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Current It’s crazy that it’s been 2 months since Chris-Chan was arrested. I feel like it was two weeks ago 😥 Time really do files by.
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Hello my dearest sweet hearts~ I see that you walk in to my lair. my name is sassy the one and only, come come make yourself right at home and read or play one of RPs that I am in if you~
Role plays that I'm in
убийца академияAcademy for assassins DEAD
Soul Eater DEAD
The Killing Club DEAD
Mirai Nikki+ DEAD
[url=roleplayerguild.com/topics/125486-mar… Arts School[\url] DEAD
Frolam Capital and School of Mana DEAD
Kid's Next Door: R.O.L.E.P.L.A.Y DEAD
Fight or Flight
Magical Girl War

Role plays that I made
Claymore Academy REBOOT dead
Middle life DEAD TOO SOON

Most Recent Posts

I’m thinking about making a powerless vigilante or bringing a old character of mine from a old roleplay
I’m interested too!
Rose still clenches on to her seatbelt as her mech starts to shake again, she hopes that at least her parachute is not burnt up, can things even burn up in space? Maybe so, there have been space battles years ago Rose believes, from the stories that her mother once told her when she was young. When the mech was first made, people first thought that they could send it in space, so they did....And then it got blown up. (Which is a pretty normal thing when people try to send things to space) Rose wondered how did everyone react to this new tech that scientists made? She wondered how many countries saw that and be 'You know what? Let's make that, but better?' and there has been a lawsuit or war since then, Rose sigh, somethings never change huh?

The thoughts of history were cut short when the mech made a bump that almost caused Rose to almost hit on the top of the cockpit. She then pulls herself together and sees through her window, she's here, she has landed on the moon.

After jettison her parachute, Rose looks around of her surroundings and sees nothing, she then turn on her radio and hear static "Hmmm...Still unconnected" Rose say to herself, it may take awhile until her partner land here, so she might at least keep herself company....But what if HotHead already land here? What if he went rogue and just abandoned her out here? He does look like a maverick rule-breaking type to her. He could at least tell her before walking off on his own, leaving her alone....Or maybe he just hates her that much. That's it is it? He met her one day and decided that he hated her. Rose was just trying to get along with everyone, is that so wrong? Trying to fit in? Maybe he'll convince the team to hate her too, since everyone knows him for a long time, therefore they agree with him.

What if they are on the battlefield? Rose's mech blew up, she tried to get out of the cockpit while everything is burning up but it was no use, she stuck! Rose try to call HotHead to save her, save her life!....But he didn't come for her, he left her there to die. Her team would do that as well, just leave her behind....Just leave her behind like always...Her friends leave her behind. Her father left her behind. Her older brother left her behind! Her older sister left her behind! Her mother leave her behi-

"Shut up!"

Rose cries out to herself. She start breathing very heavenly as tears starting to form around her eyes, she then try to calm herself as she start counting "One, Two, Three, Four..Five..Six...Seven....Eight.....Nine.......Ten........Ok...I'm calm down now, no more bad thoughts" Rose say to herself as she wipe her tearing eyes and start doing breathing techniques. She always does this when she feels overwhelmed or overthinking bad thoughts. Rose learned this technique from her mother, the family was at some fancy event, Rose didn't remember what it was, but a six year old Rose was so overwhelmed with the loud music and crowd of people that it caused her to melt down. While her father was talking to his fancy friends, her mother took her outside and helped her count until she calmed down. Rose has been doing that ever since, it really does help her a lot, specially when she was homeless.

As Rose finally collects herself together, she pulls up her map and sees two red dots, the one in the center is her, while the other may be Hothead. Rose concluded she got here before Hothead, now all she can do is hope and pray that this mission goes smoothly without her partner leaving her behind.
Although she feels safe in her cockpit, Rose can't help but to feel a slight discomfort as she feels her mecha moving around. Rose then feels tumble in her seat and feels her stomach drop as her Ant Fire falls. She did hear that this is normal for every mission, Rose just has to get used to it, she suppose....But she can't get these bad thoughts out of her head, what if her parachute burns and then she dies on impact? What if her mecha catches on fire from the speed? Sure, metal can't catch on fire but what if it does?

