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Jessica Jones is free game. I only put her as a friend to Gene because of Jessica's connection to Squirrel Girl.
Natalie Ellis

"I only told them the truth," Natalie answered. "Didn't go into any real detail either." She hoped it would be left at that as Archie started talking. Natalie didn't meet the eyes of the other two. Everyone but her seemed to think it a good idea to be secretive. Why? What would that achieve? They had everything to gain by being honest and everything to lose by lying when they were completely innocent. Was there something that Natalie was missing? That she was too naive to understand? It was possible, but Natalie's mindset of a regular civilian with faith in the system was a valuable point of view, right?

The food came and Natalie was nervous to try it. She'd been very unadventurous in the week since she came here when it came to food. Lots of sandwiches for lunch. Dinner was usually fast food or canteen grub. This was her first time in a proper restaurant since she was fifteen. She took a dumpling, dipped it in the sauce and took a bite. She coughed once or twice and her eyes were wide in amazement, and glistening wet.

"This the best food I've eaten in a long time!" She choked out in a wavering voice as she ate the rest in one go. It was while she was chewing that she saw Archie tense, and could feel the change the atmosphere. She looked round, following his gaze in time to see the woman get attacked and, as far as she could tell, killed, by a large man with a skull for a head. Natalie violently shot out of her chair, sending it clattering to the floor, and backed away. She looked terrified. Here were people who were clearly dangerous, and a threat to her No. Nononono. She didn't want to hurt again. But it was clear from the feral look in her eyes and her poised stance, that while she was scared, any attempt to get closer to her would be like trying to grab a snarling wolf. She watched this new arrival with unblinking eyes, paying attention to everything she did and everything she said.
Where did the crown come from?

Second character done. Let me know if he's okay.

Kasuke Mina

1A Classroom

It had been over a week, and Roy's words still hurt. She knew he was right. She should have let this go by now and moved on. But she still hadn't. Her ego was just too big too accept losing and an opportunity to prove herself and show everyone how wrong they were about her being weak and 'vulnerable' hadn't been presented yet. She wanted, nay, deserved to have the silent, fearful respect of everyone around her when they know that she's the number one hero of the class. There is no other way she will be able to shake off the choking legacy of her mother. She wasn't 'Seductress's daughter'. She wasn't 'that first year who almost died'. She was Kasuke Mina, future top 3 ranking Hero.

She smiled when prefects came in and announced that the Komei Olympics were so close, and that they will be undergoing training today. Mina had been training hard this past week, with an intensity that was almost scary. Her desire for fighting prowess, strength and power was bordering unhealthy and her friends had probably noticed.

Five minutes later, she was changed into the gym uniform (It would take a lot longer than five minutes to get changed into her hero dress) and waiting at the entrance to training ground Alpha. She was the first there besides Dulga, who she nodded to, There was a silent, unspoken level of respect between the two, Mina felt. Ever since their spar had both shown the other's strength and exposed their own weaknesses.

Maeda Hitomi

1A Classroom

Hitomi's week had been a lot more normal, and pleasant. Several days after making it official, Hitomi and Acion had been on their first proper date. They didn't kiss. There was a moment they almost did but both were too shy to follow through with it. It had been a pleasant and lovely day! Other than that, it had been an uneventful week. Lots of hanging out with Tomoe, classes were going well, etc.

Today, though, Hitomi felt the calm come to an end the moment the teacher walked in. He was smiling. He never smiled. This was bad news. Hitomi's sheep sense was ever so slightly tingling. He told the class of the Komei Olympics. Hitomi had been involved last year, but she had merely helped design and create the costume of one of last year's first year hero students. This time she would be a competitor, and having insider knowledge of what the Olypics entailed was making her nervous. Was she ready? Was she good enough to hang with this class full of powerful quirks?

Then another surprise. The Prefects arrived, and told them to suit up and head to training ground Alpha. It was time for another big training exercise, Hitomi supposed. Oh well. Here goes nothing!

Let me know how this is.
Interview 3: Ellis, Natalie

“Alright.” Radvi said, “Let’s start with what happened leading up to the body being found, from your point of view.”

