Avatar of Rabbitconfusion


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28 days ago
Current My beloved Nikola who is (HEIGHT) tall
28 days ago
Me watching my editing friend add commas to my writing: wow this is some wizard stuff right here
1 mo ago
President of the chronic page refreshers club
2 mos ago
Similar to clueless dm I think being an unreliable narrator dm would be fun.
2 mos ago
Playing clueless characters in DND works great for me because I often miss lots of information and don't know what's going on. It's method acting.


PFP credit: picrew.me/en/image_maker/277578

Old player returning after a few years.

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Mainly just intuition. Most of the things I have written already exist in the real world just with slightly different explanations.

“Gwynns talent is her intuition. She is attuned to the natural magical field in the same way animals are. She can sense changes in weather and people emotions/intent (to a degree. She doesn’t often get specifics but rather good or bad feelings about people). She is also capable of matching the social energy of others. She is also skilled at understanding animals.”

Hello! I am interested in joining.
Would it be possible to create a character with some small magical aptitude as their talent? (I have zero intention of making them overpowered in the slightest).
In Hello 2 mos ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
I haven't been on here in years so i had to make a new account XD
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