Avatar of pugbutter


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8 mos ago
Current Fuck yeah, girlfriend. Sit on that ass! Collect that unemployment check! Have free time 'n shit!
2 yrs ago
Apologies to all writing partners both current & prospective. Been sick for two weeks straight (and have to go to work regardless). No energy. Can't think straight. Taking a hiatus. Sorry again.
2 yrs ago
[@Ralt] He's making either a Fallout 4 reference or a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky reference i can't tell
2 yrs ago
"Well EXCUUUUSE ME if my RPs don't have plot, setting, characters, any artistry of language like imagery/symbolism, or any of the things half-decent fiction has! What am I supposed to do, improve?!"
2 yrs ago
Where's the personality? The flavor? the drama? The struggle? The humanity? The texture of the time and the place in which this conversation is happening? In a word: where's the story?


Most Recent Posts

But that, in the end, was the difference between him and Ana, wasn't it? The way she talked, you'd think the issue at hand was the bait's efficacy. Its ... reliability. Whether it'd survive the first gulp from their first big trout. That mute smartass really, truly didn't get it. If you had to trick someone to beat him, it was plain as day that you lacked either the strength, or the guts, to beat him head-on. It completely cheapened any "victory" attainable there, besmirching not only the match, but your very skill as a hunter. Like those people who needed tree stands, musk sprays, camouflage, high-powered scopes, and hi-capacity magazines just to feel big enough to take down a deer. At that point was there even any sport in it?

Still riding the high from his first cigarette, Yūya tamped the second down into its pack. He did crack a second beer, though. A shame the rest of it was going to waste; it couldn't come home with him, and no one else seemed interested. Well, either the janitors or the day's first class-skippers tomorrow would have a good time. Even if it was warm and flat by then, thirteen-year-olds had to take what dubiously-obtained alcohol they could get.

Thinking it over again, to shoot down this plan Yūya would have to be ready with an alternative. And unfortunately, they needed too many pieces to fall into place at once: they didn't just need to stomp some brat into the dirt and deflate his ego a little. They needed to find out who this brat even was. Entrap and then catch him red-handed. Obtain a warrant for search, seizure, and eventual arrest. Forfeit his assets to the state, but not before his fair trial by judge and lay-jury ... The suit-and-tie elements in the team always had to make things complicated, like their boardroom meetings and ... uh, stock options. It's like they forgot sometimes who the rest of them were: the runoff, the dregs, drifting down and gathering in the lowest schools and seediest basement bars. The bottom of the bottle. A long, heavy sigh oozed over his tongue. No matter how he looked at it, Yūya didn't have to speak up because he had a better idea. He had to speak up because if the royalty had their way, this was gonna be goddamn boring.

He just had to pick his phrasing; he had to be ... pointed, without being provocative. Concerned, but not insubordinate.

"The important thing is this—" Ah, shit. Too late. "Sarayashiki has a boogeyman that even the Student Council is trying to—"

Yūya listened as best he could. The time for soldiering had come, quietly supplanting the era of advisors and strategists; when Ishida clammed up they could shoot the shit a little, but when he spoke, their role was to listen, and obey. Yūya thought back to his conversation with Mutо̄. Orders were one thing, but if he wanted to listen to speeches he'd go to class and take it from Oguni-sensei, and the class prez, and everyone else who wanted to lay into him for every little wrinkle in his proverbial shirt. If anything was gonna turn Yūya traitor, it was gonna be the fuckin' speeches.

By the time Ishida had been diatribing for two and a half minutes (including dramatic pauses) Yūya was just about ready for him to forget he was there. Yep: signing up for clubs, interviewing students ... the usual M.O. Maybe tomorrow he'd go on a joyride to Shinagawa; take the train up to Hasune and pick a fight with that blond punk who'd claimed the station there as his turf; or even just loaf around with Mutо̄ and Sunohara under the mulberry tree like always. Even among those who'd been mentioned by name, it sounded like only Yonaka and Li might, might, see some action tomorrow.

Waste of my damn time.

"Yūya. Ana."

Hmm? Oh. So he hadn't forgotten. Yeah, it wasn't really like Ishida to do that.

"I need the two of you on something different. Stick around for a moment. Everyone else: go home. Get some sleep. It's a school night, after all ..."

The hell did that mean? First of all, if Ishida was sending the others home before they could eavesdrop, then it was some kinda secret. Why? Yūya didn't strike himself as the secret-keeping type. Maybe that's precisely why he was picked, then? But ... no, more to the point, what kind of secret could Ishida entrust to Yūya better than all his bootlicks and sycophants? Well, him and Tamura-san ... Yeah, and for that matter, what did he and she even have in common? What were they, and they alone, best-suited for? Fighting? Everyone here could handle a weapon. Except maybe that Li character. So, what; were they the sneakiest? The most resourceful or connected? The cleverest? Even something cheesy like the most determined or perseverant? ... No. They weren't. Or, he wasn't.

I guess us two are the tallest? And thus the most intimidating? ... I dunno. That's what I got.

Tamura Ana. What did she think about being partnered with somebody with whom she had nothing in common? Jesus! Yeah, just fuckin' look at her, dude. She's struggling not to puke right now. I bet she doesn't even know she's scowling.

