Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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Numair sighed at the sound of a scream. His right hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his rapier. Spinning to face a new danger, his sword was already half-drawn before he saw that the only threat was his travelling companions. "Butt knuckle." Numair al-Din swore under his breath. He agreed to join this travelling group because he thought they were good people, but now he found one of them crippling children. At least now the other two were seeming to help out. Numair was torn. By oath, he should go over, but he knew if he went over to help, he would just be getting in the way. There was also the fact that he wasn't sure which of the group possessed what magic. If he went over and found out which member had crippled the boy, he would be oath-bound to take action. He swore again as he turned to continue on his way to the tavern.

As he walked, his mind went back to his training and time at The Obelisk Of Stresior.
The muffled sounds of wooden swords clashing against wooden swords, steel armour and flesh could be heard in the learning hall as a young Numair sat listening to his lessons. Mokci strode backwards and forwards across the front of the learning hall. "As a knight of the Order, your first duty is to protect the innocent." Numair nodded. He wanted to help people. "Those that harm the innocent should not be spared your wrath. Of course, you should be a good person, but there are certain things you are oath-bound to avenge." Numair was confused. Only twelve, he was still fairly naive about the world as a whole. "Like what?" Mokci chuckled at the question. He admired the boy's naivety. It was a nice change of pace. Though he knew it wouldn't last long. "Only the truly despicable. I will explain another time. For now, how would you like to learn some magic?" Numair stood up and nodded enthusiastically.

His mind coming back to the present. "Only the truly despicable." He muttered under his breath. Crippling an innocent boy sure fit that description. Such a pure soul. Such potential. Snuffed out by one of his travelling companions. Something he would have to keep in mind. Something he planned on resolving in town, with the local authorities to back him up.
Ryan followed through to the kitchen. Stopping by his room first to grab his bag of food. "So, lunch?" He said opening his bag to see what food he had left. Tossing bags of candy and chips around. Not really finding anything fit for lunch. He saw the notes on the fridge and sighed. He thought someone was missing during training but didn't really think about it.
He walked over to the pile of snacks strewn over the bench and grabbed a bag of corn chips. It may not have been healthy, but it would have to do. He was growing bored. Everything was coming to a standstill. He joined for the excitement of a quest, but so far they'd just been hanging out in some old house. He needed excitement. He thought as he ate a handful of chips.

Ryan strolled over to the commotion with the new girl. "Divine Bussiness?" Ryan questioned, interjected into the conversation. "Sounds vague and unconvincing." He said. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and put it to his lips. Snapping his fingers, the cigarette lit itself. Taking a drag, he blew the smoke out into the group. "Seems like the last thing this quest needs is more people. You can't seem to get anything down with the current amount of people. Too many moving parts." Ryan said before taking another drag from his cigarette.

@Sanity43217! From how I have read the situation, Numair hasn't made it so far just yet in the time that has passed since he left the group. I would think he is still within hearing range of the commotion. Would you agree?

Yeah, I’d say he heard it. I’ll have a post up later today.
In Camp Fujin 4 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

In Camp Fujin 4 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

Name: Tony Archer
Age: 16
Bio: Tony Archer was born to Poppy Archer and the Dragon God Ryūjin. Born and raised on the Sunshine Coast, both Tony and his mother were surfers on the Queensland Coast. Not even a little Japanese, Poppy Archer took a trip to Japan for a surf competition but fell off a wave and landed on some rocks. Knocked out, and bleeding she would have died. Ryūjin admired her and saved her from drowning. Taking her to his Coral Palace, they fell in love and had a wonderful night together.
When Poppy returned to the Surf Competition, everyone wondered how she had survived, and where she had been, but she kept quiet about what really happened. Nine months later, Tony came along. Living his life on the Sunshine Coast, he took to the water like breathing. Spending most days out in the surf. One day, when he was out in the ocean, he attacked by a shark. Bit him right in the torso, but before it could bite again and kill Tony, it backed off. Ryūjin then appeared and took him back to the Coral Palace, and nursed him back to health. Ryūjin then went and got Poppy and they explained what had happened, and where they were. Sending him off to Camp Fujin.

Godly parent: Ryūjin, the Dragon King, God of the Sea, and Master of Serpents

Theme song:

Was given a Tide Jewal Braclet to help control his powers. He also wears a pendant made of a tooth from the shark that bit him.
@Sanity43217 They're pirates. You think they really listen to what people tell them to do? XD

Officially, they do not raid merchant ships as part of the treaty they signed. They simply go in search of treasure and artifacts so they can get rich.

Unofficially, they're pirates, and they do what they want as long as they don't get caught.

Edit because I remembered a thing: More than that, this rule only applies to pirates who join The Consortium. There are still pirates who don't affiliate themselves with that organization.

Fair enough. Just seems weird that the Pirates made a Peace Treaty while they were in a position of power, especially one that they straight up plan on breaking.
Hey, this seems interesting, but if Pirates cannot fire unless fired upon, how exactly do they do piracy? It just seems like stealing from merchant's vessels is much harder if they know that if they don't fire on them, they can't really do anything.

"Sounds like execution with extra steps." He paused. Trying to think it over. "It'd be a pretty good spectacle." He turned to see the others who had accepted. "So, die in a blaze of glory, or get absolved of my crimes?" Looking up at the king, he smirked. His eyes becoming solid black. Standing up suddenly, straining against the chains. Causing a couple of knights to draw their swords and place them in front of his neck. "Damn, Son of a bitch, I'm in." Chuckling he relaxed back down, and the knights relaxed. "So, I guess, I, Razol, Sin of Greed accept your offer."
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