Avatar of RolePlayerRoxas


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4 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/202… It's long overdue that I make fun of myself for a change.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… This is one time loop that everyone will gladly forget about.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… No, I can't imagine why you feel like you've read this exact story before, why do you ask?
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… I wanna be, the edgiest, like no one ever was~
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… Have you ever wanted to see Scathach and Ichigo Kurosaki shipped together? No? Well, here it is anyway.


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Nakahara Sanae

Sanae was practically in a daze from the moment they entered the office proper. A massive, hulking creature had shown up with a pretty girl around her age, giving quite the bombastic greeting. Sanae was momentarily taken-aback by their greeting, though she swiftly recovered to return the greeting, "L-likewise! Nakahara Sanae, I'm also just starting! This here's Tepes Mina!" she couldn't help but be proud that she hadn't totally mangled how to pronounce the vampire's name.

It wasn't long before others starting filling up the office, too. Sanae wasn't quite sure how to react when a pretty, horned girl seemed to inspect her and the others closely, though her itnerests were definitely more focused on Mika and Kyozan. Probably for the best, Sanae found herself blushing for reasons she couldn't fathom.

Once everyone had evidently gathered, and Akio took the phone call, Sanae noticed a distinct change in the atmosphere - Kyozan's booming declaration was a subtle clue that something was going down, of course, and it wasn't long before it was declared she would be going along with the tall woman and her much shorter partner. Oh, she was already going out onto the field?! That was worryingly fast! She couldn't help but cast a worried glance towards Mina. Hopefully she would behave in a group setting, it'd suck for the pair to give a terrible impression to everyone else. Asking for perfect unity was a tall ask, but as long as she kept any needling to a nice minimum of zero, they could work something out.

And so, the group found themselves next to a large vehicle. Awkwardly, Sanae climbed into the centre seat of the middle row, assuming Mina would be taking a spot right next to her. She glanced between the two superiors curiously - as far as the humans went, this pretty lady seemed to be the oldest? She certainly had the air of someone in charge, Sanae quickly putting on her seatbelt at Sato's instructions, and made sure to fasten Mina's as well, almost like fussing over a child. It took longer than it probably should have for Sanae to notice that the older woman wasn't the one in the driver's seat.

@Raineh Daze@Zeroth@VitaVitaAR
Shiroyama Higasha

Higasha was still not well-versed when it came to human interaction, but even someone as socially inept as she could tell that Akane was mad about something. Her landlord, partner and saviour had been quite irate while interrupting her stream, no doubt making it even more difficult to earn money from the 'merch' Higasha had decided she owned. Sure, she might have forgotten they were suppoosed to come by this office, but five minutes to end the stream with her hashtags and pleas for more donations wasn't that tall an ask, surely?

Silently, she shuffled behind Akane, already wishing she could find a comfy place to nap. It wasn't a lack of sleep finally hitting her, she just hated being forced to leave her chair for obligatory errands. Still, if akane needed her to come along, it wasn't her place to complain. Higasha wasn't quite sure what she had to apologise for, though. Earning money through hard work was something to be admired, surely?

Oh well. Higasha was forced to bow in apology alongside Akane, slowly straightening herself after a few moments. Indeed, everyone else seemed to be there already... alongside a few new faces? How many newbies were there? She regarded the unfamiliar faces curiously, her expression as blank as always, and directed her blue eyes towards Akio and Sanae.

"More specifically, this errand got in the way of important work, I apologise," Higasha was nice enough to clarify with her oblivious, tone-deaf explanation.

New Recruit, Nakahara Sanae

"...Okay, this is it...!"

Psyching herself up, Sanae trembled before the entrance of her new workplace, a nervous grin on her face, hands curled into tight fists. As a regular part-timer that had been to various workplaces already, she thought she had gotten used to introducing herself to new colleagues. The circumstances were slightly different this time, however. Not only was her employment a bit more permanent than usual, the job itself was inherently far more dangerous, too. Honestly, it was still hard to believe she was even asked to do this kind of job... and really, it's probably entirely due to the circumstanstial contract she entered into.

Casting a glance towards her smaller companion, Sanae briefly recalled the manner of their meeting. It had been a rushed, life-or-death affair in which Sanae had approximately three seconds to weigh her options, before a terrifying youkai- well, Curse, whatever - made a meal out of her. Really, she was thankfull to Mina for saving her life and all... but did she have to be such a difficult person, too?!

Still, best not to swell on that. For better or worse, she was a... curse... exterminator... hunter person now! And for all their grievances with each other, Mina and her were still allies, and everyone else was probably super nice and helpful and strong, too! She offered a bright smile to the vampire, projecting her most convincing air of composure to hide her rattling nerves, "R-ready to head inside? I'm sure everyone's waiting for us, ehehehe..."

Sanae had forgotten that she'd come early to ensure no one would have to wait on her arrival.

Might take a few more days 'cause of work, but still getting my human bio done.
Youkai done first, will have a human written up... hopefully soon.

Also interested.
Helpful Fox Himeko-san

"Honestly? Yeah, it'd be suicide for me to go for a killing blow~" was Himeko's light-hearted reply to her very frustrated ally. Without a hint of shame on her beaming face, she continued, "you saw how weak my flames were, right? Alas, I am but a useless ball of fluff, capable only of bamboozlement and running away!"

In her current state, she certainly didn't have to exaggerate too much about her strength, but Himeko saw no need to admit that she could have totally sped things up a little. Besides, Kokoha was nice enough to answer her SOS, might as well let her have a workout!
Himeko bowed her head low for a moment, hands flat on her thighs. Straightening, she placed her smoke-billowing pipe to her lips once more, a playful smirk on her face, "come to think of it, we haven't talked much, have we? I'm the loveable Magi☆Magic☆Fox, with a capital star~"

Her tails, one fluffy and one... decidedly not, waved rhythmically as she turned her gaze to the surrounding rooftops. She wasn't picking up anything else in the immediate vicinity, at least, so Kokoha was going to have to be her entertainment for now.


I'm also interested.
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