Avatar of RolePlayerRoxas


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4 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/202… It's long overdue that I make fun of myself for a change.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… This is one time loop that everyone will gladly forget about.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… No, I can't imagine why you feel like you've read this exact story before, why do you ask?
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… I wanna be, the edgiest, like no one ever was~
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… Have you ever wanted to see Scathach and Ichigo Kurosaki shipped together? No? Well, here it is anyway.


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Berserker - "Guan Yu"

Guan's attack was easily blocked by the grinning oni, which was perhaps to be expected. Even ignoring the superhuman speeds a Servant could move at, her attack was straight-forward and simple. Even a relative novice like Guan herself could have seen such an attack coming. Regardless, she gripped the weapon tightly as she attempted to overpower the yellow oni, gritting her teeth as she was met with resistance. Despite the cracking of the earth beneath them, Ibaraki-douji stood firm, seemingly unfazed by the icy Berserker's power.

Suddenly, her weapon was knocked aside, and a flaming fist was barrelling towards her! She only had a split-second to react, and the best she could manage was to try and leap away, trying to avoid the worst of the blow. That flaming punch met her chest, knocking Guan back several feet, rolling along the ground until she came to a stop, face-down.
The front of her armour was scuffed and marred by the flames, with a slight indent from the glancing blow it withstood. The frozen Berserker may have just barely leapt out of Ibaraki's range, but that glancing contact was still enough to cause worrying damage.

...He wouldn't have been so easily taken down. Guan berated herself bitterly as she clambered back to her feet. Ibaraki-douji was certainly powerful. Those flames were a natural counter to her own abilities. Even the oni's parameters could outstrip Guan's own in every way, for all she knew.

But if it were Guan Yu, such obstacles would have been overcome with a single swing of his gallant blade.

Back on her feet, she silently pointed the frozen guandao towards Ibaraki-douji, as if daring her to advance. Regardless of her opponent's power, she wouldn't allow herself to fall! Not while her Master was watching! Not while she bore her father's name!
Yeah, fine by me. Himeko can herd and trap them with her flames for Nico.
There we are. Sorry for the delay, I'd been waiting for a Kagami post that I completely missed was already there.
They were whittling the Shades down at a steady pace, covering each other pretty well for an impromptu team-up. Himeko couldn't speak for the catgirl's experiences, but as a four year veteran, Himeko liked to think she had gotten good at fighting from the backline. Of course, there was the small concern of the remaining enemies slowly gathering strength as their allies fell. Given how weak the pack was in general, the shrine maiden was hardly expecting a behemoth of a creature to stand before them at the end.

Unfortunately, Himeko could only manage so much in her state. Her flames could be spread to attack more than one enemy, but the range left much to be desired with only two wands to work with. By the time the enemies were brought down to reasonable level, her flames might not be enough to finish them off.

With one more Shade burning to a crisp within her blue flames, Himeko pondered in an almost carefree manner how best to finish off the group. Even if the final Shade was still within manageable levels, Himeko didn't like giving these monsters a chance to access some sort of dangerous technique or whatever. Though having one enemy to focus on did make it much easier to keep track of.

Sigh. This would be so much easier if that Kagami girl wasn't stubbornly acting like a villain herself.

"Koneko-chan~" Himeko called to her partner, raising a wall of blame flame behind her to protect from another attempting flanking, "got any massive blasts on you? If not, we might just have to round these puppies up and slice 'em all at once~"
The cat-themed magical girl had certainly proven herself to be more offensively capable, after all, and it might be a stylish enough finish to tide over the looming threat above them, too.

I'll post later today, after sleep.
Berserker - "Guan Yu"

Berserker's opponent was certainly a strange one. She hadn't expected to be battling an oni, especially one so brazen and confident as to handle her own introduction. Guan silently watched the yellow oni, as if unsure of how to respond. This demon... she was rather small, wasn't she? One might even find her a little cute from the right angle. Standing before Ibaraki-douji however, Guan could feel the pressure of a formidable fighter pressing against her. She was clenching her frozen blade nervously, trying to stem the slight tremors in her hands.

She couldn't show weakness here! Guan Yu was not so weak as to be intimidated by such a tiny girl, demon or no! Her Master was watching them at this very moment,she would not disgrace him with such poor conduct.
Inhaling deeply to steady her nerves, the helmeted fighter narrowed her eyes, readying her blade. She would overcome all of her shortcomings, and display skill worthy of her father's name!

And so, once the announcer ecstatically declared for the match to begin, Guan exploded forward, the guandao swung diagonally down upon the mountain oni.
Kishinami Hakuno

"Thanks. If we're not here, we'll be at the park," Hakuno replied to the older man with a nod. It was always nice to see such friendly citizens helping out an innocent girl in her time of need. Straightening, Hakuno found herself guided by Alice to the park with Benienma in tow. She was curious as to this girl's identity, given that just 'Alice' wasn't much to work with when it came to heroic spirits. Which was weird, you'd think such a normal name would stand out, wouldn't you?