The bad thoughts were cut short when Rose heard something on her radio, she can't make it on what it is, is her radio broken?....Wait, It almost sounds like music but different? With curiosity on what type of music it is, Rose pushes some buttons on the radio to get a better sound, only to hear the voice of Druid.

Central to fireteam; come in, team. We don’t have much time, so let's ... Hey, Hothead, could ya turn it down a little? How am I supposed to ... Hello? HEY. DIAL IT THE FUCK DOWN A FEW.
"Heh heh heh."
"Thanks for freakin' nothing. Look down, tough-guy; see that soot-storm? Ain't no signals getting through that——no radio, no OTH radar, nothin'!——so maybe you should listen up BEFORE you pass through the mesosphere and SOS down there like the people you're supposed to be rescuing, huh?!"
"Ummm; Hothead, right? What was that song? I've never heard it before ..."

"They're called Scythian. You like it? You can borrow the cassette once we're back on the ship."
"I ... I would love to! Thank you! It's just that ... I've never heard music like that before."
"That's Heavy Metal, baby. Wait, you've really never——"
"Druid's right. Let's get to the mission at hand. (Umm, but I'm totally taking you up on that later ...)"
"Looking forward to it. Now let's move this along."
"Don't worry, blondie; it's our neurosis, not yours. Now get to it, wouldja?"
"YOU'RE BLONDE TOO! ... Urgh, at 1400 six days ago, we received an SOS from a mining camp belonging to an OhmCorp subsidiary. I do NOT know how. All I know is what the message says, or ... tried to say. Most of it still didn't make it through the interference down there, after all."
"How weird. And what's the deal with this storm, anyway? Is it manmade?"
"For another time, I'm afraid." [audible rusting of papers, as Druid tidies a thin stack of papers he printed out for himself, presumably a transcript.] "Here’s what we made out. And I'm just quoting here: 'HELP. COMPANY. RECOGNIZE. SIEGE. RUNNING OUT. LIQUID.'"
"So they're running out of water soon ... those poor people."
"Could be."
"Everyone pull up your battle-maps."
"Uh, right. With the direction and the knottage out there, our estimates put your infil about four klicks west of the mine. It's an old map, too, so expect the place to have some 'renovations.'"

Rose's map depicts a base of roughly hexagonal shape, with two entrances on the northernmost and southernmost points of the walls, respectively. On either side of this base, someone, presumably the Commander, places two markers. Point Alpha she places further to the north, in an area roughly flat but in places hollowed by quarries and blast pits. Point Beta she places further to the south, where the purplish-grey moon-rock, according to the topographical lines, forms rough, jagged hills.

"As for Charlie, if this really is a 'siege' like the message says ..."
"Then we know what he's doing: circling the camp and digging in."
"With the enemy staying in one place, and the storm covering our approach, we can attack from any angle we like."
"Grizzly, Fairytale, and Romeo, you're with me on Point Alpha. Rookie, you'll rendezvous with Hothead at Point Beta, then liaison with the rest of us."
"That's a roger, Commander."
"You got it, boss-lady."
"Yes, ma'am."
"... Oh, uh, roger that, Whiskey Sour. (Should I call her just Sour? A nickname for a nickname?)"

