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7 yrs ago
it's the unspoken rule of the internet that whenever you got Rick rolled, you must finish the entire video.


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Hi, i've been lurking around and was hoping to join this RP. Here's my submission and my version of Klarion. :>

Shogun of Shadow's Garden

The Demon faintly smiles at the sight.

The scenery. The Japanese theme garden straight out of the Feudal Japan period. The platoon of Samurai soldiers from every corner. The temple they're trying to protect by the order of its unknown leader, watching and sitting on its throne, wary of this intruder.

It was all an elaborate trap, A guise designed to lure its prey in. I find it amusing and yet I hate it so much. The thought of even deceiving and trapping me is of utmost laughable. Flauros's frown grew even wider.

Flauros clutches his face with the biggest shit-eating grin he can muster. His ring of power glistens. He trembles with excitement at how many humans dare to oppose him.

"Since I'm in a good mood, I'll let you live since none of you is even worth my time. Flee now or be turned into burnt corpses." Flauros extends his arm, manifesting an ample amount of black flame at the end of his index finger. He fires and incinerates the field behind them, setting ablaze the once peaceful garden.

As if the Demon summoner's act of aggression wasn't enough to break the morale of the troops of the opposing side.

A rift tore asunder. A portal opens behind Flauros. Demons of all shapes and sizes come pouring from this doorway. Bipedal fiends, Winged fiends, Animal shape fiends, lesser imps come forth to aid him, evening the odds against the enemies' numbers.

This should be a massacre.

Most of the Shogun's henchmen are quivering in fear, losing their footing as creatures beyond their comprehension manifest before their very eyes and started attacking them like ravenous beasts.

Their swords clink through their feral attack, struggling to fend them off, Doing the best they could not to get ripped to shreds by the creature's sharp fangs and claws but to no avail.

Others began to flee while the others reluctantly advanced to fight in service of their Shogun.

"Shit I didn't sign up for this, this is above my paygrade!"

"I should have stayed in art school!"

"Stay in formation and fight you fools, We must protect the shogu--arrggghh!!"

Everything burns as Flauros continues to ransack the bad guy's garden.

Greg watches the incident unfold from his monitor and winced at the horrendous act of the demon arsonist decimating their precious garden that he worked hard on during the weekend.

"Maaan i'm so getting fired for this, I should've done more background checks on this guy. I'm sure Mr. S.S. (Shogun of Shadows) can handle this. After all he is the second strongest and the most scariest member of the sinister gang" The intern sighed and continues to observe.

Shogun of Shadow's Throne Room

Flauros' trail of destruction ends as he reaches the throne room. A room made entirely out of high grade wood, imperial Japanese weapons hanging from each side of the walls as displays, and an abandoned chair fit for an emperor at the center.

Strangely enough, this room is suspiciously empty and quiet - That is until the shadows began to shift and move in his direction.

"Kill, War, Conquer " A hazy figure emerges from the floor and lunges a quick surprise attack.

Flauros's backline of disposable demons put their body on the line and easily got eviscerated trying to protect its master.

Its shadowy tentacles each wielding a sword strike true; Slicing them into two with one clean cleave before phasing out and blending in with the shadows once again.

The Demonic intruder stood his ground as he prepares to defend himself, anticipating the shade's attack.

"Kill, War, Conquer,.." The shade repeatedly chanted. It seems that's the only thing this creature knows. A shell of man that lost its sanity and reasoning. A deranged warlord that descended further into madness, fixated on living his life in these three simple words.

"My, you're nothing more than a mad dog. Consider yourself fortunate, Fiend. Today is the day that i'll put you out of your misery."

Flauros little adventure of torturing evil-doers and the perverse glee of doing so was over by the daylight.

It's back to the ole' mundane operation as the cafe manager as responsibility kicks in to start the day. Yay fun!

"Spam, spam, bills, yikes.. definitely spam.. huh? my, what do we have here?" Flauros raised a brow and leans back in his chair, curious about this particular letter of a rent advertisement that tickles his fancy. A mysterious letter that was specifically made as if to lure the demon general into a trap.

A conveniently placed ad that just opened around the corner of the shadiest part of the city. It seems to be the perfect location for his cafe expansion franchise with all of its suited specifics, agreeable conditions, and the low rental fee the ad is offering. It's almost too good to be true!

This letter reeks of malice, false promises, and ill intent attempt to scam those who are gullible enough to take the bait. Just like any normal ads. But alas curiosity got the best of him and decided to check what kind of fiend would have the audacity to fake such a note.

