Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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@Sanity43217 you accidentally spelled seax as sex lol

Fixed it. My autocorrect keeps trying to make him a nymphomaniac.
Sounds fun.

Ulfrik Æinridisson had gotten to the inn fairly early. He had arrived a day early and rented a room at the inn. Leaving his spear and shield in said room, he only had his axe and seax on his person. Dressed in brown linen trousers, and a white linen shirt, with a wolf pelt cloak over the top, he was dressed for a meeting with friends, not expecting a fight. Leaning against the bar, he ordered another tankard of mead. placing another three silver coins on the counter. "If you keep drinking at this rate, you'll be out of coin." Ulfrik chortled. "Ain't you heard, friend? I'm going raiding." He said a little too loudly, as he took the tankard he had just paid for. Taking a swig he smiled at the barkeep. "So, either I come back with enough riches to make this seem like pocket change, or I meet Odin in Valhalla, and drink from endless mead." He took a couple steps back and raised his glass. "Skålll! He said as he raised his glass before taking another sip.
Ulfrik turned to see which new friends could be made.

Hector Tanner lay against the wall he was blown into. Body tensed up as small sparks moved across his body. The electrical charges stimulating his muscles. Hector groaned as he tried to relax, but physically couldn't. He opened his eyes and saw a spark jumping between his fingertips. Confused. He should be coming down off the NEON, but this surely couldn't be real. As the charge started to dissipate into his cells, he could feel his muscles starting to relax.

Coming to his senses, his attention turned away from himself. Taking in his surroundings. It was chaos. Instinctively, his hand moved to his Sidearm. Taking comfort in the familiar grip of the laser revolver. He didn't draw it from the shoulder holster just yet. He'd been around long enough to know security forces tended to shoot first if you armed, and sometimes even if you weren't. Taking a moment to calm his nerves, he took his hand off the handle of the pistol.
Hector took a deep breath, trying in vain to clear the hangover he had. He wasn't sure if it was from all the drinking he had done early in the night or the NEON that was still leaving his system, or the explosion that just turned Takari Square into a warzone. His head still a haze, but slowly coming together. "What did those visions mean?" He said to himself, trying to order his thoughts. Thinking aloud at least helped a little in dismissing the mental haze. He recognised Ian Everyman from one of the visions. "Damn Everymen, have fingers in everything. Probably a good place to start." He said aloud. The Everyman Equity had just about contacts for everything. Hector figured a contract looking into this bombing would pop up tomorrow, if not sooner, so why not get a head start?

Hector tried to stand but groaned in pain. Print would have to wait. Now wasn't the time to be looking into a job that didn't even exist yet. He needed to get away. The security forces were rounding people up, and Hector couldn't collect bounties if he was locked up somewhere. Gritting his teeth, he pushed through the pain. Now, his plan was to get to Chapter House. 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚙 may have been powerful, but they wouldn't attack a Chapter House for one man. At least that's what Hector theorised. Plus, once he made it there, he could have Marcus check him over with a bio-scanner.

Numair brought himself back to the present. Glancing around at the party that had assembled, he did a mental count. The one healer and Elf. He could have sworn there was another healer. His left hand slowly moved to the hilt of his short sword. His right hand flicking his hood off his head. His pace slowed slightly as he looked around for his missing comrade.

Numair spied Alfaru sneaking. Not tying remain hidden from the group made it fairly easy to spot him. Had the Halfbreed seen a threat that the others had missed? Numair moved across the path, so he could keep his traveling companion in sight. Keeping his left hand resting on the hilt of the shirt sword. Ready to back up his compatriot should the need arise.
Soccer is also commonly known as football, Canadian baseball, American football, violent jogging, and World War Two.

Mars was sitting in the back of the truck. He checked the cylinders on both of his revolvers, double-checking they were clean and loaded. It was supposed to be clear, but he never went in without loaded guns.
Mars holstered tHE revolvers, before tapping the side of his head. Activating his Holo-Lens. Bringing up a list of computer components and other whosits and whatsits. Mars had a bad feeling about this. It was a simple endeavour, Bacchus leads the police away, and the rest of them break in and rob the place for everything it's worth. This plan, of course, failed to account for local security and alarms/traps. Moving to the next screen on his Holo-Lens, he looked over the available schematics for the building. Trying to plan his route. That was when he felt the truck come to a stop. "We're here." He muttered to himself before the announcement came through.
Being closest to the door, he stood up and rolled up the door. Tapping his Holo-Lens again to open the Comm channel. "We are good to go. I'll meet you all inside." He said stepping out of the back of the truck. Drawing the revolver loaded with Willie Ps, he moved off to the side. He was gonna find another way in. He didn't trust the back door being left unguarded.
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