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Current roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Not giving up. Be a space monkey in the depths of scifi hell.
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roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Zooming near zero hear, kindred. Check it out. Help me out.
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roleplayerguild.com/topics/… Help me out, kindred. Let know what flow goes for your soul.
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Holy Shit!


Role Play Preferences:[/b] Pretty much everything except playing other characters and most slice of life plots. Elastic on most shit.

Fandoms: Silent hill, Homestuck, Bioshock(1-2) and pretty much all of HP lovecraft's stuff.

Personality: Ambiguously ?????????????????.

Favorite Homestuck characters: In order: Eridan, Karkat, gamzee, John.

Hate kanaya and Jade.

My Homestuck class: Bard of Void

Likes: Scented Candles, Writing, RP'ing-in almost any form really. Even if I haven't tried it before- Pixel Art, Making things period, Dressing up in my mad mass. Talking to folks. <3 that understand what I say all the time without me having to tame my tongue.

Dislike: Political talk-light prods for opinions are fine though if private- Being tied down. Talking about myself too much. Playing party therapist, Edgy shit.

Pretty approachable, most of the time I'm all fine with, motherfucking. dancing down a door way to someone else grounds to chill. I tend to either be chilling or drilling the oil out of the works so random absence or silences are a normal.

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This is a lore sheet, just to give more info on what the last king was like.

Registration of Current Nobles

The Name of the Noble:
Merin, Former king of Handon.

The House of which said noble belongs: Land Stuck Fish.

Banner: A single, distressed looking blue fish on a plain white background.

Formerly the House of Crowns-the official house all kings automatically join-

Current Age of said Noble: 99

House History:

Originally from an obscure lesser house, but at the beginning of his campaign his home was devoured within a week by another lesser house. Merin renounced his family name, and all the benefits, land, allowance or deeds it may supply. On his escape he had two loyal followers, an old servant and a single knight whom swore to serve his family to his dying day and saw Merin as one of the only true members of it left in spirit.

With their help he managed to create a new Hovel house on which he campaigned with: The Land Stuck Fish. It claim to power being an out of date fishing harbor and a small manor whom he rented out its rooms to. He owned a tiny fraction of the land and the right to fish.

It was a joke really, no one took the house seriously but Merin was the kind of man who wore jokes well. The land Stuck fish has a strong history of charity with its stock and personally has funded many sailors. He loaned money for these exploits and his kind, forgiving debts compared to many other lenders lead to him being very popular. He sometimes gambled and lost sometimes, but his judge of character mostly won out and he wasn't without customers. In this way he managed to use these funds to slowly buy enough land to move himself up from Hovel to Lesser House.

What he lacks in land he had enough in raw finance to assure him that house prestige. He never had children.

Lands and Ownership: The Land Stuck Fish own a fishing harbor, a tiny manor and a farm. Despite this tiny amount he actually has 20 knights devoted to his name and 10 servants along with 5 acres of land in a radius around it.

Autobiographical Knowledge:

King Merin was a strange man who was never afraid to play by a different rule book. His biggest strength was his sincerity and his commitment to the truth. He turned down and offended many houses who tried to bargain with him marriage of their daughters all throughout his political career by telling the truth. The truth that he did not love them. This lack of manipulation, harsh ambition, or ruthlessness at the expense of others is a pattern that followed King Merin to the throne. He was popular with the non-noble community wherever he went.

Mingling in the inns, buying drinks, joking, donating, appearing at less important families events, and training fishers for free on how to better get their catches. He was emotional and energetic, a man on which the fairy tale idea of love and sincerity of the marital legal system was built long before he was born.

and his rule would be just as much as a fairy tale.

King Marin time as king is one of the true rules of peace to fall on Handon without controversy or debate. He was the kind of king who, despite the age of 80 would take the children at the local orphanage out trick and treating, put massive funding into communal grains and shacks for the homeless. Many may feel that King Marin lacked the foresight to ensure a bigger economical pay off for Handon, this is true. He was soft on the rod and the sword and always struggled to properly support either. The economy would still prosper but dipped in some areas which took years to recover,or be replaced, during the crisis he tackled.

In short. King Marin will be remembered as a wise king in times of need, built a civil infrastructure that supports the needy, but was a bit too soft for the more militaristic or authoritarian houses and let slip some important investments for long economic power for more civil minded and..sometimes..eccentric things like new holidays.


Just, a motherfucking. heads up to heralds of the hearts hoping around on here.