Flauros rolls out with two of his best demon henchmen and checks the place for himself. These demonic henchmen are the embodiment of strength and speed. One is a towering brute built like a brick and the other a slender being; both wearing business suits, guising themselves as normal humans.

Upon arriving at the designated venue, He saw an insurance company specifically made for volcano victims. A Weird choice for social security services but nothing out of the norm, right?

Within its spacious lobby, Flauros entered the site and can't help but notice the lonesome receptionist sprinting all over the place, preparing last-minute traps by the orders of his bosses. He seems panicked and running on a deadline as he bounces all over the place.

"Hope I'm not interrupting," Flauros clears his throat, hoping to get the intern's attention.

"Stupid kunai dispenser..." Greg muttered.

"Oh I'm sorry you have to see me like this, talk about bad timing huh? one of our deadly traps come to a bust.. I'll be there in a minute," The earnest young intern said, focusing on the task at hand, not even bother looking at Flauros and his two goons.

Being the gentleman that he is, Flauros decided to wait for the young intern to fix his struggles.

With a few smacks of the wrench trying to fix the machine, it starts whirling rapidly and instantly hurls a knife in the demon general's direction. Luckily, the gargantuan demon blocks it out of instinct, putting its massive body on the line for its master, absorbing it within its chest. Unfazed, The giant just grunted in response to being stabbed by a small knife like it was just your normal Tuesday.

"Yikes, that looks painful I'm sorry" Greg winced at the sight.

"Not to worry.. Uhm.. Greg" Flauros squints his eyes, reading the intern's name tag. "My good fellow over here is prepared for anything and understands the occupational hazard working for me" Flauros continued and steps forward.

"I think we got that out of the way, let's discuss why I'm here. may I ask who send me this obvious death trap of a letter?" He asked.

"Oh, you're one of those guys... Sorry to keep you waiting. My employer said to guide you to your doom. Just take the elevator on your left and somebody will accompany you to your inevitable defeat"

Just like the accommodating intern receptionist instructed, Flauros and his two bodyguards descend into the subterranean lair, patiently waiting inside the elevator cube while listening to its mellow music.

The lift suddenly comes to a halt.

The elevator doors open.

The sight of an underground paradise filled with droplets of falling sakura petals coming from a single sakura tree welcomes the demonic advocate.

It appears that this underground base is bigger than it appears.

This must be the garden room.

"Abandon all hope, Despair is imminent, for the shogun of the shadows consumes all. Descendant of the dark side of the sun" engraved on a stone wall lies an ominous warning.Upon this sign lies a small bridge that is connected to a lavish Japanese theme miniature mansion where the Shogun resides.

Despite the pleasant scenery, Flauros' evil eyes can't help but react to his surroundings. Beneath the facade of this artificial paradise. dangers are lurking about in the shadows.

Location: Mr. Blue's location

Interaction with: @Lurking Shadow@Silver Carrot

"As you wish.." Flauros returned to his usual decorum after hearing the young boy plead his case. He loosens his grip and drops the seemingly unconscious blue guy to the ground.

"For the record, I would never kill without a reason; that would simply be barbaric. Without these scums, I would cease to exist in this world.. their sense of dread and their ability to do vile things, It simply sustains me.. This is why I absolutely love this city." Flauros said with a wicked grin, briefly looking down at the indisposed man clad in blue at his feet with his cold yellow gaze. A subtle hint of what kind of creature or fiend he is.

"As for you, my little troublemaker, it seems you DID get what you want. though I expected it would be a little more bloody and more dismembering. Nevertheless, as long as you're satisfied then I too as well." Flauros said turning his attention to the draconic young girl who is now in the possession of that crate.

"although, you should tread lightly with that greedy trait of yours. you'll never know what kind of oddities you'll attract with it." He smirked, crossing his arms.

"It appears we're done here. it's getting late and I do hate publicity. I don't do the whole hero shindig so would you mind cleaning up the mess?"

"My card" Flauros offered his business card to the two, showing his name and his cafe's address written on it.

Location: Mr. Blue's location

"Well done, heroes.. I expect nothing less from the valiant protectors of Grailham. Alas, this little display no longer intrigues me.." Flauros scoffs and waves his hand, dismissing the visions made from his scrying projected around him.

"Something else caught my attention," Flauros's eyes flare up, seeing visions of an event happening not far from the heist.A draconic creature generating an ample amount of malice.

