Avatar of RumikoOhara


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Every day I believe that people can't get any dumber then Trump has a press conference
4 yrs ago
Women aren't mysterious, men are often dense
4 yrs ago
"We commit the sins again And our sons and daughters pay"
4 yrs ago
Good point life but to make a correction----- When Life gives you Lemons... Grab a fat one an squirt it in Life's Eyes
4 yrs ago
They when life gives you lemons... grab one of the fat ones an squirt it in lie's eyes


Hello curious person, I am Rumiko Goddess of Chaos, Benevolent Dictator; The Bluemoon Dreamer....You know a nut case

Where do I come from? I could be a smartie an say the "Great State of Denial" but lets just agree that I like keeping my RL Life disconnected from my RP Life.

I survived Guildfall and have always loved this place even though I see a lot of good RP time eaten up in Discord drivel

Most Recent Posts

This is a world where Superman is a never was, Spiderman is a gadgeteer with a cool toy collection; more like Batman with a touch of Tony Stark. The strongest Gamma (They call us Gamma) I ever heard of could lift like 20 tons if he was standing on a reinforced surface, something to do with load per square. Try lifting 5 tons on a beach and you’ll sink to your knees or hips before you get it over head. Fliers we have our problems as well, you need to have the power to go fast, make atmosphere, eyesight, and well it's fun till you fly close to a chopper.

..Did I forget to mention that we have powers but not all that powerful, but thats mechanics

“How did we the people of Earthe get our powers?”……. It all started at a lovely little place both our timelines share

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."
- Robert Oppenheimer -

Welcome to Trinity City, a city of Heroes and where you’ve always lived or come driven by fate. I know that sounds hokey but its true if you’re a Gamma, think L.A., New York, London, Tokyo, or your country’s city of dreams.

There are 22 million souls living in a city built in the area that was once the Trinity Test Site and where this all started July 16, 1945 in the Jornada del Muerto (Journey of the Deadman) Desert.

Things could have remained quiet as they did on your world but on Earthe 3 years later Transemium a new crystal that could hold enormous amounts of potential energy making electric cars and planes reality was found by a White sands Air Force unit out picking up pieces of test materials blasted by a test of a dam nuke howitzer.

The story is long and boring who and how it was discovered but the new crystal caused a huge rush when it’s potential was revealed by accident to the public at large. Well for the first two years of the Rush Trinity sprang up near the mines which were thought to be the only source of the energy crystals, but you already know how that went bust when it was revealed they were now all over the Earthe and all you needed to find a deposit was to wave a fluorescent light tube around till it glowed.

Still Trinity had the Edge because it was where the first crystal labs were established and the Biggest Fish in that pond Wonderworks “Where Impossible is just another word” started. They were ahead of everybody and it was because of Norwegian born Kel Randolph the Gamma age’s Edison and Einstein in one package and he turned out to be a Gamma...one of the first.


Gamma were in the beginning known only to a select few world wide by 1948-49 then he showed up “Celestial” he called himself and he could fly or make other things fly; a talent he demonstrated on Live TV when a freak storm blew the Dumbo Macy’s parade balloon into the air with 5 boys who’d received the honor of joining the 30 man crew and had refused to let go too late as it sailed up striking the 14th floor of a skyrise throwing the boys into the 10th knocking all but one lose to plummet to their deaths.

Long story short “Celestial” caught the falling boys and floated them to the pavement safe and sound then grabbed 3 towlines and pulled the runaway back down to its handlers and saved the day while blowing the secret.

In two months you could count known Gamma on both hands but 2 years later Gamma numbered in the 100’s worldwide.

Here it is 2018 and Gamma are born to HS to HS (Homo Sapiens) in every 1 in 250,000 births - Gamma to HS 1 in 232,000 - Gamma to Gamma 1 in 217,000 meaning they think there are maybe 3 or 4 million Gamma worldwide.

The World

This world is based loosely on the Aberrant world (Very Loosely) because I’d like to keep things as simple as possible. I want to limit the upper levels of power in the beginning at least as far as the PC’s are concerned so that people are at least on the same power point levels.

The biggest point I want to make is there are no Supers below the age of 17 and if you want me to bore you I can write some pseudo science sounding reason why that is so but in reality it is because 10 year olds hanging out with adults is creepy.

As I pointed out in the first post the eruption of Gammas began shortly after the first Atomic bomb tests. In the beginning it was a trickle of Gamma but as the world powers took a bit of time to catch on to the fact that bomb testing was part of the cause of people being granted the power of Demi Gods so by 1962 the number of new Gamma was 1,500 worldwide and by 1975 4,000+ which caused the powers that be a great deal of concern and forced the Zurich Accords which argued on many points but the one that concerned Gamma the most was “Do Gamma Have the same rights as everyone else?”