”Okay. So. I was sitting on one of the benches by the river, reading a book, when Amelia teleported next to me. We talked a bit. Can’t remember what we said. It was just chatter. Then Lynn and Archie were walking in our general direction and up to us. I won’t say we’re friends but we all sat together the first day. Then there was another girl, but I don’t actually know her name. We haven’t talked.”

“Keaton Plasse.” Radvi replied, “She was present for last week’s incident during orientation, if only briefly. Now, Mister Anderson was the first one to actually see the body. Did you see it yourself as well?”

”Yes. Archie went into the forest, then we heard him scream. When we got there we found the body. It’d been washed up on the riverbank. None of us touched it. At least I don’t think. I didn’t look at it after my first glance.”

“So you don’t recall the physical state the body was in.”

”Oh, I can. Once glance was enough. Chest was caved in. I think the leg was broken. It was already starting to decompose. I...can we stop talking about the body?”

“Alright.” Radvi complied, “Tell me what happened afterwards.”

”I, uh, kinda got taken back to the Project Lion breakout. Came back to my senses two felled trees later. I wasn’t ready to see that kind of violence. I’m taking therapy and I do think it’s helping but...yeah. But then! But then I got in touch with Cara and let her know. As soon as I got a chance to think rationally about the situation.”

“And after that, three of your group left the scene.” Radvi stated, “You and Mister Anderson stayed behind. Which, as an aside, I appreciate. Now… the identity of the body was one Doctor Arthur Coleman, taught the school’s AP Biology class. You have no prior affiliation with him before his death, is that correct?”

”No. No, I don’t. But….but Amelia was saying something about his killer coming after her. I wasn’t exactly listening at that moment. It might have been shock or hysteria but I know fear when I hear it. She genuinely thought someone was after her and...it’s coming back to me, she thought that the body was put there as a message for her, which is ridiculous.”

Radvi sat in silent contemplation for a moment, giving Griffin a quick glance. “Do you have any further knowledge of the individual Miss Nelson was referring to?” He asked.

Natalie shook her head. “No. I don’t. And she didn’t mention anything unusual this past week either. We’ve talked a few times since the first day but it was never really about anything.”

“Alright.” Radvi said, standing upright. “That’ll be all for the moment. You can wait in reception until we’ve finished questioning others. Griffin will see you out.” He turned to his partner and nodded.

Griffin gave a slight smile from his position in the corner and pushed himself off the wall. He walked to the door that Radvi left and nodded to the girl still sitting. ”We’ll be returning to the reception area, follow me please.” He opened the door and stood just outside of it, letting Natalie have plenty of space to walk the way his finger was pointing. As she got closer she would be able to see his features quite plainly.

Natalie followed the direction of Griffin’s finger to the exit, but turned to look at him. Of course she noticed he was handsome. Lots of boys were handsome. Natalie never really gave a thought to boys’ looks. No, what caught Natelie’s attention were his eyes. They were cold great, and tired looking, and seemed to stare past everything. They were like hers.

”Sorry if this is a really inappropriate question, but...do you get really bad nightmares too? Sorry, it’s just your eyes.”

If Griffin was caught by surprise by the question he didn’t show it. He had been told his eyes seemed to be a blue abyss, that people could get lost swimming in them, and that they were some of the darkest blue they had seen, but Griffin had a feeling Natalie wasn’t talking about that. He saw a reflection of himself in her eyes, though the mirror was disjointed and cracked to show minute differences.

”You’re right, that is inappropriate. Now keep up.” He pushed past her, being careful not to make physical contact and led the way back to the reception area. His mind was plagued with indecision, he had thought he was keeping his flashbacks in check and that no one would notice, but now both Crispin and Natalie were asking him about it. He frowned and when he opened the door to the reception area he was careful not to glance directly at anyone. ”Remain seated until given permission to leave. That’s your only warning.”

He turned back into the corridor before giving her another chance to speak, his mind fully turned to introspection. But she didn’t. She sheepishly returned to her seat and kept her eyes to the floor.
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