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Current Passed out for the 3rd time in a week so if I'm being spotty, know that it's not on purpose :')
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TFW you see people making new RPs that you'd love to join but you're a loser adult with loser adult responsibilities and so you can't join. Rip.
6 days ago
You ever look back on your old posts or characters and cringe? That's me right now.
10 days ago
I was provoking a giant black spider in an attempt to get it out from its hiding spot but then it jumped on me and disappeared so if I die know that I did this to myself.
12 days ago
Took me until today to realize that listening to applicable sound fx videos on YouTube can really get the creative juices flowing when typing an intense scene.


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In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm so glad this is finally up and moving again I'll post sometime after work (5 PM PST).
In Exodus 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Je'Nai walked alongside Asmod with her hands behind her back and her gaze forward. The newcomer's introduction as being a seer hadn't quite fazed her (everyone here had some sort of ability or another so unless it was something extraordinary it tended to lose its panache) but that didn't make it any less interesting. His allegations, however, of someone dead wanting to contact her is what stunned the young hybrid into a more pronounced state of silence. With her brows arched and eyes widened she forced herself to looked up at him. But Je'Nai could only gape like a fish, her words caught in her throat as she tried to think of something to say in response to his inquiry. Fortunately for her T'vor chose then to intervene. She cleared her throat and attempted to regain her composure. Je'Nai wanted to ask Asmod what he had meant by that but also didn't want to interrupt her superior, T'vor. Maybe he'd be willing to overlook the minor transgression? Je'Nai wasn't sure she wanted to risk annoying him- first impressions are important. Once their little group had finally arrived at the medical tent, Je'Nai waited outside while the others entered... and then promptly stepped back out. Whether that decision was of their own accord or the doctor's orders Je'Nai didn't care, really. She saw this as a chance to go bug Asmod for a little bit and find out more about what he had told her earlier. "If you two will please excuse me. Thanks." Je'Nai ducked her head and passed through the pair before entering the tent. "Asmod, what were you telling me?"

"No need to apologize, that was an awkward position to be placed into and had I been in your shoes perhaps I'd have done the same thing." Ma'ai gave a small smile and crossed his arms, the began to pick at the fabric of his shirt with a forefinger and thumb to keep from fidgeting too much. He was still very tired and the excitement from this little 'surprise' wasn't helping. "Save for the obvious, nothing has happened since I'd last seen you in the cafeteria." He gave a light shrug. "Say, would you like to take a walk with me? I was hoping we could catch up. Unless this is a bad time for you?"
Maverick was never one to shy from an argument, but he did have enough sense in him to keep from others' business.

Previously, the insults tossed in his direction meant absolutely nothing and bounced right off him. He had half a mind to snap back at Emily and possibly Laura again but now that Kacey had presented a solid plan for tomorrow Maverick instead chose to focus his energy on prepping. So that's why his had his rifle and ammo laid on on a tarp before him. (The gun was empty of course so there was nothing to worry about as he inspected an polished the thing while Dodger continued to doze beside him.)

Maverick was never one to shy from an argument, and he did have enough sense in him to keep from others' business, but now that precaution no longer applied.

His trigger was Kacey yanking Desmond and physically pulling him back into their fight, the pair at it like a couple of rabid coyotes fighting over bunny corpse scraps. Verbally, of course. (Why couldn't she leave it alone when the first time he walked away?) Had things gotten physical from Desmond's side then Maverick sure as hell was going to put him in his place. Cinnamon getting an earful was one thing -it didn't bother him but his mutt seemed agitated by the heightened tension in the group- but this? Maverick understood he was never going to be a favorite within this group, and he and Kacey would likely never get along, but he wasn't going to tolerate insubordination. Not for loyalty to the Johnson matriarch but rather for his duties to the gang as a member. Together they were a pack, a force to be reckoned with. Without structure they were no better off than a band of renegades who raided and raped as they pleased and God knows those fools were getting what they deserved whenever the authorities ran another ring to the ground and hanged each and every last one. Maverick couldn't care less about who ran things around here so long as it worked and things moved along smoothly like a well-oiled machine. A rule he always stuck by; never mess with the group dynamics unless there was a common enemy. Maverick got his feet under him and started to rise.

Thankfully it was over as quick as it started once Cinnamon stepped back into the picture. Maverick let out a breath of relief and gradually relieved himself from the tense position he crouched at. Dodger whined with unease and shook out his coat before promptly trotting off. Maverick didn't call the dog back, nor did he pursuit. Instead he grabbed his rifle and went to go collect his horse. "I'll be atop the ridge keeping an eye out, if anyone needs me." Maverick made his announcement loud and clear but had no specific target in mind. Without further ado, he mounted his horse and rode off.

Céline caught herself feeling more annoyed than agitated by the group's outburst once things blew over. Was this always how they chose to handle disputes around here? The young lass had only arrived towards the end of the argument but she'd gotten quite the earful. Wasn't too difficult to piece together what happened but that didn't make it any more excusable. And what was wrong with staying back anyway? She would much rather avoid the stress of a bank heist on any given day so Céline had no problem whatsoever with being left behind to watch over their camp. With a sigh, she removed the last of the burdocks from her little pony's mane before giving the animal a gentle pat on the flank. Dandy snorted and plodded off to do... whatever it was horses do. Céline dusted off her hands and tossed the annoying little fur stickers to the ground.

