Avatar of Smystar99


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Current Every once in awhile I come back after having a failed rp and seeing so many familiar usernames reminds me of how many of us have been here for years. It's like coming back to your hometown lol
10 mos ago
Being back to roleplaying after three years honestly feels so cathartic. Writing really is so therapeutic, I'm having so much fun lol
1 yr ago
Considering coming back to RPG and I come back to ads all over the site, AHH
2 yrs ago
Life really said I'm kidnapping you for nearly 2 years huh, I'm so sorry to all my rp partners for suddenly just disappearing for 2 years.
3 yrs ago
All partners and groups I`m in, sorry for being so absent, in the new year I`ll be getting out more posts for everyone ^^ I`ll be MIA for the next few days however, Happy New Year <3


☕About Me☕
Hello to whoever is reading this, I hope you are well and if you aren't hang in there, it'll get better ^^
You can call me Star or Fox if you'd like, I have gone by many names throughout the last forever of the internet. My username no longer really fits me but I have an identity crisis every time I try to think of a new one so it stays for now.
I`m a college student studying accounting, I also have a degree in media and design (animation, photo editing, graphics, marketing, exc). This year has kinda thrown me every which way so much of my time is all over but I try to write as much as I can. I do have a full time job on top of school.
☕I`m a bit of a coffee addict.
♀I`m female and I prefer she/her pronouns. I also prefer to write female characters in a FxM setting.
🌟I`ve been roleplaying for over a decade now.
⏳ I try to get posts out as fast as I can but my life is a bit chaotic, and I don't think it`ll slow down anytime soon. It makes it hard to respond straight away. Usually you may see a while between my posts, I do the best I can just as I expect from the people I write with. So please be patient with me, I really enjoy writing with people.
❤Romance in roleplays is nice but instant romance is unrealistic and most of the time really boring. I like it when characters gradually fall in love, it makes their relationship interesting.
👌I'm a very happy-go-lucky kind of person and very uncensored, I will cut through the bullshit, especially if it's late. I'm also a kluts, I trip over flat ground quite literally. My roleplaying style is much the same way, I write how I perceive situations. Making great literary choices is a top priority, but we're all human, it's not always going to be perfect. My responses will be as interesting and as thought out as I can make them though.

P.s. I exclusively fade to black.

I hope to write with you soon, don`t be afraid to send me a message ^^

Most Recent Posts

Fighting Boredom

@Lucius Cypher


Day 1, Morning

"Late Firith Sparrow,"

"Crimson Sparrow, Paladin of Sight, access granted, now online." A feminine voice in her head solidified as light blue transparent lines framed the assassin`s vision. Just thinking about what to do next was all she had to do and looking at the scene in front of her she was more than ready for action. It would save this subpar day anyway. The Tower had sent her to scope out the area and report back on anything “suspicious”. In this city everything was a bit suspicious, from the food to the people living in it.

All of this was besides the point however. Currently in front of the scarlet haired assassin was a fight in the alleyway below. ”Let`s see here,” the icon in her vision shifted from person to person searching identities and criminal history along with any notable details such as fighting style and known abilities. ” Malakaus, half-blood, welcome to the club mate.” She said to herself as she studied them all with her left hand under her chin. Currently she was perched on the edge of the rooftop above. It was giving her a great view of the overcompensation happening below her.

This Malakaus was known on record for playing a bit dirty in the past. This being said there wasn`t anything about magic in his data and this is why Crimson nearly lost her shit in a good way when he literally handed the orc in front of him`s ass to him, using magic! A street fighter who learned Will, this wasn`t an every day event friends. Most street fighters either chose to use magic at first or chose not too, not many changed so drastically in style. She couldn`t help but laugh to herself.

This was going to be fun!

Looking to the others she calculated a fire healer, five ogerons, and two, well one orc. The other one was out like a light on the ground. She knew getting into a fight was probably not the best thing to do in her position, she probably should just report it right? Well they had attacked an innocent civilian, one that could actually defend themselves granted, but why leave that part in.

With that she stood up and jumped down from the roof landing gracefully on the ground behind the fire healer.

“Why not let a local have some fun, after all I`m sure you really could use the help.” Crimson commented sarcastically to Malakaus looking at him with a playful but dead confident look on her face. She wasn`t vein, just confident in her own abilities, after all she was over 200 years in age, there was a LOT of time to practice.

He really didn`t need the help.

But she was bored, impressed, and overall intrigued.

Raising her foot up she landed a blow straight to the fire healer`s head with no hesitation. This signaled the continuation of the fight as now they were mad at him and now her for interrupting said fight.
I'll be writing tomorrow, my apoligies on the long absence!
@Lucius Cypher I'm down XD
I'll try those out and see what I come up with, I appreciate it ^^
Why writer`s block? Why do you torment me?

I can`t seem to think of a good opening post =/
@Themerlinhawk Okay, I see a lot of these mistakes could have been me just not reading right, I'll be sure to fix them sometime tomorrow and have a better copy. I also have backstory stuff built up/in development for her backstory but I saw I could leave some anonymous so I hid it a bit. I'll add a few more details and fix the things you pointed out though.
@Themerlinhawk Yikes, that bad O_O

@Themerlinhawk I'll try to get a form out tonight~
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