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Anyone else interested? We could use a few more people.

Out of curiosity, do you want a small group or a large one? For some reason, this game is showing both tags, so maybe that's confusing people.
So just a bit of clarification. The Titans have also been the Teen Titans when they were originally the sidekicks of the JLA put into one team before becoming their own thing, and when the team went defunct, they were eventually made up from Young Justice members who graduated to their teen years (yes, working on very old comics knowledge, but I'm a bit out of touch with comics these days). They started originally as a kid appeal team before becoming the teen appeal team (Teen Titans), and moved up to Young Adult interest while the JLA remains the "big boys" of the DC Universe.

Would the Titans here be made on the assumption of restarting the team as another Teen Titans incarnation, or straight to a more 'grown ups' mode as the Titans? If you noticed, Brightstar was pretty much written up to be a Teen Titan, though she can still be the baby of the team in a Titans incarnation.
Alright, here goes!

Looks interesting. Got room for an energy blaster/tech expert?


Given the banquet was to be thrown in their honor, Sarah expected that Stephanie and herself would have seats of honor somewhere. What she didn't expect was that they'd be seated on thrones next to the King himself, dressed in overly elaborate finery and jewelry, being approached and praised by the populace. It just feels awkward to sit before everyone like a golden idol, being praised and lavished like so - and they didn't even do anything yet! All Sarah can do is manage an awkward smile and accept the praises uneasily. If she's to be entirely honest, Sarah would have told them they didn't need to go this far.

She looks up at the ceiling, studying the depiction of the eight Oracles if only to keep her from how awkward it feels to be the center of attention. For some reason, the pink-haired one depicted was representative of 'laughter'. If that's meant to be her, she doesn't feel particularly giggly or funny. Heck, she wouldn't even know how to tell a good joke. Though if by 'laughter' they meant 'joy'... well, maybe she can do that. Assuming that's even what her creators intended.

She looks over to see how Stephanie is holding up through all this.


"Well, the King was angry with Tornel at his actions," Sarah says. "Maybe it's his way of an apology?"

She still remembers the fury in the King's eyes at Tornel's actions, and while she's still a bit upset about how Tornel had tried to kill her earlier, maybe he saw the error of his ways? She's a bit full after her brunch with the King, but she's certainly curious about the entertainment for the meal.

"Either way, sounds like there's going to be quite the spectacle there, and I'm kind of curious to see what they have."


Up in the tower, Sarah was looking out at the landscape, letting her pink hair dance in the wind, brushing it out of her eyes to get a clear view, a bright smile on her face. To her left is Sir Gravy, doing little more than admiring the view himself.

"It's not as high up as it was on the sky-manta's back," she tells Stephanie when the other girl joins her. "But here, I can see things better. I can see the people in the towns, the farmers in the field. It makes me wonder what they're thinking of, how they're living their lives. It's just... so strange, thinking about how these people spend their lives.

"To be honest... I envy them a bit,"
she admits, a warm smile adorning her face.

Peter, by contrast, is rather green in the gills, leaning on the inner wall away from the battlements, and trying not to throw up. He's clearly not comfortable way up here.

"Begging your pardon, Sarah, but I don't think I'm cut out for heights," he admits. "I've never been this high off the ground, to be honest, and I'm finding it's making me sick."

"Oh don't be silly, Peter," Sarah giggles. "You just don't look down. I mean, I've been 'alive' for the past week and I already guessed that bit."

"Easier said than done!" Peter says. "You told me not to look down and it got stuck in my head! You just don't tell someone that, especially if they're afraid of heights!"

"Well, maybe it's dangerous if you fell from a great height-"

"Exactly! And I'd rather not find out!"

"But as long as you're standing on something solid, you'll be fine." Sarah stamps the stone. "See? It's safe. Even if the heights look scary, you're safe."

She looks down to prove her point, but then something draws her attention. It's the scorch marks left by Bandersnatch, blasting the castle walls with fire and magic. The walls had weathered them well, but the scorched black contrasted against the majesty of the stonework, marring the appearance. The paladin notices her gaze.

"It's a shame what that brute has done to the walls," Sir Gravy admits. "Fret not, dear ladies, we'll have the painters and stonemasons clean that up as best as they can. This castle's survived worse, so no need to worry."

"That's nice," Sarah muses. "But it's what he tried to do. He tried to destroy the castle..."

"As I said, this castle's survived worse. Trust me when I say this castle might stand for centuries more yet!"

"Certainly not for his lack of trying," Sarah replies bitterly. "Why do Draygon's servants do this? They seem keen on destroying everything... why? What do they gain from this? It's bad enough the world's fallen from the days of the ancients, they're trying to destroy more of it..."
Any objection if I made Peter acrophobic? :P


"Well, hopefully that will make our search a little easier," Sarah says as they leave the Archives. "It's still a bit daunting to try and find the Oracles all over the map."

"I'll be honest, Peter says, rubbing his head, "This is probably the furthest I've ever been from home. The idea of going even further is rather intimidating... though I have to admit, also a bit exciting."

"It is, isn't it?" Sarah muses. "I mean, the view from the sky-mantas was wonderful. A bit windy, but you get used to it. The view was definitely worth it. I mean, you're way up there in the sky, and you look down and everything looks small, like doll towns. I couldn't even see individual people, I was so high up..."

"I don't know, what if you fell?" Peter replies, looking a bit green at the thought. "It's an awfully long way down..."

"Well, Pip almost slid off the wing, but that's because he was so small," Sarah admits. "Still, he didn't mind. Did you, Pip?"

Pip barks cheerfully at the mention of his name.

"Oh, I wonder what the view from the towers is like?" Sarah speaks up cheerfully.

"Oh, no thanks, I'm fine around here, ma'am," Peter says nervously. "Maybe we should tour the rest of the castle first nice and slooOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!!"

Despite Peter's protests, Sarah grabs him by the arm and drags him along to get a view from the tower. Pip barks and chases after them.

"Hurry up, Stephanie!" Sarah calls out cheerfully. "I bet it's a wonderful view from up there!"
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