them who were arguing would pay more attention since it didn't seem like Briar's goons were going to go down without a fight.


The tail of Bren's incredibly dangerous spirit began to swish along the floor at the praise and pats that were being bestowed upon him. Leave it to some girl to turn Ajax into an actual puppy as she seemed so fond of calling him. He was content enough to wait for her to realize his hand was held up and his grin only widened as she stumbled over her words to introduce herself. It was certainly a change of pace from the proper phrasing and posturing he was used to at home. "Sky it is then," he let his hand fall back onto Ajax's head. Her rambling was slightly endearing and he let her come to a pause before responding. "I'm from Atlas. My father works for one of the big name companies over there, but he let me get away to come to Beacon. Get out and see the world kind of thing you know."

He caught some of the other conversations that were going around, a few faunus that seemed to have met up to chat, or scare each other apparently. He went to ask Sky another question, hoping to keep her from slipping into further ramblings when a loud squeal filled the room and caused him to sit up straighter, along with Ajax whose ears perked up intently. He pushed himself to his feet and followed Sky's concerned gaze to the four that were the clear cause of it, and his easy smile now dropped into a tight frown. He was pretty sure he recognized some of them. Some Atlas nobles if he remembered correctly. Great. Just what they needed to deal with, a bunch of self-entitled pricks.

He would've gotten involved on principle to defend the faunus, but as they snatched away Sky's prosthetic, that felt like a definite breaking point. He liked Sky, given he didn't know her very well, and she definitely did not deserve to be treated this way. No one did. He let the faint simmering rage build as he took the few steps forward to stand in front of Sky, breaking Briar's line of sight as he heard the telltale sound of someone beginning to cry. He easily blocked her smaller frame from the view of the four other boys and let out a sharp whistle. Both to get their attention and to bring Ajax to his side. The previously relaxed spirit now swelled in size and now stood higher than his waist, ears pinned back and a low snarl rumbling in his throat.

"Long way from home aren't you Briar. We aren't in Atlas anymore," he let a cold grin cross his face and shoved his hands into the pockets of the jacket he still wore, "Need to show off right? Make sure everyone knows who you are so they can fawn over you?" He shook his head in disapproval, the way his father used to when he messed something up, "Yeah this'll make you the talk of the school that's for sure. Stealing someone's prosthetic, I'm sooo impressed. He rocked forward on his toes to lean towards the group, "That's a really good intimidation tactic, making someone smaller, and so clearly your better, cry like that." The frigid expression hadn't left his face and his posture was still relaxed; like a wolf waiting for a clear moment to strike.

He took a few more steps forward, Ajax prowling slowly behind him. If there was one thing he couldn't stand it was people flaunting their station in order to belittle others. Both his parents had instilled a sense of honor and respect in him that should be shown towards everyone no matter who they might be, clearly this lot missed the memo. He pulled his hands out of his pocket and held one out, palm up, towards Urq. The other was now clenched tightly behind his back, where his spirit stood, "Now if you'd be so kind as to give that back, and maybe find some dignity as you do, we can all get on with our night. I'd hate to be responsible for tearing any of those wonderful silks."
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