I'm really digging these gems you all up melting about. But I ain't approving sheets until a bit of time has passed for everyone-including any new interest- get a chance to post sheets themselves. Then I'll start moving your marriage materials into the old gallery of goods.


I'm digging your lions of the land, my eroder of the earth. but one motherfucking. thing. it's Handon, not Hanlon. I mean. Hanlon sounds cooler to be honest but if I change it now shit will get confusing.

My tutor of the toilet seating is echoing my, motherfucking. red cell producer. I think it will be most fun that way.

but I ain't gonna force how RP'ers go about their shit.

It is a political RP. It's sort of like if a NRP, romance, fantasy and political pot all got together and decided to give, motherfucking play with polyamory. But the change of powers is done via intrique, marriage and all that moss and mold. Kindred.

It's not like. An insane boon. The only, motherfucking. deal is that the land mass is distant from the main kingdom. Like, no big deal. Just it gives the capital a wide berth. So like..it makes sense lore wise for the king not to just order it open so capital trade is easier.

but shit. Yeah, you can have that. Show what sort of society lives inside it when its on your sheet, brother. I'm curious.


Shit, I'm all sweet with confusion in the sheets, kindred. But. I'm ok with you being like. A none noble character if we get the. motherfucking. numbers for the main roles if that's what you're feeling.

I'd like to keep it 1 character per player.

Each player represents their own house. Despite their gender.
Don't have a map for reference so any directions on the layout of the kingdom or do we have free reign to invent lands and add them to the kingdom and to the possession of our house?

My, brother priest of the beasts. You got, motherfucking. total creative freedom. Have your city be a big ass desert. Have it be an ice hole. Have your people believe in a god that dresses like Santa. It's all bubble gum, kindred.

The only thing you got to work from is your own judgement on how much that stuff will fit with the society and setting from what few rulerinos I provided and lore.

A brief extension on some social lore:

None of this needs to be read. This is purely fluff to expand on the world and its systems.

Invisible Blood: Is a term for someone who isn't registered officially in their house. This happens, traditionally at 18-but can occur by an parent before hand- the reason for this is a bit complex but originally it was to stop Bastards or half brothers or whatever appearing out of some shadowy past and taking the houses lands in the case that heritage is somehow impended.

The other is so house can get rid of the unwanted. If a child is sick, lame, genetically disfigured, ugly or an assortment or other things. When they reach age they are not officially apart of the house and will, quickly as possible be married off to a lower house, hovel or even..paper king with a dowry so he will become, officially a member of their House instead.

Greater Houses: these are basically the 10 houses.

Lesser Houses: These are small houses that may own only a small amount of land. This can include a respectable authority over a couple of farms and even a village, some infantry to a small manor in the middle of nowhere with only a couple of rice growers living about. A lesser house is typically wealthy enough to have a small force and some businesses under them.

Hovels: These are House whom are locally powerful. They are respectfully rich and will have a nice, large house. They typically have only one servant and possibly a body guard or two whom either paid or by loyalty is dedicated to protecting the house. Most knights fall under this type of house. Traditionally these groups don't own land, instead owning houses or businesses in another lords land instead.

Paper King: A family whom has something but only in print. They can have a dubious claim to land, or even a deed to something utterly worthless like a empty, used up mine in the Grey Valley. These folks normally make their fortune by harassing more important house with these claims in court, which they will either get a settlement. Actually win the case, and random said land. Or use that land to force a marriage.

Most paper kings are petty, using a deed written by some house who maybe..sort of...could of..owned it at some point when it was being transitioned by another 3 houses. They have totally fake ownership or they may technically own a tiny amount of land in something bigger in which they harass until they can bleed their targeted family.

King merin being an open, happy, public relations sort of guy. You can expect that any policies that allow any strong Orwellian abuse to be squashed by him while he was in power.

Secret police aren't usually needed. The king has absolute authority, in terms of narrative, he has a right to put forward any policy he wants from..banning carrots to announcing a holiday where men walk around naked. So, unless a king comes into power that strongly values stealth and extensive control, over open mandate your special officers probably won't see a lot of actions outside of your houses lands.

Non humans can live in the houses, yes. Although they must be suitable for marriage and human relations, typically not TOO strange at least 75% humanese...maybe %60. The most monstrous and odd species would be from Geraing.

No. Not really. Generally as a rule humans don't have issues with monsters. A houses may have a philosophy off to them, but they will quickly become unpopular as Handon was always made of humans and none humans. They don't see a racial divide on their citizenship.
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