Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
5 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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Question: Did anyone else stat iut the character stuff on the system first, than translate it to the sheet, or is that just me? Also

@TominasMaricella is may or may not start shit with your chick. Depends on factors. She's definitely going to start it with Ben because their can only be one top dog around here, and it's going to be her.
@TominasNot the GM, but from what I gather, if Bladur is dead, then the world as we know it would be fucked beyond belief because that means we'd enter ragnork again. So I think the best interpretation is that ragnork is a prophecy and hasn't happened yet, but will happen one day.

Edit: As for the loki thing, They're gods. Loki may mainly be trapped tied to a stone, but he can still send aspects of himself out into the mortal world.
@AvanhelsingKek, ye. I mean, we have a lot of fighting people, just no real tanks or dedicated fighters. Instead, we have the treasure hunter/adventure, the grizzled cop, the street kid with magic, I forgot what Rainy's gimmick is, and the Honeypot.
@AvanhelsingKek, ye. It's good banter, though she'd probably reply to never say "sweetheart" ever again. He really can't pull it off.
@Avanhelsing"Oh honey. . . you seem to think I care about your opinion. Sorry to say that you're not really important enough to go through the effort of playing nice with, not to mention you seem less interesting to talk to than that wall over there. Honestly, I expected something impressive of the adopted son of Osiris, but I guess even Chief gods can have poor taste sometimes."

Themesong:Deal with the Devil by Tia

Alpha Bitch on Deck!

I think I've gotten down everything but the history fairly well, but if you need any clarifications or anything on her abilities/skills, I'm definitely open to them. Also, all ya boys better be sure to protect your Queen because while she's one tough bitch, she's kinda of useless in a straight up fight.
"Bring that up one more time and I swear to all the gods that you'll wake up one day without your vocal chords."
"Look, Ben was it? I'm sure you think that was a real interesting bit of historical trivia. It's really not. If you're Bi, just say that your bi, otherwise, you come off as kind of a prick."
"Eh. . . true enough, plus that means I don't have to worry about anyone trying to upstage me. Also, you don't have to hide it if your gay, pretty sure none of the gods really give a shit."
Maricella: "Lookin' like a real sausage-fest up in here."
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