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Isabelle de'Antibes

Poor Saber... to be trapped by such notions of honour in a fight like this one was to overlook how many opponents might not share her values. Perhaps there could be compromise between them in the event that Saber looked set to win regardless but to throw out any chance of victory... Isabelle wasn't going to fail in her duties and miss her chance of redemption for her Servant's pride. Nor did she wish to be one of those killed in the war once her main support was gone. The Fourth Holy Grail war had a reported 70% casualty ratio amongst Masters, from her sources.

The time for planning was cut short by the apparent presence of another Servant, though the Executor didn't hasten her ice-cream one bit, "It doesn't matter if there's another Servant her, the Masters should know that the aim is to keep the war secret, and know better from that than to attack a restaurant in full view of a church representative. They wouldn't like a truce called to hunt them down as a threat to secrecy, would they?"

Evelyn and Elisabeth

"Maybe you would understand standard German?" the blindfolded girl suggested, swapping back to English. Having Berserker angry at her was hardly going to be a good idea... but it was inevitable that the language barrier would cause some friction. At least it reconfirmed the obvious: if Evelyn needed to get a message only to Elisabeth, then normal speech would probably do it... she couldn't imagine people in this town were too familiar with the dialect around Bern, if they knew the language at all...

"She says we need to hide."

The result was pretty immediate: the brunette took hold of her wrist and pulled her to one side, slightly down a dip in the ground. Not that being in a ditch would be terribly helpful against Servants but... it was something. And the itching of the blindfold was getting worse now, with the threat of battle approaching... but would it even be safe to look at something like Servants? Let alone give away her one strength in this entire conflict on the first night...


The unlikely assassin giggled, finding some amusement in her Master's words. "Oni will drink anything, and among oni there are none that will drink more than I." Of course, that fact was in both her myth and name--to think that an oni would shy away from hard drink showed a woeful lack of knowledge on the topic by her Master... and she couldn't complain about having more variety, even if it was bad.

But she'd best finish the drink that she already had, first. "Oh, do remember to take precautions against excessive drinking, Master. It's not going to be good if you're drunk before we even break the sake out~"
With the others springing into action, the emperor was left with a dilemma: she could try and aid the fight... but at the cost of significant friendly fire. Well, she said significant; those two would ignore most spells. Unfortunately, those spells that might harm an enemy Lancer for sure would also pierce those defences. And explode the one their Master wished to assist.

Maybe she ought to pull him from the line of fire? Saber was providing a good deal of cover and the sudden addition of singing was sure to make the run even clearer. Was there some magic she could use, some hidden ability to make it easier to sneak through... well... there was that and she didn't even have to do anything... just... exist. How dare being vertically diminished become useful!?

It was with a deep sigh that the Caster made her way around the fight, picnic basket of restorative delectables left by the master... only to return carrying the defeated fighter like a sack of potatoes, ignoring any protests. He was a Servant; he'd be fine.
Sir Tyaethe Radistirin

"Only a few today," the paladin responded, straightening from her task. Hm, it didn't seem like she was going to be able to wash any more off with just water... burn it? She could only do candle flames, but her armour would endure that fine and the blood would burn off sooner or later... that would be entirely too time consuming. Maybe she should ask for directions to somewhere more appropriate to do this; with some peace and a wire brush she could stop it getting all glued together easily enough. Why did trolls have to go and bleed so much? It was inconvenient; she needed to get back to the captain soon. "They die as easily as anything else if you have a sharp enough blade."

Lilianna Belwiss

This whole scenario was proving to be another black mark on the knights' current state of organisation... though in fairness, the blame for this had nothing to do with its original founders or even its deviation from the church over time. Why, of all things, did they still not have normal mages amongst their number? Even if not formally part of the order, it could hardly hurt to have more focused spellcasters for situations exactly such as this... instead, they had battlemages and, throughout the past, the odd healer. It would have to be brought up when they got back to Aimlenn; whether that was successful or to seek more assistance for the Earl.

It would be unfathomable to leave the order's ability to contend with curses up to the whims of those who wanted to mix their swordplay with magic or vice versa.
Isabelle d'Antibes

Overall strategy, then. She continued sitting in silence whilst starting to lick away at the icecream; it seemed that either her appetite was satiated or Isabelle had a sweet tooth that demanded the chocolate confection be shown the appropriate respect. More likely the latter...If we're here for long, then I need to come and get some more of this. Or find somewhere else that sells it...

"The strategy is quite simple: identify the Masters and offer them a chance to surrender. When they refuse, you engage the enemy Servant, leaving the Master open for me to engage. Then I kill them. As Saber, I expect you to be able to prevent disengagement for long enough that the Masters are unguarded."

Evelyn and Elisabeth

Italics are standing in for translated conversation.
The Master was sticking close to her friend as they made their way back from the church, glad that this useless formality was over with. Sanctuary if she failed...? If she failed, Evelyn doubted that there would be enough left to seek sanctuary. Not if her own Servant was any indication; this war was probably full of monsters rather than the heroes that Elisabeth had said were supposed to be there. The threat of impending violence, though, wasn't getting to her as much as the feeling that the Overseer had been examining her critically... something Berserker really didn't help with.

"Lisa, was she staring at me?"

A shrug. "A bit more than normal, even for you. You think she guessed something?"

"Maybe. People involved in this must be more likely to know what eyes can do..."