= Deadlift 100kg
= Natural Athletic potential (You get picked first in pickup games and make the high school first string)
= You seldom get sick, heal quickly and can finish a marathon with full effort

= You are able to see the deer 200 yards away 20/20 vision and all that
= IQ 130
= You keep your cool in a Firefight

= You turn heads
= You'd make a good lawyer or top salesman
= You’re the life of the party


Primary 7 pts
Secondary 5 pts
Tertiary 3 pts

Background Perks 7 pts

Ability (Skills) 23 pts
1 free specialty per ability and any extra cost 1 pt

Gamma Power 30 pts
Mega-Attribute 3 pts
Enhancement 3 pts
Superpower lvl 1 = 1 / lvl 2 = 3 / lvl 3 = 5
Baseline attributes 3 for 1 pt
Background 5 for 1 pt
Ability 6 for 1

Reward point cost for Gameplay are as listed
Attribute 5
Ability 2
Specialty 1
Background 1
Gamma 7

Example Character Sheet

Name: Candy Wilson
Callsign: Huntress
Age: 22 between 15 and 35 years old
Sex: Female This can be the character’s choosing
Physical Description:
  • Height: 5’ 9”
  • Weight: 127
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Tattoo / Scars: None
  • Other:


Physical Tertiary 3 pts
Dexterity: 2+1=3 cost 3 GP
(Enhancements = Catfooted 3 GP pts)
Stamina: 1
Mental Primary 7 pts
Perception: 3
(Enhancements =Bloodhound 3 GP pts)
(Enhancements = Blindfighting 3 GP pts)
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2
(Enhancements = Enhanced Initiative lvl 1 3 GP pts)
Social Secondary 5 pts
Appearance: 3
Charisma: 2

15 total GP spent in Mega-Attributes and Enhancements

Gama PowerI reserve the right to limit powers in lvl or to NPC only or raise the cost but never worry I see it as only a last resort
Intangibility= lvl 3 costs 9 GP
Teleport= lvl 2 costs 6 GP

Background perks
Economic status: (This costs costs background points and is under resources) lvl 3 cost 3 background points
Attunement lvl 4 cost 4 background points

Character Sheet

Physical Description:
  • Race:
  • Height:
  • Weight:
  • Hair color:
  • Eye color:
  • Tattoo / Scars:
  • Other:


Background perks
Economic status: (This costs costs background points and is under resources)

If you want to write a history or anything else feel free to but I don't require it after making you do all the other stuff

Understood @Lauder

I can help

Here's a link to my Ghostown Discord @DeadDrop

Can you make a excel sheet im dumb with points

Outside of my pay-grade, I'm lucky to keep my computer online and STD free
Gave it a like though I have reservations with the Bio-entropy so don't go overboard there, in my Table-top games I usually make that an NPC power because of its potential for abuse

Glad you are all so happy
I am now available time 7:36 EST / 5:36 MST
Hi guys sorry for the delay since my boss got ill I have had all her duties passed on to myself effectively doubling my works load but i will have time to answer PMs and help after 7:00 EST - 5:00 MST (My Time)
An explanation of the Attributes and how they work point wise

All Baseline stats start at 3 but you can buy baseline points at 3 pts for each GP point spent and as a starting Character the limit is lvl 3 mega at the start. I actually am giving people free lvls allowing the 7/5/3 system to be spread over mega-attributes which in Aberrant start at Zed (0) and you have to spend power points to even get a rank of 1 in
I can help

Lilith’s dad hung out the window of his Limo as it drove away ”I LOVE YOU LILY, DON”T FORGET TO WRITE!" he yelled.

She stood there at the side of the road waving till he was out of sight then pulled out the odd letter she’d received that if she’d not been hearing the whispers of her mom she’d have written off to some wack job crackpot; the fact that she tried out the pendant and grown wings and flew one night helped as well. On the last page was a set of instructions of how to find Camp Half/Blood that bid her to enter the heavy woods and walk towards the river.

It was a lovely place she walked through reminding her that New York wasn’t just the city that bore the same name and had places of natural beauty still left. On her back she carried 47 pounds of clothing, shoes, Ipad, sleeping bag hammock, makeup, and sundries...oh and the over the top guitar (Guild D-55 acoustic). She had asked for one of his 75+ acoustics and he’d blown 6,000 + on the beautiful custom one she now had. She had to talk him out of stuffing two bundles of 100 dollar bills pointing out she still had her cards.

As she walked she felt the first twinge of homesickness mingled with the excitement of the unknown and first breath of being on her own. She wasn’t afraid and knew that whatever happened she was ready for it as she hiked through the pines. Perhaps it was curiosity that made this all seem so interesting or the idea that she’d learn more about herself and how talents that had begun to surface worked and could be used.

It was while deep in thought she felt a slight sensation that was like walking through a spider’s web of something else as intangible not realizing she’d walked through the barrier around the camp. So it was with a bit of surprise she suddenly heard people shouting, laughing and the strange sound of steel on steel as somewhere people were at sword practice.

She was supposed to look for Chriron a name she knew from the myths she’d studied was a centaur of no small renown. He was a teacher in the myths connected to Achilles, Actaeon, Ajax, Heracles, Oileus, Theseus and several other mythical hero of Greece. If it was the same Chriron then that would be impressive because it would make him at least 3, 000 years old give or take a century or two.

So spotting a worn path she decided to take it as the letter had said towards the river which though she couldn’t see she could smell as a sweet scent of water ahead and the shadows of buildings hidden among the trees.

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