"As for your exfil, the bad news first: a day on Triton-5 is 148 hours long. Granted, we've been moving reverse-revolution, so maybe halve that, but t̴h̷e̸ ̸p̸o̷i̷n̸t̸ ̴i̸s̵,̴ ̴w̵e̷ ̶w̸o̴n̶'̷t̵ ̸b̵e̵ ̴s̸e̴e̴i̵n̷g̸ ̸e̵a̸c̵h̴ ̶o̴t̶h̴e̶r̸ ̸f̵o̷r̷ ̸a̸ ̶f̷e̶w̴ ̷d̷a̵y̷s̵.̴"
"Druid, we're losing you."
"S̴h̴i̵t̸.̴ ̴W̷e̵'̶r̶e̵ ̵o̶u̸ ̵.̷.̴.̴ ̴f̸ ̷t̸i̶m̸e̶.̷"
"Druid? You alright?"
" ... "
"... I think we lost him, guys."

"L̷o̴o̴k̵s̸ ̸l̷i̴k̶e̸ ̷t̷h̵.̸.̵.̶.̷.̷.̵.̸.̸.̵.̵.̸.̶.̴.̶ ̵x̵f̶i̵l̷,̷ ̸l̴a̸d̶i̵e̷ ̴.̶.̵.̷.̷.̴ ̸e̷e̷ ̸y̸o̶u̵ ̵t̸o̴p̴s̶i̸d̴e̶!̷"
"... See you soon, everyone."


Rose then turn off her radio and clinch on to her seatbelt, knowing that even if it will be only her and Hothead, she'll be somewhat alone for awhile.
I’m still here, still working on my character. Sorry it taking awhile, college and all

@Mintz@DClassified@Zoey Boey@canaryrose@Akayaofthemoon

Mission: A Dish Best Served Cold
Location: ”Innocuous” Warehouse

Beth can finally see after Leon takes the coat off her head "Ugh! I just got my hair done..." Beth say to herself and then rolls her eyes after Leon say there may be more than one problem "I have to say that I'm surprise, she doesn't look like the type of person who can smart to have backup plans" As much she want to joke around, Beth feel like this is not a good time, since the two have been humiliated in front of Shadow Scythe Vengeance (But it more of Beth being humiliated in front of Leon)

Before Leon can lay down the next plan to Beth, another voice enters the scene, It's Nilin. Who has been missing since she arrived here, along with that samurai guy, who has been missing in action as well, who else is missing right now? "Guys, guys, Let's just focus on the mission at hand" Beth says to the group when it looks like they are ready to fight each other "Well, since it's three against one, right? Sounds pretty easy enough" Beth say to the group full of confidence, but still have doubt in her mind, Beth still doesn't know what else that shadow girl have up in her sleeves.

Before the hero trio head out to find SSV, another "hero" came in to the picture, calling himself Strong Boy "Umm....Hey Strong Boy..." Beth say to the newcomer while giving Leon and Nilin a look that says 'I don't trust this guy, he looks fishy' Beth takes back on what she says, her first mission is weird and the worst.
"Hehehe, what's a tomato, got him good." Rose say to herself as she is hopping out to get her equipment. Then out of nowhere, Rose gets the feeling that someone is watching, she turn to see a long-haired man looking her. As first she thought he just checking to see if she ok but looking at his eyes further, it almost like he is looking at child, a naïve one. "Ummm...Hey...I was just, um...Just chatting with Druid. He was checking if my radio was working and then we starting joking....About t-tomatos...He was t-talking about this pizza thing a-and...I'm just going to get my stuff." Rose say to the long-haired man as she awkwardly walk away from him and his mech.

Why was he looking at her like that? Rose is one of his teammates, does he have any fate in her?....Does he hate her? That's it probably, everyone in her team probably hates her, including Ana and Druid. Sure the two are acting friendly towards her, but deep down, they look down on her, being new and unexperienced. Rose is just being friendly, is that too bad? She is just trying to make a good first impression, Rose thinks that probably not good enough she guess....It like home all over again. As she walks back toward her mech with her equipment, Rose looks at her team mech and stop to admiring the metal titans. She then quickly notice on how everyone match their mech perfectly, with get great leadership and strong will power, the leader rides a AMG Mk II, Ana rides a Fessler-Bagwell MLI, perfect armor protection for someone who want to protect her friends. Then there Rose's mech, her Fire Ant, although it doesn’t much weaponry, it incredible speed, it a perfect match for Rose. She doesn't know she feel so connected towards her mech, maybe it feels so small compare to everyone mech, wants some respect and gratitude from their peers, wants to get out there and make a name for their self, they want to be hear instead being ignored, they want to be heard.