So he was so gross that just the thought of being stuck with him on a stakeout churned a girl's stomach, huh?—like she'd just found shit on the bottom of her shoe—it would've been hilarious if it didn't stab and twist in his gut just the tiniest bit. Yūya snuck a sidewise glance at Akina, too, while she took her leave, as congenially as ever; if she felt the same way, then someone in the high-profile family of hers msut've taught her how to "smile for the cameras," as it were. As for the others, there was some consolation to be gleaned in seeing the same confusion in their countenances, and overhearing a few of their grievances at the door.

That Li chick ... she hadn't been there half an hour yet and she was already gloryhounding. She had guts—no doubting that—but would she still have guts after she took a punch for Ishida? Or was it gonna be her first punch: replete with the telltale head-spinning, ass-dropping, jaw-rattling disbelief of having just been hit in the face?

Too small to intimidate her inevitable tormentors into backing down; too small to follow through on a threat or keep a hastily growled promise ... She wouldn't last. But if she did, at least she wasn't wearing a damn tie. There had to be some solidarity in that.

Li had been the last one out; she and Yūya had made eye contact. He wondered whether he, too, wore an involuntary expression, betraying the confusion and ... slight sadness which Li stirred in him.

But to Ishida went his eyes next as the door closed behind Li. "I admit you've got a way with intrigue," he said, wandering away from the door and nearer to the boss. Heh; to put it mildly.
Sounds good! Take your time. Your writing style is unique and I’d imagine takes a lot out of you. It’s important to take breaks, otherwise we risk burning ourselves out!

That too (thank you I'm flattered ... I think) but right now it's because I owe another thread as well. Actually I've owed this writing partner a reply for 2-3 weeks. It's quickly becoming a Half Life 3 situation where the longer I take to put out my product, the higher her expectations get, the harder I gotta work to bring up the quality, and thus the longer it takes to write. The old Valve death-loop. Gotta love it.
I'm gonna be a couple more days, but my post is outlined and ready to be written
If you had to pick the OP and ED for season 1 of a lighthearted (at least in the first season / first couple of volumes) show about teenaged delinquents, what would each of you go for?

My picks:

@Noblebandit Since my role at the moment is to sit and wait for most people to leave the roof, maybe you should godmod this for me. So I don't shoehorn it into my post and end up ruining the flow of the scene transition. But since Yuyua is by the door anyway, he'd offer you a little chat. He'll say that whenever he's at school, he's either in class or under that mulberry tree on the southeast end of the courtyard. That's his ... former turf. "Y'know, if you wanna figure out what's where around here, or just shoot the shit." Something like that.

If you need exact words then PM me ig, but I trust whatever ya put out, as you and I seem to be very similar RPers stylistically

W-w-w-wuh-wuh-welcome back boss w-w-we kept it nice and warm for ya
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter
Agalloch - The Mantle

1184 by Windir
Caledonia by SuidAkrA
Crush the Insects by Reverend Bizarre
Eppur Si Muove by Haggard
Holy Mountain by Sleep
Höstmakter by Mörker
Inferno by Motörhead
Let Battle Commence by Doomsword
L'Ordure à l'état Pur by Kommando Peste Noire
The Mantle by Agalloch
Nailbomb by Nailbomb
Nordland by Bathory
Nordland II by Bathory
Sons of Northern Darkness by Immortal
Uit Oude Grond by Heidevolk
When the Kite Strings Pop by Acid Bath
It's a shitty situation to be in, but I agree with Noble. We can't hope for the perfect outcome until Courtaud logs back in to check his projects, which may or may not happen. (Believe me. :( ) And we can only wait so long before people fall out of the habit of replying to the thread, forgetting their obligation to a collaborative story which, in a certain sense, has forgotten them. (And it does not take much of a posting gap for this to happen.) So until he returns we have two actual, tangible options: godmod for Ishida Minato or let the thread die.

If it seems like I'm taking the act of godmoding too lightly, I suppose it's because I don't want to consider that second option at all. I suppose I'm willing to break decorum because the story has too much potential, and each of you has been too pleasant to write with, for me to give up on the thread so easily.

Of course, I'm praying that Courtaud comes back in the next four or seven or whatever days and makes all this apocalyptic talk look real freakin stupid in retrospect. But right now that's lookin like a miracle scenario.
If he still hasn't returned in roughly 4 days, and if everybody's cool with it, I'll gently write Ishida off the rooftop and have him leave someone in charge temporarily.

I've been thinking about it and from Ishida's point of view, the best candidate for a temporary boss is probably Tamura, then followed by Umeko, with Takanashi as a distant third.

My theory: Marada's involvement in the gang is too impersonal for Ishida's tastes; he would worry that she's too willing to turn the other members into sacrificial pawns in the event that she's placed in charge of the big picture. Yonaka is decisive and headstrong, but also too foolhardy for sensible decision-making. Toronaga conversely is a little on the uncertain side, hesitating, often until his back is to the wall, to act. A good thinker, though.

Meanwhile Tamura and Umeko strike the best balance of strategy and decisiveness, strength and cunning, courage and collectedness ...

This is only my speculation, though, and of course OOC willingness to play temporary GM takes precedence.
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