Avatar of SouffleGirl123


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
1 yr ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
1 yr ago
I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
2 yrs ago
No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep
5 yrs ago
Never did I think I'd be avoiding my roommates to avoid getting asked why there was a fake wedding in the lounge room but here we are, thanks DnD


Most Recent Posts

@HaleyTheRandom Sure
* judges harder* ;P

And in CHB chat XD


dude, you took, like, 60 off DX
@Midnight Howl Take your time gorgeous 😘. As much as we wish it was the other way round life comes first
Joanna Alicia Briggs

Half unpacked groceries sat on the table as Joanna tiredly scoured the screen in front of her for the nth time that week. A list of courses at the local community university being almost the only thing displayed on the screen of her cheap second hand laptop. She gave a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. With the large portion of overnight shifts she was receiving the young woman felt like this 'little control over her life' was just getting smaller. She felt like a living zombie. She never wanted to be a zombie. With a groan she drew he eyes away from the screen once more and turned to the other half of the groceries sprawled along the table. She slowly slipped out of her chair to resort to the mundane task of placing the groceries in their rightful places when a glimmer caught her eye.

Joanna's head whipped to its direction, the bathroom. In most cases she would have ignored such a situation, assumed it was the sun bouncing off of the mirror but something seemed... different. As if Joanna was being drawn to the core of the basic display. She warily walked toward it but felt as if she needed to. Logical reasoning, which would have told her that it was nothing, halted as she made her way into the crammed bathroom. Although the mirror seemed completely normal Joanna still couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. She outstretched her hand to press it against the glass only for it to slip through the reflective glass that was meant to be solid. "What?" she clipped, pulling her hand out. She wasn't a mirror expert but she knew they were not meant to do that. Next thing she knew Joanna was puled into the mirror by an invisible force.

Colours danced in her eyes. Random flicking scenes, one she knew and ones she knew not. random visual of clocks and laughter floated around Joanna as she felt herself falling. Am I going mad? was all she could manage to think to herself as she fell to the ground with a thump. A light shined ahead of her as the young woman was empowered to move toward it. She complied with the unexplained motive in her mind and ran. The light bringing her to cobblestone streets of an unknown place. Unfortunately she didn't stop soon enough, o run well enough. Whether she tripped over a pebble or her own feet was unknown to Joanna, however, she did know that she tripped and lunged toward a man in a pea coat, bringing him to the ground also as she fell.
@Midnight Howl
If we're talking relations Joanna is new hence wouldn't know anyone unless she knew an Alice in the real world? Let me know if you're interested otherwise I'll assume they're strangers
@Midnight Howl Glad to be messenger ;P xD

But honestly, peeps, I'm on so often so DM ahead! :D
@HushedWhispers Still here :)
@Midnight Howl Damn. Some time XD.
@Midnight Howl ikr? And it was all the original crew!
If you're not too busy I could sing to you in 3/4 hours
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