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@Skwint@ProPro@Gardevoiran@Eklispe The post has arrived! If you have any questions on how your characters can choose let me know.
Reign: Kingdom Come
Chapter 3:B - The Stone

Col successfully unfastened the man's chain mail with great speed. Bastian's voice was urgent and time was not on their side. This man looked to be one of the soldier's squires. He was younger and Col recognized his face to be that of Colley Thierri. He had trained with him on occasion. They had talked philosophy and the politics of the land multiple times. Col couldn't help but be relieved he was still breathing.

Once the mail was removed, Bastian set to work on the man's chest. There were large puncture wounds that pierced the man's outer garments and stopped at the mail. There were small puncture marks on Colley's body, but the real injury was his broken rib cage. The bite was consistent of that of the wolfborn from earlier. Apparently its' bite was so strong that it crushed the rib cage. A dangerous beast indeed. Bastian wrapped the man's ribs with bandages. Then he tilted his head and poured a vial of herbal medicine down his throat.

After the liquid had been swallowed, the man began to cough. His chest heaved with great strain. Once the coughing had subsided, Colley's eyes opened wide with terror. He struggled to speak for some time, but finally managed to whisper, "They came...at night...So many. The theater ma-" he began coughing violently. Blood spilled out of his mouth. He tried to continue, but with greater difficulty, "Found him...ran...there." He leaned his head to the side over in Marque's general direction.

Marque faintly heard the voice of a wounded man. However, he was in such pain and anguish that he could not take another step to aid him. As he was backing up, he caught something out of the corner of his eye. There it was. The symbol. Etched into a another large stone that was halfway buried in the ground. Marque knew this was no coincidence. A second key. Even in his weakness he ran his hand over the rock. It felt warm.

Lorenzo found Martyrdom cowering and tried to soothe him with his shaking voice. His tears spilled down off of Merlin unto the cracking leaves below. Lorenzo began to hear the faint whistling of wind in the distance. He heard it get louder and louder. Then that breeze howled through the trees around Lorenzo. It kicked up the leaves which went spiraling into the air. It was ice cold. His ears picked up on something else in the midst of wind. There was howling. The very same from the night before, only this was within the wind itself.

Merlin whinnied in terror. His head swiftly turned in the opposite direction from the howls and he bolted away. Martyrdom followed as quickly as he could. They were not having any of this nonsense. Even when Merlin passed by his master it had no effect. It did not stop Merlin from continuing his flight. Lorenzo held on for dear life and tried to calm the horse. It took longer then he would have liked, but he finally managed to reign him in, stopping near the stone Marque was. Martyrdom followed soon after them. When the dog had finally calmed down he began to sniff the rock Marque was in fascination. He moved from it to a couple of feet away and back. Then he began to sniff Marque and the rock again. It was clear to Lorenzo that Marque's scent was in some way connected with this stone. How could that be unless he had been there before?

Col and Bastian felt the icy wind. They saw the leaves swirling through the air. They didn't know what to make of it, but they certainly heard howling within it. Col and Bastian shivered. When the breeze hit Colley, he had a much different reaction. He began to cough up blood. His chest heaved in great pain and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Within a few seconds, Bastian realized he was gone. There was no way he survived that amount of blood loss. Suddenly, the howling winds intensified. The leaves whirled in a beautifully, terrifying display. Red, yellow, and gold colors danced around them brilliantly until it was all they saw. Whatever this was, it was unnatural. They felt like it would freeze their very bones if they stayed too long within it.

From Marque and Lorenzo's perspective, the wind and leaves were isolated near Col and Bastian. Nothing was coming near them. That's when they all heard it. The sound of howls in the distance. Not just in the wind itself. The wolfborn knew they were there, and they were coming. The group heard at least a dozen howls all around them. There would be no running from this...

Col & Bastian

1. Attempt to retrieve an item before moving toward the group.
2. Stand your ground and retrieve all you can from the bodies.
3. Move toward the group immediately.

