Avatar of Ruby


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4 mos ago
Current Thank you, Match Day gods.
4 mos ago
Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
4 mos ago
Thanks, Dad.
4 mos ago
Shit, that's every God damn day.
5 mos ago
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.


Unless you want to offer RP, I don't care, you're better off not sending it my way.

Most Recent Posts

Please delete this post: roleplayerguild.com/posts/4829130

Thank you!

@RubyMy apologies for being unclear. If you would ask Mahz I'd be grateful.

I've asked.

If/when there's an answer, you shall know.
<Snipped quote by Ruby>

That would be amazing. Thank you Ruby!!!!

Which option? Both?
So hiya yeah I am actually alright, here for fun and a friend invited me to do some text-rpg madness so yup here comes the d&d fun! xD love larp, love d&d, love this community. hi etc

Welcome to the Guild!

Don't hesitate to PM if you've got questions or concerns. <33
Hello!!! I have an issue in an RP that I'm running. The GM made me Co GM but has had to pass it over to me. I would like to do more than what I am doing now with it, like title some Co GMs for myself. As you know I can't do that unless I am the GM. Is there anyway we could get me moved over as GM? I would be more than happy to provide any assistance you request.
Thank you,

The very best we could do is add your Co-GMs ourselves, which limits you because you still have to be a Co-GM on the thread, not a GM. GM role is hard set on thread creation.

Mahz could do it, and I'd be happy to ask for you, but those are your two best options for keeping the same thread.
Banned because I didn't accidentally actually ban you.
Welcome to the Guild!
Hello again fellow Rpers!

It is I, the amazing and most lovely AbsoluteGrace, returned from a state of oblivion that had me worn down to the bone.

But, hark! The fell beasts Anxiety, Stress and Depression have met their match and are now on the run. For those who are also fighting these foul and loathsome creatures, I have been contemplating creating a thread/topic (or whatever the kids call it these days) of support in the off topic section by way of rp battle with the three fiends to let them know that they may kindle our doubts but they shall never douse our wills! ...or some such thing... if one such a thing already exists, kindly point the way and I'll make my way there post haste!


Seriously though... I am happy to be back again and look forward to getting to know fellow guilders, new and old alike. Thank you to those who left kind words via PM after my disappearance, words cannot describe how sorry I am for popping out of existence here on the guild without a word.

It seems that a lot of people go through this same battle, but don't talk about it, which is a shame since camaraderie is another form of support. So... if you be my EƤrendil's star, I'll be yours and together we shall wade through this dark night to the second star to the right, and straight on till morning.

Without further ado, come along with me as I go forth and bask in the wonderful adventures that await. I'll catch you in a thread/topic or you are welcome to send through the good ol' PM.

Happy Rping everyone and remember...

...when chewing on life's gristle don't grumble, give a whistle!

I left the Guild without a word once, too, so yeah fair to say most of us go through it.

Welcome back!
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