Unlike the bloodlusted velociraptor he saw way before, this young girl bares the sin of greed; and along with her is an agile young boy; who appears to be an innocent soul that seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"This should be worth my time.." Flauros smiled and snapped his fingers, Curious to see what's so damn important about that crate as well.

A Demonic circle appeared beneath his feet.

He muttered a short otherworldly incantation.

A ritual takes place between him and his hellhound.

He cast a spell that lets him swap places with his summon, sacrificing one of his hellhounds in the process.

One hell hound bursts into flames, sacrificing its own life as Flauros takes its place.

The demon manager from hell arrived just in time to make his entrance and intervened.

"Greetings, gentlemen. I think you should listen and hand over whatever she is asking.. I'm sure whatever inside of that thing isn't worth your insignificant lives." A man dressed in a black suit and a mutated dog appeared from the distance.

Flauros gains speed as he begins to levitate; tackling and slamming one of the guys surrounding Tobias into a wall. Grabbing the poor sap by the throat with his one arm, lifting him up and choking him in the process.

"My, you're a bit green working in the superhero biz, allow me to aid you," He said to the agile young boy, not letting his grip loose on one of the blue guy's neck. Flauros can tell that this youngling is very cautious with his actions and has no intent to take one's life out. An admirable, noble and laughable act, Flauros thought to himself.

"Go on, dear. take whatever is in that create, let your avarice drive you to get what you want." Flauros said to the draconic girl with a mischievous grin.

Location: The Devil's cafe

The greatest trick the devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist..

However.. this is not the case.

Flauros could have sworn that his scrying has been felt by one particular individual, the guy who can change himself into a ferocious raptor.

How could he sense it? Seeing the unknown and supernatural is considered a lost art. It died down a long time ago since the era of innovation and technology arrived. It must be just pure animalistic instincts given his ability to transform. Flauros thought to himself.

"Interesting, and such affinity to violence..." Flauros grinned from ear to ear, licking his lips watching the fight at the museum unfold. So much blood. So much pent-up aggression.

It's time for Grailham's resident demon to join in the fun.

Time to release the hounds.

Flauros' Hellhounds vs Sinister Six's Mr. Orange
Location: Museum Backdoor

Like in any cliche horror flick, the one that got separated from the group usually gets the boot in the worst way possible. And by someone. I mean the individual known as Mr. Orange, A brutish fellow clad in orange that can divide his 5 senses (sight,smell,touch, taste, and hearing) and bestow it to each of his clones, amplifying each to tenfold. But distributing his brain cells in the process as well. A weird ability but an ability nevertheless.

He is sinister six's designated lookout - and quite frankly he's not doing a good job.

"The jig is up boys, there are heroes in the area.. one of them is Dynamo, so if he's here, that would mean there's the media!"

"You had ONE JOB, sight!..you're supposed to be on the lookout"

"shut up,clone! i'm not taking orders from you"

"No, you shut up!"

"Knock it off you morons, who cares who's the original.. if one of us is in handcuffs, then all of us will be in handcuffs!"

As the manifestation of Mr. Orange clone's continues to pointlessly argue and bicker, the air becomes eerily humid. The stretch of sulfur becomes stronger with each passing second. An angry snarl was heard not far from where they stood. Darkness consumes their area.

"Shh.. everyone quiet, did anyone hear that?"

"Yeah, and what's that overcooked smell?"

From the shadows, two hellish creatures emerge from the darkness and begin to circle their prey. Their fur is black as the night and its physiology is similar to a mutated dog. Their fangs are sharp and ready sink in to any mortal flesh. Their eyes glow in red, almost petrifying those who stares back and has their sight set towards the group of sinners who wears bright orange spandex in the middle of the night.

"What are those?"

"Who cares! i'm not staying here to find out, everyone get in the van!"


They began to escape but to no avail. The hellhounds are too quick to pounce and too hungry.

All that follows was faint screams echoed through the museum. The sound of struggle and trampling footsteps completely vanished without a trace.

Music to Flauros' ear. The only thing He enjoys other than malice and a 5-star rating in his cafe, is fear instilled upon others.

What happened to Mr. orange is to anyone's guesses. One thing is for sure, they won't be participating in this hero vs villain brawl anymore.
Hajime Muto

"Ey. Sound like a plan, pairing up! i like it.. divide and conquer I'd say.." Hajime snaps his fingers with a matching smirk on his face after hearing Agiro's tidbits of information on what kind of sorcerers the group has to face and Fuyuhito's proposal of splitting up the team to benefit their cause.

