Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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name: Korash Frostbrand
age: 107
bio: Korash is a rare half Elf, half Orc. Not rare because Elves or Orcs are rare, or because either are particually powerful in their own right, but rare because Elves don't nomrally associate with Orcs. The story of the union isn't spoken about much by Korash, but he does say his mum was adventorous and his dad got lucky. He never met his parents, so is unsure if his mother was the Elf or Orc.
Korash was cast out as a baby. A disgrace to his parent's people.
He was raised by a mysterious wanderer who claimed to be a Guardian of an ancient treasure. Korash was groomed to be the next guardian. Trained in sorcery and sword play. When he was 32, Korash and the Guardian were attacked by a band of Goblins. That was when the guardian drew his sword for the first time. Unleashing Frostbrand, an ancient sword said to hold the primal ice of the world. The Guardian made quick work of the Goblins and explained the importance of the sword to Korash, also saying the legitemacy of the sword holding primal ties is unconfirmed, but it is a powerful artifact that must be kept from evil.
For about thirty more years, Korash continued his trining under the Guardian. Until simething came for the sword. A powerful evil came for Frostbrand, and the Guardian gave his life so that Korash may live, and escape with Frostbrand.
Korash has taken the name of the Sword as his surname. Needing a way to provide for himself, he turned to adventuring.
powers: Korash Frostbrand is a Warlock. Having a pretty good grasp on magic, due to years of training under the guardian. While he has a decent grasp on most magical forms, he personally excells at Abjuration and Evocation, with Frostbrand providing extra power for spells that deal withfrost or ice.

He is a hero, my good friend.

name: Korash Frostbrand
age: 107
bio: Korash is a rare half Elf, half Orc. Not rare because Elves or Orcs are rare, or because either are particually powerful in their own right, but rare because Elves don't nomrally associate with Orcs. The story of the union isn't spoken about much by Korash, but he does say his mum was adventorous and his dad got lucky. He never met his parents, so is unsure if his mother was the Elf or Orc.
Korash was cast out as a baby. A disgrace to his parent's people.
He was raised by a mysterious wanderer who claimed to be a Guardian of an ancient treasure. Korash was groomed to be the next guardian. Trained in sorcery and sword play. When he was 32, Korash and the Guardian were attacked by a band of Goblins. That was when the guardian drew his sword for the first time. Unleashing Frostbrand, an ancient sword said to hold the primal ice of the world. The Guardian made quick work of the Goblins and explained the importance of the sword to Korash, also saying the legitemacy of the sword holding primal ties is unconfirmed, but it is a powerful artifact that must be kept from evil.
For about thirty more years, Korash continued his trining under the Guardian. Until simething came for the sword. A powerful evil came for Frostbrand, and the Guardian gave his life so that Korash may live, and escape with Frostbrand.
Korash has taken the name of the Sword as his surname. Needing a way to provide for himself, he turned to adventuring.
powers: Korash Frostbrand is a Warlock. Having a pretty good grasp on magic, due to years of training under the guardian. While he has a decent grasp on most magical forms, he personally excells at Abjuration and Evocation, with Frostbrand providing extra power for spells that deal withfrost or ice.

name: Korash Frostbrand
age: 107
bio: Korash is a rare half Elf, half Orc. Not rare because Elves or Orcs are rare, or because either are particually powerful in their own right, but rare because Elves don't nomrally associate with Orcs. The story of the union isn't spoken about much by Korash, but he does say his mum was adventorous and his dad got lucky. He never met his parents, so is unsure if his mother was the Elf or Orc.
Korash was cast out as a baby. A disgrace to his parent's people.
He was raised by a mysterious wanderer who claimed to be a Guardian of an ancient treasure. Korash was groomed to be the next guardian. Trained in sorcery and sword play. When he was 32, Korash and the Guardian were attacked by a band of Goblins. That was when the guardian drew his sword for the first time. Unleashing Frostbrand, an ancient sword said to hold the primal ice of the world. The Guardian made quick work of the Goblins and explained the importance of the sword to Korash, also saying the legitemacy of the sword holding primal ties is unconfirmed, but it is a powerful artifact that must be kept from evil.
For about thirty more years, Korash continued his trining under the Guardian. Until simething came for the sword. A powerful evil came for Frostbrand, and the Guardian gave his life so that Korash may live, and escape with Frostbrand.
Korash has taken the name of the Sword as his surname. Needing a way to provide for himself, he turned to adventuring.
powers: Korash Frostbrand is a Warlock. Having a pretty good grasp on magic, due to years of training under the guardian. While he has a decent grasp on most magical forms, he personally excells at Abjuration and Evocation, with Frostbrand providing extra power for spells that deal withfrost or ice.

name: Damascus Ravensgar
age: 27
  • Basic Summoning - Damascus has some basic training in summoning, but often refuses to use it, saying he “would prefer to rely on his own Magic and Skills.”
  • Soul Bound Weapon - a soul bound weapon is a special weapon, that certain magicians bind to their soul. In theory, before the binding occurs, it is an ordinary weapon, but the binding enhances the weapon. Damascus’s soul bound weapon is a longsword. He can call the weapon into his hand at any time, and use the sword to inflict certain elemental effects.
  • Astral Armoury - The Ravensgar Family have long since held the ability to soul bound to Weapons. With the heir of the Ravensgar being able to call upon spectral versions of the Soul Weapons of past Ravensgar.

family/clan within the kingdom: Ravensgar

In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'd prefer him not be 9 years over the age limit.

Well 26 is really low for a professional assassin/ex-soldier/anything.
Despite it being fucking dumb, I’ve lowered my character’s age.
Daka easily side stepped the rock, and put a little extra force into it, letting it carry on its trajectory towards Caimeag. “You’ll have to be a little more specific.” The Force is everywhere. It’s in everything. If used correctly, it can accomplish ANYTHING. If you want to find new force powers, stop relying on the ones you already know, and be prepared for death or defeat.”

”Blaine...” Zir Go started, looking up from the rotary cannon he was tinkering with. “I’m starting to think they aren’t sending an Inquisitor after us.” He voice portrayed a disappointed note. “Can you feel if any are coming?”
”Don’t fear the force. Use it” He called as he stepped out from behind a tree. His voice was forceful. “What do you want to strengthen? I will adjust my tactics best train it.”
In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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