Hakuno surveyed the park and flowers, not seeing anyone that seemed to be missing a Servant. Or any dogs, for that matter. Hopefully Dorothy wasn't chased off by one...

"What do you think, Saber?" Hakuno asked the small Servant. Who knew where she could have went in the meantime.


Berserker - "Guan Yu"

With her Master's encouragement held at heart, the Berserker made her way to the arena.Registration was an easy enough process, and it wasn't long before her name was being called by a charismatic announcer, as the shrouded warrior made her way towards the centre of the battlefield.

Contrasting her 'casual' appearance, the figure that strode towards battle seemed eerie, almost sinister. An armoured fighter with a guandao that appeared to be coated in blood, frozen to the blade, a long beard that hung freely from the helmet - or was it even a beard? Regardless, it was perhaps evocative of a particular warrior of great renown, which only made that seemingly cold air around Guan that much stranger.

Well, she could hardly help how she appeared, and it didn't particularly matter. Guan was fighting under the name of her father, which meant she was duty-bound to win! And on top of that, her Master was watching, too.
With the weapon gripped in both hands, she held the blade parallel to the ground as her opponent was announced...
It wasn't often that Himeko considered the appearance of Shades to be fortunate, but in this case, it could very well be a stroke of luck for herself and the pink girl. As dangerous as Shades could be, it was difficult to imagine this encroaching batch to be any more dangerous than the arrogant magical girl sneering at them. Though if she had to be fair, Kagami was hardly giving off that sickening sense of horror the creatures emanated.

Luckily, the cat-tailed cutie was skilled enough to hold her own against the... it would be insulting to actual dogs to refer to them as such, really. Regardless, Pink had serious speed behind those claws. She could probably handle this pack alone. Even if that were true, however, what upstanding magical girl would just stand aside and leave her alone?
Himeko lowered herself to ground level, pipe resting on her lips. Ignoring Kagami for now, it was best to focus on exterminating these pests.

"I'm not really a combat-type, sorry to say~" Himeko stated playfully with an exhale of strange, blue smoke. Instead of simply dissipating however, this cloud began to form a shape similar to the pipe in Himeko's hands, constricting and shrinking, before quickly solidifying into an identical wand.
With a wave of her free hand, this second pipe-shaped wand twirled behind the fox, pointing the original towards one of the hounds. Blue flames erupted from the tip, engulfing it in a jet of her magic, grounding the creature. The second wand glowed briefly, and an ephemeral tail formed next to the original. Himeko now appeared to be in possession of two tails, the fox pointing her pipe towaards the Shades closest to her partner and shooting them down with her foxfire.

"And both of us are probably weak to hounds, so we might be in real trouble, here!" Himeko declared in mock dismay, even as she twirled, arcing her magical pipe to create a wall of flame behind her, scaring off an attack at her flank. She had little reason to worry, however - the pink girl seemed skilled enough to handle her share of the fight, so Himeko could focus mainly on supporting her. And in the absolute worst-case scenario, she could pray that Kagami would save them from any nasty surprises, if only so she could rub it in their faces.

Oh well, no pressure!

Kishinami Hakuno

Hakuno smiled kindly to the young girl, who seemed a little all over the place. She was sure she'd caught the silver-haired child staring at Saber. Not that Hakuno could blame her, she was definitely very cu- no, it was the hat, wasn't it?
Another person had arrived to offer their assistance as well, which was a big help. And he didn't look obviously shady either, so that was a welcome plus. An extra pair of eyes looking for a displaced Master would certainly lessen the time to search. She gave a quiet word of thanks to the helpful stranger, and looked thoughtful as Alice tried to describe where she was last with her Master.

The park wasn't too far away, and it didn't sound like too much time had passed. Starting the search there was the best thing to do, and Dorothy was most likely conducting a frantic search of her own, so this could easily be resolved in a few moments, right? The brown-haired Master nodded at Benienma's similar assessment, and kindly spoke to Alice again as she straightened, "then we'll find Dorothy-san at the park. Let's go."

She offered her hand to the young Caster automatically. It was probably rude to treat a Servant like a child, but the thought never crossed Hakuno's mind, given Alice's mannerisms.



Berserker - "Guan Yu"

"...It would be difficult to fight without," Guan replied with a small chuckle. Indeed, as a mere phantom, unworthy of even a modicum of her father's might, it would be foolhardy to battle without her full attire. Not that she wouldn't give any fight her all - at the end of the day, she was summoned as Guan Yu,so no matter how unworthy of his name Berserker thought herself to be, it was her duty to uphold his status as the most powerful of warriors.

"I'll make my way down, then," Guan headed for the door, pausing to look back at her young Master with a smile, "when I win, shall we go out for ice-cream? I think I've developed something of a fondness for it."
Which was probably an understatement, given how many empty cartons the Servant had accrued in her short time summoned. It was fortunate the Berserker had martial arts to distract herself from them.


I really want to intro Arturia but she has no Master yet hmmm.

Have her be her own Master. And participating in the arena.
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