Avatar of SouffleGirl123


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11 days ago
Current See, my problem is I can read I just can't type for the life of me. My ability to accidentally typo anything is a forever running joke among my friends. It's chronic :(
12 mos ago
Cheers to 3000 days on the guild. I love you all 3000
1 yr ago
Y'all ever write something and just be shook about what you wrote? Cus damn it turns out I can write sometimes
1 yr ago
I drink water now, like lots of water. The only reason it hasn't made me too powerful is because I always have to pee now and idk if that payoff is fair tbh
2 yrs ago
No one remembers when corn kid said 'not everyone has to love it for it to be the best' and that quote hits deep


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@Dark Light Keep in mind they lived in Ireland until a few years ago but I like the idea if we can work it into their parents' backgrounds somehow
"Heh, cute, good luck with that, bitch. If I remember correctly last time I pulled that one on you," she replies, gesturing toward Jordan's eye, who she knew would be proudly sporting the damage rather than just forgot to cover that part of her face. As Jordan ordered her next coffee Emily called a simple, "Hey!" swiping the change before Jordan could grab it. If anyone else, she would go to lengths to get it back but Jordan was a special case, besides, Emily had mooched off of her many times, and she could get her back later.

As she pocketed the last of the change her head was running. Who could really put up with her? Long term too. Most of her friends were only around for booze and fun other than genuine loyalty, and a healer? But Emily's mind had come across a name rather quickly, she gave Jordan a smile. " Got it," and with that pulled out her phone, dialling the obvious candidate- Lana Ryder. She knew that simply explaining the situation wouldn't work so when Lana picked up Emily answered with, "Lana! Emergency at Michael's cafe! Come quick!" before hanging up the phone and turning back at Jordan.

@PureHeroine :P You're dragged in now (just let me know if you want out and I can do otherwise)
Emily shrugs "I mean, I've done it before, I could probably do it again, according to him it was 'amazing' but you have a point, no pin." she sighs. She didn't think it through, she never really thought through anything, she just had ideas, wild ones sometimes. "I mean, I can still drive! We just can't be caught by police, that's all. But, fine, how do you propose we do this smarty-pants?"
At Jordan's sarcasm Emily gave a chuckle, even when they weren't physically fighting Emily enjoyed their teasing and witty banter. "It was $40! Besides, bet it's more than you made shagging a bastard last night," she replies, leaning back into her seat, taking another sip if coffee, "With the right guy I could get much more anyway, with most guys really. This one got it easy,"

At Jordan's last comment Emily gave a chuckle. "Been there, done that, got the marks- well he got the marks, despite his will to rule everything he's a total submissive in bed. Though that's not a bad idea. Guy is loaded."
Emily put up a forefinger, signaling Jordan to give her a moment, before taking a large sip of her alcoholic coffee. She places it back onto its saucer with a 'clang' and gives Jordan a large smile. Oh, it was nice to see her friend once more, even if not in intoxicated states beating each other to a pulp. "Hey, I came up with that while sober! Besides, the alcohol opens my mind to all forms of creative. As for your first question..." with that Emily shifts in her seat and pulls out the other $20 note alongside the change and bangs it onto the table between them. "There's an upside to all that sleeping around,"
Emily couldn't help but be drawn to Jordan's eye not because of rare eye colour of green that tended to shift in shades depending on the surroundings but because of the purple traces that circling her right eye. Emily was still proud of that one. She had definitely paid to replace all the bottles broken in the crash, sure. "Gimme a sec," she replies, ordering herself a coffee, and paying with one of the stolen notes, first.

She returned back moment later, slipping back into her seat. She avoided the woman's second question, ready to come back to in a moment. "At this rate we're gonna be banned from every bar in New York by the end of next year. As much as I'm loving bar fighting with you here the scenery's getting boring, don't you think? Too same old, same old and most places tell us to not come back so my idea is we give them sometime... And terrorise the rest of the country instead! What do ya think?" That was when Emily's coffee appeared in front of her and without skipping a beat she pulls the flask from her handbag. She drank a decent amount out of the mug before replacing it with some of the whiskey from her flask and putting it back. "As for the second statement I left the house like 20 minutes ago, I don't get plastered the minute I wake up! Gimme time, I'll get there,"
Despite already determining a time and meeting place Emily wasn't necessarily prepared to arrive yet. Or to leave the house, really. The woman slipped out of the bed of her overnight lover for the night, still drunkenly passed out despite Emily's excited talking into her phone. She rolled her eyes, new drinkers were always such lightweights and seemed to be able to sleep through a bomb if it were before noon. She squirmed out of his arms, grabbing her jeans from next to the bed and slipped them on before noting the man's wallet on the nightstand. She opened up, a little ball of excitement forming inside her to see the man carried cash, a decent amount at that. She pulled out 2 crisp $20 notes, rolling them up and tucking them into her back pocket. "Thanks for buying me brunch, sweetie," she whispers with a chuckle, slipping on her V-neck black top before leaving the house.

10 minutes late. She made it to the cafe 10 minutes late, but not drunk, which she reckoned Jordan should be appreciative of that. Well, not drunk yet. Nonetheless, she arrived at the cafe, spotting the other redhead almost immediately. It's be hard to miss hair as bright as Jordan's. She remembered the woman's slightly groggy voice from the call earlier. "Good morning, sleepyhead! Do I have a proposition for you!" Emily greets her, slipping into the chair across from her
With things between the Guild and Dark Shadows dying down, Emily really didn't really need to be present there anymore. Days became unfruitful and, generally thanks to Jordan, she had become varying degrees of banned from a good portion of NYC's bars. Quite frankly Emily was ready for an adventure fix without the events of the Dark Shadows to give here that she did really have anything to go off. That was when an idea came to her. One that couldn't run the risk of her and her bar fight running out of bars from bans.

Emily picked up her mobile and called Jordan. She waited for her to answer, ready for the cheery, sweet voice of sober Jordan. When she did Emily made no greeting or small talk but instead simply said "Yo bitch, bring your sickly sweet, sober ass to Michael's Cafe in 20 minutes, I have an idea,"
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