It was rude to talk for too long, excluding her Servant, but it was a necessary evil--the teenaged girl wasn't one that she wanted to place her full trust in, not when she qualified for that class. And Elisabeth's English was terrible. She ought to be understanding about that much.
Current Status:

  • Evangeline: shopping for clothes
  • Klaus: shopping for an office
  • Hibiki: unexpected camping trip

With Misaki going off to gather information, it was down to just her, Miku, and the instant ramen in her hands--which wasn't going to be much use until they could get some hot water to go with it. The tent seemed stable enough, and the brunette experimentally got inside... it didn't seem like it was going to collapse on her head now that her friend had finished propping it up. An adventure, huh...? well, it was more exotic than even most of the work that she did with S.O.N.G., since there were relatively few places in the world that could require them to change their base of operations.

Though there was something more important than that, a reason it definitely didn't feel like an adventure: "But you're here, Miku. The warm place by your side is all that it needs to be home."
  • Name: Evelyn Fehrenbach
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: The one on the right.
  • Personality: Evelyn is normally a pretty relaxed girl--she can certainly be moody, but she's normally inclined to let things go and not work herself up about stuff. Well, aside from getting annoyed... rapidly when people bother her about the blindfold are start annoying her about her eyes. Quirk aside, out of the pair of them, she's by far the one acting as the voice of reason.
  • Skills: She's pretty good at getting around despite being blindfolded most of the time, and without it on her ability to dodge something is pretty amazing. She is also pretty amazing at mathematics... but really, her skillset isn't one that's too inclined to being a magus, just being a normal person trying to get a normal job.
  • Abilities: Evelyn possesses the Mystic Eyes of Momentum--something that definitely has more in common with psychic powers than normal magecraft, despite its origins and the obvious presence of magic circuits in her body. They're of the unusual sort, in terms of Mystic Eyes, in that they enable the user to interfere with the world directly--in this case, altering the momentum of some object, which is much easier if it's smaller and already moving in the right direction. But they're also Pure Eyes of a kind--because such an ability would be entirely unusable without knowing the direction something was moving and the forces involved. It's an extremely useful view at times. Particularly as it doesn't matter if it should be something visible to humans; magecraft with a physical component is still something she can shove around.
    But to have it on constantly, unable to turn it off, and coupled to an ability that if overused or pushed could incapacitate or kill you? She would rather see nothing at all.
  • Brief Backstory: Evelyn's family could lay claim to being a long line of psychics, if they actually cared to--but it was something of a dwindling talent, and so it wasn't even mentioned to her, or ever explained. It was simply a talent rarely there from birth, normally suppressed by medicine but occasionally surfacing for a brief period. And then, as an adult, she had the misfortune to actually see a doctor who would tell her that there was no illness that required it.
    She wishes that she'd listened. Now always on, and too easily used... simply looking is too dangerous most of the time. But it gave her a more fervent wish, a wish to be rid of them entirely, or to at least have control. A wish that manifested in a series of seals on her arm, something entirely beyond her knowledge.
    But not Elisabeth's. Elisabeth, the friend who'd always been there for her, was the one to know about magecraft--barely a mage at all, only able to push her body past fair limits for minor contests or brawls. But she knew enough to find out about the war and explain it--and there was no way that she was going to leave her friend to wander blind in America, was she? Even so, Evelyn's situation still looks a hopeless one.
Lancer's assessment of Scandinavia was appropriate but... she had really missed the absolute most vital part about their destination. It was cold, which was something that even a Servant like Caster was well aware of on her arrival... she was from a much warmer part of Europe and a Scandinavian winter was frankly uncomfortable. It was making her chest cold!

There just had to be an unnecessary extra to make things worse: zombies. Zombies, and their Master couldn't see them at all! Of course, there was a simple solution to this problem... if she just stopped and racked her brain for a second, then...

"Φλεγέθων." The result of the single word was instantaneous--a ring of fire pulsing outwards. The flames of an underworld river... it was definitely bad news for anything such as dead bodies that happened to be in the area, since they would go right up, lighting the place up a bit more in the process. But it shouldn't ignite the forest... hopefully deadwood didn't count. Either way, with the others having dealt with the closest of the Dead, this would give them plenty of breathing room and make sure that their Master didn't blindly walk into a branch or something similar.

Though it wasn't subtle. The fighters might notice.

At least her chest would be warmer.
Kawamura Hikaru

It was awkward that so soon after becoming a magical girl, her parents had agreed to take in an exchange student for a while. In general, she would have rather kept her privacy, but the timing was nothing short of problematic... with the Hex Night coming up, it was going to be hard to get time away without it raising even more questions, especially when she had to help the other girl get used to the country. It wasn't like she was going to skimp on that duty, either; it was as important as doing her job as a magical girl. Possibly more, that was just a bit of fun.

On the plus side, senpai had visited without too much trouble, so that was one less thing that she would have to cut back on. As much as it was senpai's encouragement in the first place to become a magical girl, she didn't want to avoid her entirely until time freed up...

Leaning back from just-finished homework, Hikaru tapped a pencil against her glasses. She couldn't really stay home right now, with everything about to kick off. She had hoped to make up some excuse about going out for Sofia but... well, she wasn't home either, much like her parents were also busy. There were a few leftovers in the kitchen if she got back first, which would just have to do. The foreign girl would hopefully not be too annoyed if she got back to find the place entry.

It was time to get ready.
Sir Tyaethe Radistirin

Unfortunately, she seemed to be gathering a little crowd as she washed off the blood, both for the sheer amount of it that had somehow affixed itself to her person... troll blood was definitely sticky... and because word had gotten out about her identity. Which certainly invited a good amount of gawking by people with nothing better to do and that had no ability to get to the lord's hall.
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