Aside from Kacey, Céline hadn't really ever made much of an effort to get to really know anybody around here. The only real solid conclusions she'd come to so far were that; she and Cinnamon were the youngest two present, and Maverick was an asshole. Angel was a bit on the sketchier side of the scale but she decided to try her luck. Where'd he say he was from again? Now that she really thought about it Céline wasn't so sure the man had actually ever given a proper introduction for himself while here. But then again she hadn't really been here all that long. Thankfully that accent gave her something to go by. She had never given any indication of polylingualism before (always too paranoid) but she figured this was safe enough. "Is yelling supposed to be how we show affection around here? That 'tough love' attitude?" she inquired in Castilian tongue. The question was innocent enough but depending on his answer it may explain some things. Give her a nice heads-up to boot.
He snorted at Laura but complied anyway and reached forward to grab the tin coffee pot. "Happy now?" In truth, he couldn't care less. If she wasn't Kacey's sister perhaps he would have completely ignored the request -she could have easily done it herself. Alas, he held his tongue lest Kacey threaten to tan his hide. Again. Maverick decided to leave the fire alone and went back to stroking Dodger, which then caused the dog the happily thump his tail against the ground. When Kacey spoke up once more, Maverick had the grace to actually pay attention this time.

At first it sounded decent enough. Maverick had to stop and really muse over the idea but Angel beat him to it, quickly spotting the flaws and being the first to speak up to advise their leader. When Angel accosted Kacey, Maverick couldn't help but snicker, wholeheartedly believing that that foreigner had addressed her incorrectly on purpose. That smirk did little to convince him otherwise. The gall on that man... (Maverick wasn't sure even he'd ever get around to doing that. The first and only time the cowboy disrespected Kacey she pistol-whipped him as hard as any man would. A bit of a shameful memory but in all honesty that was probably the only reason he held her in higher regards than he did most humans.) Maverick opened his mouth to speak up but he abruptly found himself interrupted. It was Laura, no less. Maverick sighed and ground his teeth together. He wasn't entirely sure why but her cheery voice rubbed him the wrong way. "Maybe I should just leave you two sorry bums to fend for yourselves, see what happens then." Kacey would surely give him an earful for that but it would be worth it. Only problem was that Alexander hadn't annoyed him enough to deserve that.

Maverick sat up straighter and spoke up loudly, making sure he would be heard. "I think the spic's right, he and Emily should switch places. He's better with a gun and she's less likely to draw attention to herself standing outside a bank. Plus she can stall if the sheriffs come looking, maybe bat her pretty lashes and cry about her puppy getting snatched by them savages or something."
"Much better" Céline murmured. Now that Laura was done with her laundry and the rest of the gang were off doing whatever it was they usually did to keep occupied, she finally had the water to herself. The others in her little ragtag group were within sight for safety's sake but that's what Dandy was here for. The loyal little animal provided a faux sense of modesty but it was still better than nothing (she had to try). Céline looked over her shoulder to see what the animal was up to. Dandy waited nearby, tail swishing as the old gelding munched on the valley' dewy grass. It would be unfair of her to expect him to stay in one spot the whole time she bathed but as long as he remained between herself and the remains of the Johnson Gang she was satisfied. The young woman took a deep breath and began to strip. The cool morning air left goosebumps on her flesh but that did little to dampen her endeavor. Once out of her garments she folded everything into a neat pile and placed them aside where they would remain dry, then pulled her hair back into a bun with a small leather cord. Céline hummed to herself, a soft thrumming noise barely loud enough for even her own ears to catch over the rush of the creek. Timidly, she stepped into the cold water. She paused to allow herself a moment to adjust while her muscles tensed in anticipation before completely slipping in until the water was at her neck. Céline cringed and splashed her face until the initial shock passed and she could finally relax.

In time, she convinced herself to stop idling and start scrubbing. The small rag she'd brought along required she put in much more effort than if she'd used one of those sea sponges from home but she was thankful for its softness nonetheless. Céline continued humming her lyric-less melody. Once satisfied that she'd been adequately cleansed, Céline stepped out of the creek and got straight back into her clothing even though still damp. Her attire stuck uncomfortably to her form but she couldn't complain. Céline smoothed out the wrinkles with her palms and then approached Dandy to run her fingers through his mane. "I appreciate your service, Dandy" she thanked. The little Fjord raised his head as he was chewing on a mouthful of greenery and stared at her but gave no indication he'd understood a word she just said. "Come." Céline clicked her tongue and started back toward where her new 'family' was gathered, Dandy trailing right behind.

Maverick was seated on a log near the dying campfire and was listening in on the conversations happening around him as he watched the charred firewood. Heading back into town was an alright idea if executed correctly but... cups? Come on, there were probably at least a dozen other things where they could spend money. Alexander's suggestion was decent enough but Maverick wasn't so sure if there was anyone present he'd trust to manage their treasury wisely. But considering they had yet to go completely broke, he figured Kacey knew what she was doing. But he kept his opinions to himself and reached out with a stick to prod the faintly glowing embers for no particular reason. Dodger unfurled from his I'm-a-ball position and maneuvered to rest his head on his master's thigh. Maverick didn't shy away from the touch and instead rested his hand atop the dog's head. He would have stayed like that for a while longer until his boredom became too much to handle or something came up that demanded his attention; but suddenly, he felt the hairs on this back of his neck stand up on end and realized someone was watching him. Maverick remained put but picked up his head to have a look around. That's when his gaze met Laura's. The man scrunched up his face. "You got something you want to say?"
@FullMetalHeart Question; may I make a banner for this? More specifically, I was thinking of redoing the title in the 0th post.

I'm suddenly feeling super creative XD
Love you too XD
Yeah I think what's going to end up happening is that unless there's something that's really bothering me, I'm just going to be playing around with the aesthetics for a while until I'm content.
I can't help it TnT
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