This team is a bit dysfunctional and unhinged, yes. but maybe they can use that as an advantage, As far as Hajime is concerned, they have an ace up their sleeves: the element of surprise from this unpredictable group.

"Curse users normally rely on their curses which is obvious.. I know a thing or two about disabling the flow of negative energy.. so you should pair me up with someone who can bring some big-time offense, i could support them and work my magic, ya feeling me?" Hajime said.

"Don't sweat it kid, we'll rescue your brother one way or another, even if it means mowing down every single tree in this estate" He continued, giving a thumbs up gesture to Agito, giving the poor boy some reassurance.

Location: The Devil's cafe
Time: 11:11 pm


"As long as there is malice in this realm, my appetite will never be saturated..."

"Blood and darkness.."

"I am the evil that eats evil."

"I am the slumbering Fel that walks the nine realms along with the old gods and the new - I am.. "

"Ah...S--Sir Flauros, you're scaring tonight's shift. Is something wrong?" one of the crew spoke, a lowly imp stood his ground, trembling in fear as their manager begins to act ominous and started monologuing from out of the blue.

The other imps and demons in the back kitchen cease their actions as well, all with concerned looks on their face and can't help but acknowledge their demon general's frightening aura.

Flauros broke out of his wicked trans and looks around; realizing that his hunger for sin got the best of him.

"Oh my.. my apologies. It's just that my eye is acting up and has detected a suitable amount of malice somewhere not far from here. It's almost intoxicating..which reminds me, it's time to feed the ole' dogs." He explained with a smile on his face, returning to his friendly demeanor.

"Now, now.. Carry on everyone. and make sure to give our customers the satisfaction that they need and keep up the good work" Flauros clapped his hands in dismissal to his crew.

"Yes sir!" the crew shouted in unison, all returning to their kitchen duties and workstation.

After which, Flauros went on his way to the shadowy back alley of the cafe.

"You boys hungry?" He said with a wicked smile on his lips.

From out of the corner of darkness, two demonic hellhounds manifested straight from the abyss itself. These otherworldly dogs are invisible to the naked human eye and can be only seen by those who can see the supernatural.

On the rooftops of Grailham, a blond haired teenager let out a wolfish grin and began bounding from rooftop to rooftop as he chased his quarry. The hunt was on.

"Assess the situation first. I've detected multiple targets, one of them is on the roof. Although, i don't think he's with them, he doesn't have those absurd bright color schemes the others does" - Flauros scratched his chin and ponders for a bit.

"Now fetch.." with a simple command from Flauros. The ravenous hunting dogs snarled their hellish fangs and started running in the direction of the museum. Hungry for some bad guys to tear up and drag straight into the abyss.

One way or another, the sinister six will be missing a member after this is done.

The commotion has died down. The citizens went out on their merry lives as the vagabond, Ryuji wanders off the streets of Safari village as a free man. He spends his time mostly observing and tasting their delicacies, strolling around in the famous capital of the region all day long.

"Huh, this city is not much different from Goldenrod. Living in exile has its benefits I supposed, You get to travel the world more often " He smiled at Mori, steadily perched on his shoulders. The crow didn't answer and is simply sleeping like a log on Ryuji's side. He scoffs and lets his partner get its well-deserved rest.

While he was walking, something caught his attention. A strange heavy-looking ball rolls over his way and bumps into his leg.

"What a strange-looking ball" Curious, Ryuji picks up the ball and held it up high, and begins to examine it. The ball uncurled itself, stretching out its arms and legs, taking the form of a pokemon known as a Sandshrew. In its hands holds an invitation with the seal of the Saffron shogun himself.

"Would you mind giving back my pokemon?" from out of nowhere, A voice spoke behind him.

"Whhaat.. the hell man, you scared the ghastly out of me!" Ryuji exclaimed and quickly turns around, comedically taking a pose like he was about to throw some fist.

"I'm but a humble messenger of the Mudslap ninjas. That message is for you" The mysterious man spoke in a monotone voice as the Sandshrew rolled to its master's side.

Ryuji begins to examine the authenticity of the letter and right before he can ask any further questions; The shinobi quickly vanished, leaving a sinkhole from where he used to stand.

"Huh.. I guess we're being summoned, I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing."
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