Marque & Lorenzo

1. Call out to the others and prepare for battle.
2. Try to discern the symbol and its meaning.
3. Something else.
I like your idea @Sol Grim. Fishbones might do the job, provided they don't break using them.
The post is up!
Cicero Bladewalker

There was a lot of talking back and forth between the crew and Cicero's allies. There was also a man behind the barred gate who was making a ruckus about their leader. Joss "Mutiny" Chrom. Cicero did not like the sound of that. Though at this point it was hard to discern who to trust if anyone.

As Gwyn hid behind him, Cicero stood more upright into a passive defensive stance. Though he did not have any weapons to speak of, he still knew how to disarm and wrestle with opponents. His joints ached from their journey and he couldn't find much to say. What was their game really?

That's when Graves put up the most ridiculously fake priest Cicero had ever heard of. He thought to himself, "Honestly, how could anyone actually fall for this load of garbage?" Cicero held in a chuckle which came out as a snort. Then he coughed to hide it.

Joss eyed the elf cocking his head to the side, ever so slightly. It was harder to see her behind the knight. Then he replied, "Oh yes, we is very close to port. Bout a day's journey out now." He nodded emphatically closing his eyes. The men around him did the same.

Dalious wasn't having it. He went into a mocking tirade about how inept the were regarding the reward. It was clear Joss wasn't pleased. He began to turn red in the moon-light, but they could hear him take a deep breath as he calmed himself, "We ave nothin' more to say to ye, Dalious. Our reward is to be rid of yer sorry hide." The men laughed at their former Captain. Though there were some who remained quiet. To the discerning eye it was clear not all the men were on the same page regarding Dalious.

Graves began his show as "Gravous Vigil." Then men looked at him questioningly. The longer he spoke the more they seemed to be convinced. Joss looked humbled and replied, "Ah yes, Calypso is indeed a maiden of kind waters and cruel storms. Being we is humble sailors an all I've never eard she had any clerics to speak of..." He paused for a long while looking over his men for any signs of knowledge. Making a decision he finally stated, "I'm sure it was cause of your help that these two," He gestured to Cicero and Gwyn, "made it alive out of the deep."

Joss ordered his man to fetch Graves' things and bring them down, "I apologize for this. I never knew ye to be a cleric." He shifted around a little nervous, "We appreciate the blessing.." He looked over everyone and stated, "Food will be served shortly on deck. Ye are all welcome to attend." It was clear he was excluding Dalious.

Would they go on deck with the crew? Stay below? Or something else?

As for Dalious, would he look for a way out, convince someone to help or wait it out?
I will have a post up tomorrow morning.
@Spiritzer I really like your post and the way he's spinning it. I want you to roll me a d20 on the guild here plus 2 for a convincing argument. We'll see how he does heh heh.
@Spiritzer Sorry to hear that man. Praying for safe travels.
Captain Cedric D. Boone - Cannon Castle VII

Cedric ran toward Lili as Bonekid congratulated her. He scooped her up so that she would not have to move another step on her own. She was bleeding and had already coughed up blood. She had put on quite a show. Enough to defeat the first mate of their opponents. Cedric spoke quietly to her as he carried her toward their other doctor, "Are you alright?" She would be in the capable hands of Feya. Lili would be back to full health in no time!

Boone glanced toward Bullet Bill for a moment and thought to himself, "He must be a devil fruit user, but what kind gives you the ability to turn into a cannon?" It perplexed Cedric, but it was better to find out now then in the middle of a battle with him. This new information would prove invaluable to their victory. Boone was sure of it.

Now, who was next up?
@The Muse I'm glad you've enjoyed it. It sounds like you'd make a good addition to the group. We were looking for one more. After this ship scenario we should be able to hook you in if my GM is okay with it. In the meantime why not read up on our 0th chapter to get a feel for the game and our characters?
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