With new sense of determination in her mind, Rose hop on her mech and close mech door. Rose will show them, Rose will show that she is just like all of them, show them that she is a part of Fireteam 9!

"Oh! Sorry...I was little hungry after I woke up. I couldn't help myself" Rose say to the big lady with a nervous chuckle. Great job looking like a greedy person, Rose, great job. But whatever Voilà is, it does at least sounds delicious, better then what she got while being homeless for a few years, she used eat noodles, all the way to eating a very small bread, that was a size for a pair of glasses. With all that excitement for breakfast turn to disappointment when cook give Rose pile of slop...Huh...Rose guess there is some sarcasm in space after all. Rose sit down with her crew, while looking at the been pass off as food. as she took one bite of it, she almost spit it out but with pure will, she swallow it down with one gulp. There was no way she can spit out the food in front of everyone, including the chef that work on it, they would probably heartbroken if they saw that, so all she can do is to be grateful and eat the food....For the rest of her life....Now she wish that she has pockets.

As she and her crew, Rose noticed that everyone is looking at the window bay, where she spot Neptune in it blue glory. Rose read about Neptune in her studies and only see pictures of it, but she looking at the real thing, it kinda overwhelming for the small Rose as she looks at the big planet. Pretty soon, she is going to go on her mission with crew for the first time, Rose wonders how well she will do. Will her time do well and get those credits?...Or will she failing and be a failure? Maybe if she can some jokes like everyone here, maybe she can fit in. "Hey, I got a joke for you guys. What kind of music do planets enjoy singing along to?....Neptunes!" Rose laugh at the joke, hoping that everyone laughs too.....But she was the only one laughing. She then bury herself under the table to hide her embarrassment.

Two and a half hours later, at approx. 0430 ...

Rosie is feeling once again, overwhelmed as she sit on her cockpit in her talarius RSS9 aka her "Fire Ant". She really don't want any scratches on it, but then again she is going to battle, she is going to end up with a bunch scratches. Rose then jump when she hear something in her cockpit. Oh shit, did she broken it? She then sigh in relief when it was only the radio.

As she turn off the radio, Rose can't help but to smile, at least she finally made two friends on her first day. With a deep breath and breathing out, Rose hold to her handlers, gripping as tight as she can, she was ready, ready to take on anybody on her first mission!
Rose almost trip on her own step when team leader said 2.4 million credits....2.4 million credits?! That much?! Hot damn! Rose wonders how many credits does each members have, a lot probably and for this certain curiosity on how rich everyone is, Rose starting feel some memories going on. After she left her home many years ago, she got no money in her pocket and the only way to move around is to get some part-time jobs, which back then, she was terrible at, she can't cook right, she was a terrible waitress, not great with gardening and all that kind of stuff. After selling her very expensive jewelry for some few bunks, Rose used to think maybe this was a bad idea, if she just suck it up and summit to her father's order, she wouldn't be living on the streets back then....But that part was over, this is her life now and she is sticking to it.

Rose and the crew finally made it to the mess hall, where they are greeted by glorious food. Rose was the first one to enter and grab something and although she is somewhat grateful at least, she can't stop thinking about home, thinking on what Clementine, Dahlia, Evander and her father eating right now. Damn dream, already messing up her morning. Why is she having those dreams lately? Those are not even dreams, they look like flashbacks of her past, she just hopes this won't be a recurring thing and won't sabotage her future missions. As she eats her can food, Rose wonders what her mission is going to be, it will be her first time riding insignia and just pray to god that she won't screw up and be a failure.
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